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ESTOP0 in malloc function

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28023


My problem is that  when I'm running my program the program goes sometimes into the illegal isr. I couldn't localize until yet what makes calling the illegal isr. It seems that this behaviour is changing from compilation to compilation.

Yesterday it looks like the problem occurs by calling the malloc function. I had a look at the malloc function in the Disassembly view. There I saw that in the malloc function  ESTOP0 is called (see below Disassembly code). After that I copied my project from the labtop to the workstation (Windows XP). In the Disassembly on the workstation this ESTOP0 are gone. I copied then the D:\Programme\ccsv4\tools\compiler\ folder from the workstation to the labtop. Nothing changed in the Disassembly this ESTOP0 is still there.

Does the compiler something different on a Win7 64bit computer? Must I do something different when installing on a Win7 64bit computer? Any ideas?

Thanks four your help


My platform and tools:

- Win7 64bit

- Code Composer Studio Version:

- Compiler C2000 Code Generation Tools version 5.2.10

- TMS320F28023


A similar problem I've found in the community. Saddly there is no solution.

0x3F6EAC:   B2BD        MOVL         *SP++, XAR1
0x3F6EAD:   1EA6        MOVL         @XAR6, ACC
0x3F6EAE:   AABD        MOVL         *SP++, XAR2
0x3F6EAF:   86A9        MOVL         XAR2, @ACC
0x3F6EB0:   06A6        MOVL         ACC, @XAR6
0x3F6EB1:   ED03        SBF          3, NEQ
0x3F6EB2:   D100        MOVB         XAR1, #0x0
0x3F6EB3:   6F4F        SB           79, UNC
0x3F6EB4:   92A6        MOV          AL, @AR6
0x3F6EB5:   9001        ANDB         AL, #0x1
0x3F6EB6:   EC04        SBF          4, EQ
0x3F6EB7:   06A6        MOVL         ACC, @XAR6
0x3F6EB8:   0901        ADDB         ACC, #1
0x3F6EB9:   86A9        MOVL         XAR2, @ACC
0x3F6EBA:   761F0230    MOVW         DP, #0x230
0x3F6EBC:   C52A        MOVL         XAR7, @0x2a
0x3F6EBD:   3E67        LCR          *XAR7
0x3F6EBE:   761F0230    MOVW         DP, #0x230
0x3F6EC0:   921C        MOV          AL, @0x1c
0x3F6EC1:   EC03        SBF          3, EQ
0x3F6EC2:   767F6E83    LCR          minit
0x3F6EC4:   761F0230    MOVW         DP, #0x230
0x3F6EC6:   BE00        MOVB         XAR6, #0x00
0x3F6EC7:   8B1E        MOVL         XAR1, @0x1e
0x3F6EC8:   6F04        SB           4, UNC
0x3F6EC9:   C4A1        MOVL         XAR6, @XAR1
0x3F6ECA:   8AA1        MOVL         XAR4, @XAR1
0x3F6ECB:   8BD4        MOVL         XAR1, *+XAR4[2]
0x3F6ECC:   8F3FFFFF    MOVL         XAR4, #0x3fffff
0x3F6ECE:   A8A9        MOVL         @ACC, XAR4
0x3F6ECF:   0FA1        CMPL         ACC, @XAR1
0x3F6ED0:   ED03        SBF          3, NEQ
0x3F6ED1:   D100        MOVB         XAR1, #0x0
0x3F6ED2:   6F2C        SB           44, UNC
0x3F6ED3:   A3C1        MOVL         P, *+XAR1[0]
0x3F6ED4:   A9A9        MOVL         @ACC, P
0x3F6ED5:   FF54        NEG          ACC
0x3F6ED6:   1EA7        MOVL         @XAR7, ACC
0x3F6ED7:   AAA9        MOVL         @ACC, XAR2
0x3F6ED8:   0FA7        CMPL         ACC, @XAR7
0x3F6ED8:   62F0        SB           -16, GT
0x3F6EDA:   AAA9        MOVL         @ACC, XAR2
