I had a project running perfectly fine. After some time working on another project, I needed to download the program on a new card but I have inconsistent results. When the program is downloaded to the FLASH memory from CCS v.9.3.0, the program correctly starts from time to time but never after a power cycle.
I've checked that the position of the switches on the card are correct. I start the main function by calling the functions memcpy(&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart, (size_t)&RamfuncsLoadSize); and Flash_initModule(FLASH0CTRL_BASE, FLASH0ECC_BASE, DEVICE_FLASH_WAITSTATES);.
When I try to run it in debug mode, I obtain the error below:
Any advice would be much appreciated since I'm blocked with this error for several days.
Kind regards,