TMDSCNCD28379D: Errors related to fatfs

Part Number: TMDSCNCD28379D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE, TEST2


I am trying to write data to sdcard via SPI communication, but I am stumped by the fatfs settings.
I am referring to SDFatFS.c , sdspi.c of C:\ti\c2000\c2000Ware_4_01_00_00 libraries\fatfs\sdspi, but when I build it, I get the following error.


undefined     first referenced
symbol      in file
---------      ----------------
disk_register   ./cg/SDFatFS.obj
disk_unregister  ./cg/SDFatFS.obj

error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "test2_SDC.out" not built


SDFatFS_diskInitialize,SDFatFS_diskStatus... function generated the same error.
However, I was able to solve the problem, because I used the same name as the disk_initialize,disk_status... function declared in diskio.h.
On the other hand, I don't know what to do with the disk_register,disk_unregister... function.

Could you please tell me how to solve this problem?

  • Hi,

    Can you check if diskio.h and diskio.c are included in your project build? Also, can you clarify what you mean by using the same name, I don't quite understand that part.



  • Thank you for your response.

    The diskio.c and diskio.h are included in the project build.

    Sorry for the lack of explanation.
    The function names used in SDFatFS.c in c2000/libraries/fatfs/sdspi and those declared in diskio.h were slightly different.

