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Error trying to load a program on a TMS320F28335

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335

Hello! I have a problem with my TMS320F28335. When I try to load a program on it always appear an error. Always appear a window with the following text:

"data verification failed at adress 0x338263. Please verify target memory and memory map".

I've revised the linker file and the gel file of the project, and try to uncheck the "enable memory mapping" from the options menu, but it doesn't solve anything. It's a memory error,but I don't know how to solve it.

I use the following files:

Gel files: "f28335.gel", "dsp2833x_peripheral.gel"

Linker files: "F28335.cmd", "DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd"


When I try to compile my program has 8 warnings, I don't know why. I hope someone help. Thank you very much in advance.


  • Enrique,

    The .cmd file "F28335.cmd" places code in the flash. CCS 3.3 can not load the flash directly.  You need to use the flash programmer plugin.  There should be a little icon with a lighting bolt on it in CCS - that will open up the programmer.

    There is an application note called "Flash Programming Solutions for the TMS320F28xxx DSCs".  This explains how to program and debug from the flash.

    If you'd like to run from RAM instead, then use the .cmd file with RAM in the name.



  • Hello Lori! Thanks for your post. I want to run from the RAM, not from the flash memory. I've change the files (28335_RAM_lnk.cmd instead of F28335.cmd) but I'm still having problems to load the program.

    The windows shows the following text: "....failed at adress 0x3FFFC0...". The adress belongs to a RESET parameter, but I don't how to change or what to do.

    Thanks a lot for the first answer.

  • Please make sure you have an up to date copy of the header files and peripheral examples.  The .reset section is in ROM and should be marked as type DSECT in the 28335_RAM_lnk.cmd file.  This keeps it from getting loaded.


       .reset                       : > RESET,     PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used                    */
       csm_rsvd               : > CSM_RSVD   PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used for SARAM examples */
       csmpasswds        : > CSM_PWL    PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used for SARAM examples */



  • Hello Lori! I was using the 1.02 version of the header files and now I've downloaded the 1.20 version which is the latest I've found. I try to load the program with the new files but I'm still having the same problem. My configuration of the file 28335_RAM_lnk.cmd is the same as you write in your post.

    I only use the .gel files and the .cmd files of the folder "tidcs", do you know if I need to use the libraries and the include files? I don't know where is the problem.

  • Enrique,

    If it is marked as type DSECT in the .cmd file then it shouldn't be loaded.  Can you double check the address and make sure it is the same as before?  Have you tried any of the example projects that come with the header files?


  • I've checked the memory adress and is the same as before (0x3FFFC0), but now I try with an example of the CCS and the program load properly. The problem is I need to load a code made from the Vissim, because my project has been made in Vissim, and is then when I've problems to load the program.

  • Enrique,

    I wonder if a different .cmd file is actually getting used by VisSim.   The VisSim folks post here now and then, but you may want to try contacting their support or post on their forums


  • So do you think the problem is with the linker file that vissim generates? Ok, I will contact their support to ask for a new .cmd file. Thanks a lot for your help.

  • Hello lori! I've just solve the problem. You were right, the problem was the vissim drivers. I downloaded the last version of vissim, create a vissim project in my code composer studio works! I can load the program on my DSP. Thanks!