F29H85X-SOM-EVM: SSU Operation Modes

Part Number: F29H85X-SOM-EVM


How to modify the SSU Operation Modes?The description in the chip manual is too complicated. Is there a demo project? Thank you.

  • Hi Li,

    We do have an SSU Tool that makes it easy to configure the SSU (including setting up the operation mode). Please refer to the Implementing Run-Time Safety and Security with the C29x Safety and Security Unit Application Note that describes the SSU and then how to configure the SSU using the SSU Tool.

    Examples for configuring the SSU can be found within the F29x-SDK. Example directories below:

    • C:\ti\f29h85x-sdk_version\examples\driverlib\single_core\ssu\ssu_ex1_mode2
    • C:\ti\f29h85x-sdk_version\examples\driverlib\multi_core\ssu\ssuIpc_ex1_basic_cpu1_cpu3_multi

    Best Regards,


  • I compiled this project, but I can't download or debug it. The following message was prompted. May I ask what the reason is? Thank you.

    • C:\ti\f29h85x-sdk_version\examples\driverlib\single_core\ssu\ssu_ex1_mode2

  • I have read the following documentation, but I am unable to understand the steps for Post build sequence for FLASH configuration. How can I proceed with the specific steps?

  • I loaded the .out file of ssu_ex1_mode2, and it prompted Missing Flash Programming Settings below. Why is this? Thank you!

  • Hi Li,

    Can you please try the following steps and let me know if you are still seeing any issues?

    1) Build the project

    2) Expand the 'targetConfigs' folder within the project. Right click on the .ccxml file and choose 'Start Project-less Debug'

    3) Navigate to the Debug view on the left hand-side pane (Play button with a bug)

    4) Connect to CPU1 by right clicking on the CPU under THREADS and choosing 'Connect to Target'

    5) Navigate to 'Run' on the top menu bar of CCS and choose Load > Load Program. Select the .out file for the project.

    6) Power cycle the EVM

    7) Re-connect to the EVM and run the program

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Marlyn,

    I followed your steps in order, and when I finished step 5, the following error message appeared:

    According to the above prompt, I checked the NMI_STS register and RESC register:

    Still unsure of the reason.

    Best Regards,

    Geng Li

  • After trying to download other Flash projects, the prompt message changed when attempting to download the ssu.exe 1_mode2 project again.

  • HSSE mode can be downloaded, but SSU mode cannot be changed to Mode 2.

  • I am using this hardware F29H85X-SOM-EVM. Is there any hardware switch that needs to be changed?

  • May I ask which country and address you are in? So that I can adjust my time difference and respond to your message quickly, thank you very much!

  • Hi Li, 

    Can you please do a CPU reset (you should see this option if you right click on the CPU within the threads of the debug view) and do a restart?

    With regards to HSSE, can you please expand on this, where are you not able to change the SSU into mode 2? My suggestion would be for us to get HSFS working first before trying HSSE. It will be easier to debug what is happening this way. 

    No, your using the proper hardware for what you are running, and shouldn't need to make any hardware modifications. 

    I am in the US, Central Standard Time. 

    Best Regards,


  • I will show you my detailed operation steps. Do you have any questions? Still unsuccessful.

    It is worth noting that the documentation states that OpenSSL 3.1.7 needs to be installed, but the link URL in the documentation does not include OpenSSL 3.1.7, only OpenSSL 3.1.8. Could this be the reason for this issue?

  • Hi Li,

    Thank you for sharing the detailed steps you are taking. I am looking into this issue and should have a resolution for you before the end of this week. 

    Best Regards,

  • Thank you very much!

  • Hi Li,

    Can you please select the 'Allow NonMain Flash erase before loading data to Flash memory' within the Flash Settings after you connect to CPU1?

    Then run the steps as described above. Please let me know if you still see issues afterwards.

    Also, can you confirm that the SSU Mode in the .syscfg file is SSU Mode 2?

    Best Regards,


  • Thank you very much for your reply. There has been significant progress on the issue.The code can be downloaded now.

    However, SSUMODE has not changed yet.
    After successfully downloading the code, I powered on the hardware board again.
    I also tried clicking the reset button on the hardware board.
    But the SSUMODE has not changed yet.
    By reading the code, I confirm that SSUMODE is stored at 0x10D857F8. The value stored here is indeed 0xC.
    I confirm that the SSU Mode in the .syscfg file is SSU Mode 2
    The value of SSU Mode in the code does indeed change with the changes in the. syscfg file.
    At this point, download other project codes, SSU Mode has not changed either.
  • Hi Li,

    I'm glad the issue got resolved. You are doing all of the correct steps to change the SSU Mode, but I just noticed that your EVM is a Rev E1 (apologies for not catching that sooner). The SSU functionality is only enabled in units that are part of a RevA or higher EVM. Thus, you will need a new EVM that has the latest revision to be able to utilize the SSU. 

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Marlyn,

    I'm sorry to bother you again.

    I received the RevA board and successfully downloaded the ssu_ex1_mode2 project. The SSUMODE was also successfully modified to MODE2. However, after this modification, I can no longer download other demo projects, this has completely blocked all further development work. Why is this happening and how can it be resolved?

    Li Geng

  • Hi Li,

    I am glad you received the rev A board and have been able to successfully program the SSU with the example. 

    In order to run other examples you will need to put the SSU back into mode 1. Your second screenshot showed that the device is still operating in SSU mode 2. In this mode, runtime security features are enforced thus preventing you from executing the code in other examples where SSU settings have not been setup. 

    I compiling a series of steps for you to change from SSU Mode 2 to SSU Mode 1 after running the example from the SDK. I will share that as soon as it's ready so you can continue with your development. 

    Best Regards,