    The modified SDFatFS.c program is as follows

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
     * By default disable both asserts and log for this module.
     * This must be done before DebugP.h is included.
    #ifndef DebugP_ASSERT_ENABLED
    #define DebugP_ASSERT_ENABLED 0
    #ifndef DebugP_LOG_ENABLED
    #define DebugP_LOG_ENABLED 0
    #include <SDFatFS.h>
    #include <ff.h>
    /* SDFatFS Specific Defines */
    #define DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED    (~(0U))
    extern SDFatFS_Object* SDFatFS_config[];
    extern uint16_t SDFatFS_config_count;
    static bool isInitialized = false;
     * Array of SDFatFS_Handles to determine the association of the
     * FatFs drive number with a SDFatFS_Handle.
     * FF_VOLUMES is defined in <third_party/fatfs/ffconf.h>.
    static SDFatFS_Handle sdFatFSHandles[FF_VOLUMES];
    /* FatFS function prototypes */
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskInitialize(BYTE drive);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskIOctrl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskRead(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
    //    DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskStatus(BYTE drive);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskWrite(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer,
    //    DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    //Changed part***********************************************************
    DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE drive);
    DRESULT disk_ioctrl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer);
    DRESULT disk_Read(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    DSTATUS disk_status(BYTE drive);
    DRESULT disk_write(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    void uart_log0(char * msg)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
    void uart_log1(char * msg, uint32_t arg1)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
    void uart_log2(char * msg, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
     *  ======== SDFatFS_close ========
    void SDFatFS_close(SDFatFS_Handle handle)
        TCHAR           path[3];
        DRESULT         dresult;
        FRESULT         fresult;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = handle;
        /* Construct base directory path */
        path[0] = (TCHAR)'0' + obj->driveNum;
        path[1] = (TCHAR)':';
        path[2] = (TCHAR)'\0';
        /* Close the SD driver */
        /* Unmount the FatFs drive */
        fresult = f_mount(NULL, path, 0);
        if (fresult != FR_OK) {
            uart_log1("SDFatFS: Could not unmount FatFs volume @ drive"
                " number %d", obj->driveNum);
        /* Unregister the disk_*() functions */
        dresult = disk_unregister(obj->driveNum);
        if (dresult != RES_OK) {
            uart_log1("SDFatFS: Error unregistering disk"
                " functions @ drive number %d", obj->driveNum);
        obj->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
        uart_log0("SDFatFS closed");
        isInitialized = (bool) false;
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskInitialize ========
    DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskInitialize(BYTE drive)
        int_fast8_t     result;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        result = SDSPI_initialize(obj->sdspiHandle);
        /* Convert lower level driver status code */
        if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            obj->diskState = ((DSTATUS) obj->diskState) & ~((DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT);
        return (obj->diskState);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskIOctrl ========
     *  Function to perform specified disk operations. This function is called by the
     *  FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    DRESULT SDFatFS_diskIOctrl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer)
        SDFatFS_Object *obj   = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        switch (ctrl) {
            case CTRL_SYNC:
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_SECTOR_COUNT:
                *(uint32_t*)buffer = (uint32_t)SDSPI_getNumSectors(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: sector count: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_SECTOR_SIZE:
                *(WORD*)buffer = (WORD)SDSPI_getSectorSize(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: sector size: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_BLOCK_SIZE:
                *(WORD*)buffer = (WORD)SDSPI_getSectorSize(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: block size: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
                uart_log0("SDFatFS: Disk IO control parameter error");
                fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskRead ========
     *  Function to perform a disk read from the SDCard. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    DRESULT SDFatFS_diskRead(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount)
        int_fast32_t    result;
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj   = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        /* Return if disk not initialized */
        if ((obj->diskState & (DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT) != 0) {
            fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        else {
            result = SDSPI_read(obj->sdspiHandle, (uint8_t *)buffer,
                (int32_t)sector, (uint32_t)secCount);
            /* Convert lower level driver status code */
            if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskStatus ========
     *  Function to return the current disk status. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskStatus(BYTE drive)
        return (((SDFatFS_Object *)sdFatFSHandles[drive])->diskState);
    #if (_READONLY == 0)
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskWrite ========
     *  Function to perform a write to the SDCard. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    DRESULT SDFatFS_diskWrite(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector,
        UINT secCount)
        int_fast32_t    result;
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        /* Return if disk not initialized */
        if ((obj->diskState & (DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT) != 0) {
            fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        else {
            result = SDSPI_write(obj->sdspiHandle, (const uint8_t *)buffer,
                (int32_t)sector, (uint32_t)secCount);
            /* Convert lower level driver status code */
            if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_init ========
    void SDFatFS_init(void)
        SDFatFS_Object *obj;
        uint16_t i = 0;
        if (!isInitialized) {
            isInitialized = (bool) true;
            for (i = 0; i < SDFatFS_config_count; i++)
                /* Initialize each SDFatFS object */
                obj = ((SDFatFS_Handle)(SDFatFS_config[i]));
                obj->diskState = STA_NOINIT;
                obj->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
                /* Initialize the SD Driver */
     *  ======== SDFatFS_open ========
     *  Note: The index passed into this function must correspond directly
     *  to the SD driver index.
    SDFatFS_Handle SDFatFS_open(SDSPI_Handle sdspiHandle, uint8_t drive)
        DRESULT         dresult;
        FRESULT         fresult;
        TCHAR           path[3];
        SDFatFS_Handle  handle = NULL;
        uint16_t        i = 0;
        /* Verify driver index and state */
        if (isInitialized) {
            for (i = 0; i < SDFatFS_config_count; i++)
                /* Get handle for this driver instance */
                handle = (SDFatFS_Handle)(SDFatFS_config[i]);
                /* Determine if the device was already opened */
                if (handle->driveNum != DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED) {
                    uart_log1("SDFatFS Drive %d already in use!", handle->driveNum);
                    handle = NULL;
                else {
                    handle->driveNum = drive;
                    /* Open SD Driver */
                    handle->sdspiHandle = SDSPI_open(sdspiHandle);
                    if (handle->sdspiHandle == NULL) {
                        handle->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
                        /* Error occurred in lower level driver */
                        handle = NULL;
                    else {
                        /* Register FATFS Functions */
                        dresult = disk_register(handle->driveNum,
                     //       SDFatFS_diskInitialize,
                     //       SDFatFS_diskStatus,
                     //       SDFatFS_diskRead,
                     //       SDFatFS_diskWrite,
                     //       SDFatFS_diskIOctrl);
                     //changed part****************************
                        /* Check for drive errors */
                        if (dresult != RES_OK) {
                            uart_log0("SDFatFS: Disk functions not registered");
                            handle = NULL;
                        else {
                            /* Construct base directory path */
                            path[0] = (TCHAR)'0' + handle->driveNum;
                            path[1] = (TCHAR)':';
                            path[2] = (TCHAR)'\0';
                             * Register the filesystem with FatFs. This operation does
                             * not access the SDCard yet.
                            fresult = f_mount(&(handle->filesystem), path, 0);
                            if (fresult != FR_OK) {
                                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Drive %d not mounted",
                                handle = NULL;
                            else {
                                 * Store the new sdfatfs handle for the input drive
                                 * number
                                sdFatFSHandles[handle->driveNum] = handle;
                                uart_log0("SDFatFS: opened");
        return (handle);

  • There was a slight mistake in the previous code.Please see the code below.

