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TMS320F280049C: CCS12 compile failed to generate bin file

Part Number: TMS320F280049C

OS: win10



"C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/utils/tiobj2bin/tiobj2bin.bat" "V1421Z.out" "V1421Z.bin" "C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_17.9.0.STS/bin/ofd2000.exe" "C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-c2000_17.9.0.STS/bin/hex2000.exe" "C:/ti/ccs1250/ccs/utils/tiobj2bin/mkhex4bin.exe"
makefile:162: recipe for target 'post-build' failed
'C:' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
gmake[2]: [post-build] Error 255 (ignored)

I have researched some related topic. And it seems all focused on this sentence:    %ofdcmd% --obj_display=none, header %outfile% | findstr/c:" ELF " > nul 2>&1. Some experts come up with some solutions such as divide this line into two lines. But I just don't know how to do it right. I tried several ways but all failed. Can someone show me how to do it? Thanks!