TMS320F28379D: Using CLB and ePWM to control Multilevel Inverter

Part Number: TMS320F280037


Please advice me on how I can use the CLB and ePWM to control a t type five level single phase inverter as suggested in the thread. 

The inverter and carrier signals are shown in the diagrams below. 

Cody Watkins did suggest that the CLB can be used. 

Please advice me on how to implement it.

  • Part Number: TMS320F280037


    Am designing a single phase 5 level t type voltage source inverter for an off grid system. The t leg mosfets switch at a high frequency (50kHz) and the other leg switches at the line frequency (50Hz) as an unfolder. 

    My issue is how can implement phase dispositon modulation technique on a c2000 microcontroller. The figure for phase dispositon modulation is shown below.

    Please advice me on how I can implement this modulation scheme on a c2000 microcontroller. 

  • Part Number: TMS320F280037


    Am designing a single phase 5 level t type voltage source inverter for an off grid system. The t leg mosfets switch at a high frequency (50kHz) and the other leg switches at the line frequency (50Hz) as an unfolder. 

    My issue is how can implement phase dispositon modulation technique on a c2000 microcontroller. The figure for phase dispositon modulation is shown below.

    Please advice me on how I can implement this modulation scheme on a c2000 microcontroller. 

  • Paul, the CLB can be used for AOI logic implementations. This is what was previously being requested in the referenced thread. The only downside there is that the PWM output resolution will be that of the CLB clock. On the device mentioned above that would be 120kHz.

    Here is our closest reference design, which has example code in the DPSDK.

    I don't see what is special about the PD technique that you are trying to implement. As drawn it looks like all carrier waveforms are in sync, however in sync or not you can provide a phase shift to them. If you cannot select PWM pairs that utilize the same phase shift it may be required to only utilize one PWM output per module. That being said, it still may be possible to utilize the RED and FED registers to apply an additional phase shift to the second PWM output channel.

    I suspect that the Type-5 and later PWM module would work best for this application as it can individually apply phase delays to each PWM channel. Please note that type-5 PWMs are not avilble on your selected device. Please look at the F28P65x family.