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
     * By default disable both asserts and log for this module.
     * This must be done before DebugP.h is included.
    #ifndef DebugP_ASSERT_ENABLED
    #define DebugP_ASSERT_ENABLED 0
    #ifndef DebugP_LOG_ENABLED
    #define DebugP_LOG_ENABLED 0
    #include "SDFatFS.h"
    #include "ff.h"
    #include "ffconf.h"
    /* SDFatFS Specific Defines */
    #define DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED    (~(0U))
    extern SDFatFS_Object* SDFatFS_config[];
    extern uint16_t SDFatFS_config_count;
    static bool isInitialized = false;
     * Array of SDFatFS_Handles to determine the association of the
     * FatFs drive number with a SDFatFS_Handle.
     * FF_VOLUMES is defined in <third_party/fatfs/ffconf.h>.
    static SDFatFS_Handle sdFatFSHandles[FF_VOLUMES];
    /* FatFS function prototypes */
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskInitialize(BYTE drive);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskIOctrl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskRead(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
    //    DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskStatus(BYTE drive);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskWrite(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer,
    //    DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE drive);
    DRESULT disk_ioctl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer);
    DRESULT disk_read(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    DSTATUS disk_status(BYTE drive);
    DRESULT disk_write(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    DRESULT disk_register(
        BYTE drive,
        DSTATUS (*d_init)   (BYTE drive),
        DSTATUS (*d_status) (BYTE drive),
        DRESULT (*d_read)   (BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector, UINT secCount),
        DRESULT (*d_write)  (BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector, UINT secCount),
        DRESULT (*d_ioctl)  (BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void * buffer)
    DRESULT disk_unregister(BYTE drive);
    void uart_log0(char * msg)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
    void uart_log1(char * msg, uint32_t arg1)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
    void uart_log2(char * msg, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
     *  ======== SDFatFS_close ========
    void SDFatFS_close(SDFatFS_Handle handle)
        TCHAR           path[3];
        DRESULT         dresult;
        FRESULT         fresult;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = handle;
        /* Construct base directory path */
        path[0] = (TCHAR)'0' + obj->driveNum;
        path[1] = (TCHAR)':';
        path[2] = (TCHAR)'\0';
        /* Close the SD driver */
        /* Unmount the FatFs drive */
        fresult = f_mount(NULL, path, 0);
        if (fresult != FR_OK) {
            uart_log1("SDFatFS: Could not unmount FatFs volume @ drive"
                " number %d", obj->driveNum);
        /* Unregister the disk_*() functions */
        dresult = disk_unregister(obj->driveNum);
        if (dresult != RES_OK) {
            uart_log1("SDFatFS: Error unregistering disk"
                " functions @ drive number %d", obj->driveNum);
        obj->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
        uart_log0("SDFatFS closed");
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskInitialize ========
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskInitialize(BYTE drive)
    DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE drive)
        int_fast8_t     result;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        result = SDSPI_initialize(obj->sdspiHandle);
        /* Convert lower level driver status code */
        if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            obj->diskState = ((DSTATUS) obj->diskState) & ~((DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT);
        return (obj->diskState);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskIOctrl ========
     *  Function to perform specified disk operations. This function is called by the
     *  FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskIOctrl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer)
    DRESULT disk_ioctl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer)
        SDFatFS_Object *obj   = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        switch (ctrl) {
            case CTRL_SYNC:
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_SECTOR_COUNT:
                *(uint32_t*)buffer = (uint32_t)SDSPI_getNumSectors(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: sector count: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_SECTOR_SIZE:
                *(WORD*)buffer = (WORD)SDSPI_getSectorSize(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: sector size: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_BLOCK_SIZE:
                *(WORD*)buffer = (WORD)SDSPI_getSectorSize(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: block size: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
                uart_log0("SDFatFS: Disk IO control parameter error");
                fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskRead ========
     *  Function to perform a disk read from the SDCard. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskRead(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
    DRESULT disk_read(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount)
        int_fast32_t    result;
