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TMS320F28P650DK: not able to load code in the board

Part Number: TMS320F28P650DK


C28xx_CPU2: Flash Programmer: Error erasing Bank 0 FMSTAT (STATCMD on some devices) value = 65. Operation Cancelled (0).
C28xx_CPU2: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error
C28xx_CPU2: GEL: File: C:\Users\riya.badhan\workspace_v12\gpio_ex2_toggle\CPU1_FLASH\gpio_ex2_toggle.out: Load failed.

Hi,I am facing this issues  while I try to use the example epwm_ex3_syn, what should I do?

  • Hello Chenmin,

    Can you check the following in the CCS Flash plugin configuration (CCS Debug View > Tools Menu > On-chip Flash)?

    • Make sure you've allocated Flash banks to CPU2 as needed for your application. Do this from the CPU1 options.
    • Select which banks you want CPU1 to erase in the CPU1 options, and which banks you want CPU2 to erase in the CPU2 options.
    • Make sure the PLL is configured in CPU1 by clicking "Configure Clock" in CPU1 before attempting to program code using CPU2.

    Best regards,

  • Thank you for your reply.

    do you mean this :

    But I am using ne of the c2000 epwm example, I thought the .cmd file shown below have already arranged everthing, haven't it? 

    So how could I know which one arrange to CPU 1 or CPU 2 if .cmd file isn't doing it?


    Chenmin Deng

  • Hello Chenmin,

    The linker command file does not configure the Flash plugin. It only tells the linker where different object files are allocated in the device memory map.

    The Flash plugin is a different program that connects to the device and runs a temporary program from device RAM to program your .out into the device Flash. This program can run from CPU1 or CPU2; however, if you are running it from CPU2, the device must be properly configured to enable CPU2 to program the banks allocated to it.

    This is really only needed if you are doing a multicore project. If all you're trying to do is run this example (which by default should run from CPU1), then you should be doing everything from CPU1, not connecting to CPU2.

    Best regards,