What is the solution to add source search paths (also called source lookup path), with a script ?
When debugging an executable file (or library) compiled outside of Code Composer Studio, possibly on another computer, the source files paths in the debug information might not be relevant.
When debugging, this raises the error:
Can't find a source file at "*******"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.
It seems that there used to be a GEL function for this: GEL_SrcDirAdd
This GEL function is not supported anymore (search GEL_SrcDirAdd in CCS/Help/Help Contents). The help says: "The following GEL Built-In functions are not supported. The GEL will recognize these functions, however, no operation will be performed when they are called."
There is also a javascript function "addSrcSearchPath" in ...\ccs\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\86\0\.cp\resources\javascript\debugService.js
But this function "addSrcSearchPath" does not seem to work.
Best regards