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj   = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        /* Return if disk not initialized */
        if ((obj->diskState & (DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT) != 0) {
            fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        else {
            result = SDSPI_read(obj->sdspiHandle, (uint8_t *)buffer,
                (int32_t)sector, (uint32_t)secCount);
            /* Convert lower level driver status code */
            if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskStatus ========
     *  Function to return the current disk status. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskStatus(BYTE drive)
    DSTATUS disk_status(BYTE drive)
        return (((SDFatFS_Object *)sdFatFSHandles[drive])->diskState);
    #if (_READONLY == 0)
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskWrite ========
     *  Function to perform a write to the SDCard. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskWrite(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector,
    //    UINT secCount)
    DRESULT disk_write(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector,
        UINT secCount)
        int_fast32_t    result;
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        /* Return if disk not initialized */
        if ((obj->diskState & (DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT) != 0) {
            fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        else {
            result = SDSPI_write(obj->sdspiHandle, (const uint8_t *)buffer,
                (int32_t)sector, (uint32_t)secCount);
            /* Convert lower level driver status code */
            if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_init ========
    void SDFatFS_init(void)
        SDFatFS_Object *obj;
        uint16_t i = 0;
        if (!isInitialized) {
            isInitialized = (bool) true;
            for (i = 0; i < SDFatFS_config_count; i++)
                /* Initialize each SDFatFS object */
                obj = ((SDFatFS_Handle)(SDFatFS_config[i]));
                obj->diskState = STA_NOINIT;
                obj->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
                /* Initialize the SD Driver */
     *  ======== SDFatFS_open ========
     *  Note: The index passed into this function must correspond directly
     *  to the SD driver index.
    SDFatFS_Handle SDFatFS_open(SDSPI_Handle sdspiHandle, uint8_t drive)
        DRESULT         dresult;
        FRESULT         fresult;
        TCHAR           path[3];
        SDFatFS_Handle  handle = NULL;
        uint16_t        i = 0;
        /* Verify driver index and state */
        if (isInitialized) {
            for (i = 0; i < SDFatFS_config_count; i++)
                /* Get handle for this driver instance */
                handle = (SDFatFS_Handle)(SDFatFS_config[i]);
                /* Determine if the device was already opened */
                if (handle->driveNum != DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED) {
                    uart_log1("SDFatFS Drive %d already in use!", handle->driveNum);
                    handle = NULL;
                else {
                    handle->driveNum = drive;
                    /* Open SD Driver */
                    handle->sdspiHandle = SDSPI_open(sdspiHandle);
                    if (handle->sdspiHandle == NULL) {
                        handle->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
                        /* Error occurred in lower level driver */
                        handle = NULL;
                    else {
                        /* Register FATFS Functions */
                        dresult = disk_register(handle->driveNum,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskInitialize,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskStatus,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskRead,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskWrite,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskIOctrl);
                        /* Check for drive errors */
                        if (dresult != RES_OK) {
                            uart_log0("SDFatFS: Disk functions not registered");
                            handle = NULL;
                        else {
                            /* Construct base directory path */
                            path[0] = (TCHAR)'0' + handle->driveNum;
                            path[1] = (TCHAR)':';
                            path[2] = (TCHAR)'\0';
                             * Register the filesystem with FatFs. This operation does
                             * not access the SDCard yet.
                            fresult = f_mount(&(handle->filesystem), path, 0);
                            if (fresult != FR_OK) {
                                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Drive %d not mounted",
                                handle = NULL;
                            else {
                                 * Store the new sdfatfs handle for the input drive
                                 * number
                                sdFatFSHandles[handle->driveNum] = handle;
                                uart_log0("SDFatFS: opened");
        return (handle);
    DWORD get_fattime(void) {
        return ((DWORD)(2024 - 1980) << 25) |
                ((DWORD)11 << 21) |
                ((DWORD)29 << 16) |
                ((DWORD)12 << 11) |
                ((DWORD)0 << 5) |
                ((DWORD)11 >> 1);
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
     * By default disable both asserts and log for this module.
