While testing our product which uses TMS320F28377S microcontroller, we noticed that the ERRORSTS pin goes high. We saw in the NMI Shadow Flag Register (NMISHDFLG) that a Flash Uncorrectable Error (FLUNCERR) occurred.
The problem is that it happens every time we put our product under specific test conditions. We tried logging the FLASH_ECC_REGS in an external NVM when catching NMI interrupt and read this :
The nmiAddr value corresponds to the returning address of NMI interruption and it seems to happen every time at this address.
Do you have any idea of what might be causing this Flash ECC error ? We don't see what could be causing this.
This happens whether the target is programmed using JTAG/CCS or using the Flash API with the Fapi_AutoEccGeneration option.
Thank you,