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CODECOMPOSER: system project gives warning about project reference




I have dual core build setup with a system project, that refers to the CPU_1 and CPU_2 projects.

The CPU_1 project has a reference to another project named BOOTLOADER.

The build as such works fine, and the reference from CPU_1 to BOOTLOADER ensures that the BOOLOADER is always build before the CPU_1.

But i get these two warnings from systemproject

Eclipse project-references used by project 'CPU1' - consider localizing all dependencies between projects in the 'system.xml' file.	system.xml	/SYS_PRJ	line 1	Problem
Implicit project-configuration reference from 'project_1' - consider defining an explicit project-configuration for referenced project 'BOOTLOADER'.	system.xml	/SYS_PRJ	line 1	Problem

But I so not see any way to add more than one project per core, so how to solve this?

  • The CPU_1 project has a reference to another project named BOOTLOADER.

    Just to clarify, CPU_1 project has a project dependency on BOOTLOADER (which is configured in the project properties). CPU_1 project is referenced by the system project and everything builds fine and the only issue is the warning?



  • Yes that is correct.

    SYS_PRJ references CPU_1 and CPU_2 projects via the system.xml

    CPU_1 references the BOOTLOADER project using a eclipse dependency.

    CPU_1 project has this line in the <project> part of its .projectspec file


  • Thanks,

    But I so not see any way to add more than one project per core, so how to solve this?

    I believe you can only specify one project per core so the message is a bit confusing. I believe you can ignore the warning however I will confirm with experts.

  • In case the warning is to be ignored:

    1. I need a way to suppress it, quality standards do not allow to release SW with warning in the build.
    2. It must be reported as a bug.

    In the meantime i look forward to the reply from the experts. :-)

    But Maybe I should describe better what we want to achieve with this setup.

    We are making SW for the 379D dual core processor.

    On the primary core we have two parts

    1. A bootloader, that will do some stuff and then jump to main SW.
    2. The main SW implementing the application.

    On second core we have a plain single project SW with application SW.

    The bootloader and the man SW on primary core is two separate CCS projects. Build separately, but both written to the flash on primary core (in separate sectors).

    The primary reason to make a dependency from main SW to the bootloader is to ensure the bootloader is being build, when developers build the main SW, so the binary from the bootloader is available when it is time to write to flash.

  • Thank you for the additional details. I will pass on any updates from as I receive them.