     * This must be done before DebugP.h is included.
    #ifndef DebugP_ASSERT_ENABLED
    #define DebugP_ASSERT_ENABLED 0
    #ifndef DebugP_LOG_ENABLED
    #define DebugP_LOG_ENABLED 0
    #include "SDFatFS.h"
    #include "ff.h"
    #include "ffconf.h"
    /* SDFatFS Specific Defines */
    #define DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED    (~(0U))
    extern SDFatFS_Object* SDFatFS_config[];
    extern uint16_t SDFatFS_config_count;
    static bool isInitialized = false;
     * Array of SDFatFS_Handles to determine the association of the
     * FatFs drive number with a SDFatFS_Handle.
     * FF_VOLUMES is defined in <third_party/fatfs/ffconf.h>.
    static SDFatFS_Handle sdFatFSHandles[FF_VOLUMES];
    /* FatFS function prototypes */
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskInitialize(BYTE drive);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskIOctrl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskRead(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
    //    DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskStatus(BYTE drive);
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskWrite(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer,
    //    DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE drive);
    DRESULT disk_ioctl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer);
    DRESULT disk_read(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    DSTATUS disk_status(BYTE drive);
    DRESULT disk_write(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount);
    DRESULT disk_register(
        BYTE drive,
        DSTATUS (*d_init)   (BYTE drive),
        DSTATUS (*d_status) (BYTE drive),
        DRESULT (*d_read)   (BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector, UINT secCount),
        DRESULT (*d_write)  (BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector, UINT secCount),
        DRESULT (*d_ioctl)  (BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void * buffer)
    DRESULT disk_unregister(BYTE drive);
    void uart_log0(char * msg)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
    void uart_log1(char * msg, uint32_t arg1)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
    void uart_log2(char * msg, uint32_t arg1, uint32_t arg2)
        // Implement this log if the library is not working
     *  ======== SDFatFS_close ========
    void SDFatFS_close(SDFatFS_Handle handle)
        TCHAR           path[3];
        DRESULT         dresult;
        FRESULT         fresult;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = handle;
        /* Construct base directory path */
        path[0] = (TCHAR)'0' + obj->driveNum;
        path[1] = (TCHAR)':';
        path[2] = (TCHAR)'\0';
        /* Close the SD driver */
        /* Unmount the FatFs drive */
        fresult = f_mount(NULL, path, 0);
        if (fresult != FR_OK) {
            uart_log1("SDFatFS: Could not unmount FatFs volume @ drive"
                " number %d", obj->driveNum);
        /* Unregister the disk_*() functions */
        dresult = disk_unregister(obj->driveNum);
        if (dresult != RES_OK) {
            uart_log1("SDFatFS: Error unregistering disk"
                " functions @ drive number %d", obj->driveNum);
        obj->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
        uart_log0("SDFatFS closed");
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskInitialize ========
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskInitialize(BYTE drive)
    DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE drive)
        int_fast8_t     result;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        result = SDSPI_initialize(obj->sdspiHandle);
        /* Convert lower level driver status code */
        if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            obj->diskState = ((DSTATUS) obj->diskState) & ~((DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT);
        return (obj->diskState);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskIOctrl ========
     *  Function to perform specified disk operations. This function is called by the
     *  FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskIOctrl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer)
    DRESULT disk_ioctl(BYTE drive, BYTE ctrl, void *buffer)
        SDFatFS_Object *obj   = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        switch (ctrl) {
            case CTRL_SYNC:
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_SECTOR_COUNT:
                *(uint32_t*)buffer = (uint32_t)SDSPI_getNumSectors(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: sector count: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_SECTOR_SIZE:
                *(WORD*)buffer = (WORD)SDSPI_getSectorSize(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: sector size: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
            case (BYTE)GET_BLOCK_SIZE:
                *(WORD*)buffer = (WORD)SDSPI_getSectorSize(obj->sdspiHandle);
                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Disk IO control: block size: %d",
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
                uart_log0("SDFatFS: Disk IO control parameter error");
                fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskRead ========
     *  Function to perform a disk read from the SDCard. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskRead(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
    DRESULT disk_read(BYTE drive, BYTE *buffer,
        DWORD sector, UINT secCount)
        int_fast32_t    result;
