Brief, I wonder if I use a 10 MhZ clock for Concerto which has 1 KhZ deviation, then does it causes any problem for correct operation of concerto. In other words, how much is the tolerance of Concerto for clock variation?
Detail explanation:
I want to use Crystal in clock generation of Concerto. However, " Hardware Design Guidelines for TMS320F28xx and TMS320F28xxx DSCs" stated that Cstray is 5 pF while in the control card design it is assumed 2.5 pF. based on the following chart there is almost 100 PPM deviation in clock frequency. Now if I use 10 MhZ clock that will be some thing around 1 kHz deviation. I wonder, if there is 1kHz deviation in my clock which is 10 MhZ, does it causes any problem for concerto operation?
Thanks in advance.