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Unstable result when starting a program from FLASH memory

Part Number: TMS320F28379D



I had a project running perfectly fine. After some time working on another project, I needed to download the program on a new card but I have inconsistent results. When the program is downloaded to the FLASH memory from CCS v.9.3.0, the program correctly starts from time to time but never after a power cycle.

I've checked that the position of the switches on the card are correct. I start the main function by calling the functions memcpy(&RamfuncsRunStart, &RamfuncsLoadStart, (size_t)&RamfuncsLoadSize); and Flash_initModule(FLASH0CTRL_BASE, FLASH0ECC_BASE, DEVICE_FLASH_WAITSTATES);.

When I try to run it in debug mode, I obtain the error below:

Any advice would be much appreciated since I'm blocked with this error for several days.

Kind regards,


  • Sylvain,

    I assume you are connecting to the device by launching the debug session; I'd like to avoid the code load, reset that happens here and just connect to the device, and then attempt to erase the flash.

    You should be able to right click on the ccxml file inside your project and "launch debug session"  Once you do that a new screen should pop up showing the CPU and CLA cores.  Right click on CPU1 and "connect"

    Once connected navigate up to "tools" and pick the flash tools.  This will bring up a new window, from there please look at the settings and then "erase" the flash.  Let me know if this is successful.

    Based on your error I don't think the flash programming is working, so if that fails the device won't run anything after power cycling, etc.  If we can get the flash to a know erased state, we can try to load the .out file from your project manually.