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj   = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        /* Return if disk not initialized */
        if ((obj->diskState & (DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT) != 0) {
            fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        else {
            result = SDSPI_read(obj->sdspiHandle, (uint8_t *)buffer,
                (int32_t)sector, (uint32_t)secCount);
            /* Convert lower level driver status code */
            if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskStatus ========
     *  Function to return the current disk status. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    //DSTATUS SDFatFS_diskStatus(BYTE drive)
    DSTATUS disk_status(BYTE drive)
        return (((SDFatFS_Object *)sdFatFSHandles[drive])->diskState);
    #if (_READONLY == 0)
     *  ======== SDFatFS_diskWrite ========
     *  Function to perform a write to the SDCard. This function is called by
     *  the FatFs module and must not be called by the application!
    //DRESULT SDFatFS_diskWrite(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector,
    //    UINT secCount)
    DRESULT disk_write(BYTE drive, const BYTE *buffer, DWORD sector,
        UINT secCount)
        int_fast32_t    result;
        DRESULT         fatfsRes = RES_ERROR;
        SDFatFS_Object *obj = sdFatFSHandles[drive];
        /* Return if disk not initialized */
        if ((obj->diskState & (DSTATUS)STA_NOINIT) != 0) {
            fatfsRes = RES_PARERR;
        else {
            result = SDSPI_write(obj->sdspiHandle, (const uint8_t *)buffer,
                (int32_t)sector, (uint32_t)secCount);
            /* Convert lower level driver status code */
            if (result == SD_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                fatfsRes = RES_OK;
        return (fatfsRes);
     *  ======== SDFatFS_init ========
    void SDFatFS_init(void)
        SDFatFS_Object *obj;
        uint16_t i = 0;
        if (!isInitialized) {
            isInitialized = (bool) true;
            for (i = 0; i < SDFatFS_config_count; i++)
                /* Initialize each SDFatFS object */
                obj = ((SDFatFS_Handle)(SDFatFS_config[i]));
                obj->diskState = STA_NOINIT;
                obj->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
                /* Initialize the SD Driver */
     *  ======== SDFatFS_open ========
     *  Note: The index passed into this function must correspond directly
     *  to the SD driver index.
    SDFatFS_Handle SDFatFS_open(SDSPI_Handle sdspiHandle, uint8_t drive)
        DRESULT         dresult;
        FRESULT         fresult;
        TCHAR           path[3];
        SDFatFS_Handle  handle = NULL;
        uint16_t        i = 0;
        /* Verify driver index and state */
        if (isInitialized) {
            for (i = 0; i < SDFatFS_config_count; i++)
                /* Get handle for this driver instance */
                handle = (SDFatFS_Handle)(SDFatFS_config[i]);
                /* Determine if the device was already opened */
                if (handle->driveNum != DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED) {
                    uart_log1("SDFatFS Drive %d already in use!", handle->driveNum);
                    handle = NULL;
                else {
                    handle->driveNum = drive;
                    /* Open SD Driver */
                    handle->sdspiHandle = SDSPI_open(sdspiHandle);
                    if (handle->sdspiHandle == NULL) {
                        handle->driveNum = DRIVE_NOT_MOUNTED;
                        /* Error occurred in lower level driver */
                        handle = NULL;
                    else {
                        /* Register FATFS Functions */
                        dresult = disk_register(handle->driveNum,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskInitialize,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskStatus,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskRead,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskWrite,
    //                        SDFatFS_diskIOctrl);
                        /* Check for drive errors */
                        if (dresult != RES_OK) {
                            uart_log0("SDFatFS: Disk functions not registered");
                            handle = NULL;
                        else {
                            /* Construct base directory path */
                            path[0] = (TCHAR)'0' + handle->driveNum;
                            path[1] = (TCHAR)':';
                            path[2] = (TCHAR)'\0';
                             * Register the filesystem with FatFs. This operation does
                             * not access the SDCard yet.
                            fresult = f_mount(&(handle->filesystem), path, 0);
                            if (fresult != FR_OK) {
                                uart_log1("SDFatFS: Drive %d not mounted",
                                handle = NULL;
                            else {
                                 * Store the new sdfatfs handle for the input drive
                                 * number
                                sdFatFSHandles[handle->driveNum] = handle;
                                uart_log0("SDFatFS: opened");
        return (handle);
    DWORD get_fattime(void) {
        return ((DWORD)(2024 - 1980) << 25) |
                ((DWORD)11 << 21) |
                ((DWORD)29 << 16) |
                ((DWORD)12 << 11) |
                ((DWORD)0 << 5) |
                ((DWORD)11 >> 1);