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Hi TI team,
I used the InstaSPIN Projects and completed is02 and is03, with dcBus_V set to 24V. In is03, the motor operates smoothly in open-loop mode. However, in is04, the dcBus_V value behaves abnormally, approximately around 8V. I did not see any assignment for dcBus_V in the example code. When running this program, the motor experiences vibrations and the estimator malfunctions. Could this value cause the estimator to malfunction? The same issue exists in example is05.
Looking forward to your reply! Thanks!
Hi Fa,
What is the DC bus voltage when you run V/f control in lab is03? Lab is04 doesn't use the angle from estimator and motorVars.VdcBus_V should be the ADC readings.
HI JIaXin,
When running lab is03, the DC bus voltage is 24V. However, when running lab is04, the DC bus voltage drops. I have tested the current and voltage sampling of the ADC using a current probe and a voltage probe, and I did not find any anomalies.
__interrupt void mainISR(void) { motorVars.pwmISRCount++; // // toggle status LED // counterLED++; if(counterLED > (uint32_t)(USER_ISR_FREQ_Hz / LED_BLINK_FREQ_Hz)) { HAL_toggleLED(halHandle, HAL_GPIO_LED2); counterLED = 0; } // // acknowledge the ADC interrupt // HAL_ackADCInt(halHandle, ADC_INT_NUMBER1); // // read the ADC data with offsets // HAL_readADCDataWithOffsets(halHandle, &adcData); // // remove offsets // adcData.I_A.value[0] -= motorVars.offsets_I_A.value[0]; adcData.I_A.value[1] -= motorVars.offsets_I_A.value[1]; adcData.I_A.value[2] -= motorVars.offsets_I_A.value[2]; adcData.V_V.value[0] -= motorVars.offsets_V_V.value[0]; adcData.V_V.value[1] -= motorVars.offsets_V_V.value[1]; adcData.V_V.value[2] -= motorVars.offsets_V_V.value[2]; if(motorVars.flagEnableOffsetCalc == false) { float32_t outMax_V; MATH_Vec2 phasor; // // run Clarke transform on current // CLARKE_run(clarkeHandle_I, &(adcData.I_A), &(estInputData.Iab_A)); // // run Clarke transform on voltage // CLARKE_run(clarkeHandle_V, &(adcData.V_V), &(estInputData.Vab_V)); counterTrajSpeed++; if(counterTrajSpeed >= userParams.numIsrTicksPerTrajTick) { // // clear counter // counterTrajSpeed = 0; // // run a trajectory for speed reference, // so the reference changes with a ramp instead of a step // TRAJ_run(trajHandle_spd); motorVars.speedTraj_Hz = TRAJ_getIntValue(trajHandle_spd); } estInputData.dcBus_V = adcData.dcBus_V; estInputData.speed_ref_Hz = motorVars.speedTraj_Hz; estOutputData.oneOverDcBus_invV = 1.0 / estInputData.dcBus_V; // // run the estimator // EST_run(estHandle, &estInputData, &estOutputData); // // get Idq, reutilizing a Park transform used inside the estimator. // This is optional, user's Park works as well // EST_getIdq_A(estHandle, (MATH_Vec2 *)(&(Idq_in_A))); // // compute angle with delay compensation // angleDelta_rad = userParams.angleDelayed_sf_sec * estOutputData.fm_lp_rps; angleEst_rad = MATH_incrAngle(estOutputData.angle_rad, angleDelta_rad); ANGLE_GEN_run(angleGenHandle, estInputData.speed_ref_Hz); angleFoc_rad = ANGLE_GEN_getAngle(angleGenHandle); Idq_ref_A.value[0] = IdqSet_A.value[0]; Idq_ref_A.value[1] = IdqSet_A.value[1]; // // compute the sin/cos phasor using fast RTS function, callable assembly // phasor.value[0] = cosf(angleFoc_rad); phasor.value[1] = sinf(angleFoc_rad); // // set the phasor in the Park transform // PARK_setPhasor(parkHandle_I, &phasor); // // run the Park module // PARK_run(parkHandle_I, &(estInputData.Iab_A), &(Idq_in_A)); // // run the Id controller // // // Set the Id current controller gain // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PI_run_series(piHandle_Id, Idq_ref_A.value[0] + Idq_offset_A.value[0], Idq_in_A.value[0], 0.0, &(Vdq_out_V.value[0])); // // calculate Iq controller limits, and run Iq controller using fast RTS // function, callable assembly // outMax_V = sqrt((userParams.maxVsMag_V * userParams.maxVsMag_V) - (Vdq_out_V.value[0] * Vdq_out_V.value[0])); PI_setMinMax(piHandle_Iq, (-outMax_V), outMax_V); PI_run_series(piHandle_Iq, Idq_ref_A.value[1] + Idq_offset_A.value[1], Idq_in_A.value[1], 0.0, &(Vdq_out_V.value[1])); // // set the phasor in the inverse Park transform // IPARK_setPhasor(iparkHandle, &phasor); // // run the inverse Park module // IPARK_run(iparkHandle, &Vdq_out_V, &Vab_out_V); // // setup the space vector generator (SVGEN) module // SVGEN_setup(svgenHandle, estOutputData.oneOverDcBus_invV); // // run the space vector generator (SVGEN) module // SVGEN_run(svgenHandle, &Vab_out_V, &(pwmData.Vabc_pu)); } else if(motorVars.flagEnableOffsetCalc == true) { runOffsetsCalculation(); } if(HAL_getPwmEnableStatus(halHandle) == false) { // // clear PWM data // pwmData.Vabc_pu.value[0] = 0.0; pwmData.Vabc_pu.value[1] = 0.0; pwmData.Vabc_pu.value[2] = 0.0; } // // write the PWM compare values // HAL_writePWMData(halHandle, &pwmData); #ifdef PWMDAC_ENABLE // // connect inputs of the PWMDAC module. // HAL_writePWMDACData(halHandle, &pwmDACData); #endif // PWMDAC_ENABLE #ifdef DATALOG_ENABLE // // call datalog // DATALOG_updateWithDMA(datalogHandle); // // Force trig DMA channel to save the data // HAL_trigDlogWithDMA(halHandle, 0); HAL_trigDlogWithDMA(halHandle, 1); HAL_trigDlogWithDMA(halHandle, 2); HAL_trigDlogWithDMA(halHandle, 3); #endif // DATALOG_ENABLE return; } // end of mainISR() function
Hi Fa,
In Level is04, could you try to reduce the given Iq reference and see if the DC voltage is normal? Also, for V/f control, did you run the motor with rated load?
HI JIaXin,
I have tried changing the reference value for iqi_qiq, but it did not improve the experimental results. The motor's operating condition is under no-load, and the motor gets a bit heated.
Hi Fa,
What inverter are you using? Are you using the two inverter kit that is supported in the lab?