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Linker command files - am I missing something?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE

I'm trying to set up a new project for a F28035 and I am having problems with the linker files.

I been trying to get the same set up as the examples, with F28035_FLASH.CMD, F28035_RAM.cmd and DSP2803x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd obviously Flash and Ram depend on the build configuration and are excluded automatically depending which configuration is selected. Even if I set the linker file on a per configuration basis in the project properties both files are shown as active regardless of the build configuration. Also manually adding the nonBIOS file results in it being excluded from the build.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Using CCSv5.2.0.00069



  • Steve,

    A few screenshots may help clear up your post a bit (project explorer, project properties, etc).  

    What version of F28035 headers are you using from controlSUITE?  I would recommend to try only leaving the FLASH or RAM linker in the project at one time (always leave the nonBIOS linker in the project).  I know we do different build configurations which select the linker for Concerto, but I'm not entirely sure if we ported that feature to Piccolo projects or not.


  • Hi Kris

    I figured it out in the end, I needed to set the "exclude from build" file property for each linker file for each build config. I set the linker command file project setting to the nonBios header for all configurations.


  • That's the direction I was going :) Glad it worked.