0x3F6EDB:   0904        ADDB         ACC, #4
0x3F6EDC:   0FA7        CMPL         ACC, @XAR7
0x3F6EDD:   680D        SB           13, LO
0x3F6EDE:   06A6        MOVL         ACC, @XAR6
0x3F6EDF:   ED06        SBF          6, NEQ
0x3F6EE0:   06D1        MOVL         ACC, *+XAR1[2]
0x3F6EE1:   761F0230    MOVW         DP, #0x230
0x3F6EE3:   1E1E        MOVL         @0x1e, ACC
0x3F6EE4:   6F04        SB           4, UNC
0x3F6EE5:   06D1        MOVL         ACC, *+XAR1[2]
0x3F6EE6:   8AA6        MOVL         XAR4, @XAR6
0x3F6EE7:   1ED4        MOVL         *+XAR4[2], ACC
0x3F6EE8:   C3C1        MOVL         *+XAR1[0], XAR7
0x3F6EE9:   6F14        SB           20, UNC
0x3F6EEA:   B2A9        MOVL         @ACC, XAR1
0x3F6EEB:   07A2        ADDL         ACC, @XAR2
0x3F6EEC:   0902        ADDB         ACC, #2
0x3F6EED:   83A9        MOVL         XAR5, @ACC
0x3F6EEE:   AAA9        MOVL         @ACC, XAR2
0x3F6EEF:   07AB        ADDL         ACC, @P
0x3F6EF0:   7625        ESTOP0
0x3F6EF1:   7625        ESTOP0
0x3F6EF2:   AAC1        MOVL         *+XAR1[0], XAR2
0x3F6EF3:   06A6        MOVL         ACC, @XAR6
0x3F6EF4:   ED05        SBF          5, NEQ
0x3F6EF5:   761F0230    MOVW         DP, #0x230
0x3F6EF7:   A01E        MOVL         @0x1e, XAR5
0x3F6EF8:   6F03        SB           3, UNC
0x3F6EF9:   8AA6        MOVL         XAR4, @XAR6
0x3F6EFA:   A0D4        MOVL         *+XAR4[2], XAR5
0x3F6EFB:   06D1        MOVL         ACC, *+XAR1[2]
0x3F6EFC:   1ED5        MOVL         *+XAR5[2], ACC
0x3F6EFD:   D902        ADDB         XAR1, #2
0x3F6EFE:   761F0230    MOVW         DP, #0x230
0x3F6F00:   C528        MOVL         XAR7, @0x28
0x3F6F01:   3E67        LCR          *XAR7
0x3F6F02:   86BE        MOVL         XAR2, *--SP
0x3F6F03:   8AA1        MOVL         XAR4, @XAR1
0x3F6F04:   8BBE        MOVL         XAR1, *--SP
          <source line is not available>
0x3F6F05:   0006        LRETR

  • Matt said:
    Does the compiler something different on a Win7 64bit computer? Must I do something different when installing on a Win7 64bit computer?

    The code generated by the compiler should not differ between a build on WinXP and one on Win7, as long as the same version of compiler tools and same build options are used in both cases.

    If you search the C2000 device forum there are several posts there with advice on how to debug issues that result in illegal isr. The experts in that forum might have additional suggestions as well so I will move this thread to that forum.

  • Hi AartiG

    Thankyou for your hint to look for posts how to debug issues that result in illegal isr. I'll check this.

    What I'm still not understanding at the moment is why I had this ESTOP0 in the malloc function. Any Idea?

    Best regards


  • Hi,

    I found now a workaround.

    At the first time I uninstalled the CCS4. Then I installed the CCS4 again and made the updates. I still saw this ESTOP0 when I compiled.

    After that I decided to copy the installation folder from the workstation (Windows XP) to the laptop (Windows 7 64bit). If I compile now the ESTOP0 are disappeared.

    I expect that the installer of CCS4 does something wrong under Win7 64bit. Could someone from TI check this please?

    Thank you
