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****************************************************************************** TMS320C2000 Linker PC v6.1.0 ****************************************************************************** >> Linked Fri Jan 04 15:29:56 2013 OUTPUT FILE NAME: <SinglePhaseInverter.out> ENTRY POINT SYMBOL: "_c_int00" address: 003f6b5f MEMORY CONFIGURATION name origin length used unused attr fill ---------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ---- -------- PAGE 0: RAML0 00008000 00000800 0000010b 000006f5 RWIX RAML1 00008800 00000400 00000000 00000400 RWIX OTP 003d7800 00000400 00000000 00000400 RWIX FLASHH 003e8000 00002000 00000000 00002000 RWIX FLASHG 003ea000 00002000 00000000 00002000 RWIX FLASHF 003ec000 00002000 00000000 00002000 RWIX FLASHD 003f0000 00002000 0000010b 00001ef5 RWIX FLASHC 003f2000 00002000 00000000 00002000 RWIX FLASHA 003f6000 00001f80 00000dcb 000011b5 RWIX CSM_RSVD 003f7f80 00000076 00000076 00000000 RWIX BEGIN 003f7ff6 00000002 00000002 00000000 RWIX CSM_PWL_P0 003f7ff8 00000008 00000008 00000000 RWIX IQTABLES 003fe000 00000b50 00000000 00000b50 RWIX IQTABLES2 003feb50 0000008c 00000000 0000008c RWIX IQTABLES3 003febdc 000000aa 00000000 000000aa RWIX ROM 003ff27c 00000d44 00000000 00000d44 RWIX RESET 003fffc0 00000002 00000000 00000002 RWIX VECTORS 003fffc2 0000003e 00000000 0000003e RWIX PAGE 1: BOOT_RSVD 00000000 00000050 00000000 00000050 RWIX RAMM0 00000050 000003b0 00000300 000000b0 RWIX RAMM1 00000400 00000400 00000000 00000400 RWIX DEV_EMU 00000880 00000105 00000004 00000101 RWIX SYS_PWR_CTL 00000985 00000003 00000003 00000000 RWIX FLASH_REGS 00000a80 00000060 00000008 00000058 RWIX CSM 00000ae0 00000010 00000010 00000000 RWIX ADC_RESULT 00000b00 00000020 00000020 00000000 RWIX CPU_TIMER0 00000c00 00000008 00000008 00000000 RWIX CPU_TIMER1 00000c08 00000008 00000008 00000000 RWIX CPU_TIMER2 00000c10 00000008 00000008 00000000 RWIX PIE_CTRL 00000ce0 00000020 0000001a 00000006 RWIX PIE_VECT 00000d00 00000100 00000100 00000000 RWIX CLA1 00001400 00000080 00000040 00000040 RWIX ECANA 00006000 00000040 00000034 0000000c RWIX ECANA_LAM 00006040 00000040 00000040 00000000 RWIX ECANA_MOTS 00006080 00000040 00000040 00000000 RWIX ECANA_MOTO 000060c0 00000040 00000040 00000000 RWIX ECANA_MBOX 00006100 00000100 00000100 00000000 RWIX COMP1 00006400 00000020 00000011 0000000f RWIX COMP2 00006420 00000020 00000011 0000000f RWIX COMP3 00006440 00000020 00000011 0000000f RWIX EPWM1 00006800 00000040 0000003a 00000006 RWIX EPWM2 00006840 00000040 0000003a 00000006 RWIX EPWM3 00006880 00000040 0000003a 00000006 RWIX EPWM4 000068c0 00000040 0000003a 00000006 RWIX EPWM5 00006900 00000040 0000003a 00000006 RWIX EPWM6 00006940 00000040 0000003a 00000006 RWIX EPWM7 00006980 00000040 0000003a 00000006 RWIX ECAP1 00006a00 00000020 00000020 00000000 RWIX EQEP1 00006b00 00000040 00000040 00000000 RWIX LINA 00006c00 00000080 0000004a 00000036 RWIX GPIOCTRL 00006f80 00000040 00000040 00000000 RWIX GPIODAT 00006fc0 00000020 00000020 00000000 RWIX GPIOINT 00006fe0 00000020 0000000c 00000014 RWIX SYSTEM 00007010 00000020 00000020 00000000 RWIX SPIA 00007040 00000010 00000010 00000000 RWIX SCIA 00007050 00000010 00000010 00000000 RWIX NMIINTRUPT 00007060 00000010 00000010 00000000 RWIX XINTRUPT 00007070 00000010 00000010 00000000 RWIX ADC 00007100 00000080 00000050 00000030 RWIX SPIB 00007740 00000010 00000010 00000000 RWIX I2CA 00007900 00000040 00000022 0000001e RWIX RAML2 00008c00 00000400 00000098 00000368 RWIX RAML3 00009000 00001000 00000000 00001000 RWIX PARTID 003d7e80 00000001 00000001 00000000 RWIX FLASHE 003ee000 00002000 00000101 00001eff RWIX FLASHB 003f4000 00002000 00000000 00002000 RWIX CSM_PWL 003f7ff8 00000008 00000008 00000000 RWIX SECTION ALLOCATION MAP output attributes/ section page origin length input sections -------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------------- .pinit 0 003f6000 00000000 UNINITIALIZED ramfuncs 0 003f0000 0000010b RUN ADDR = 00008000 003f0000 000000ec SinglePhaseInverterClosedLoop.obj (ramfuncs:retain) 003f00ec 0000001b DSP2803x_SysCtrl.obj (ramfuncs) 003f0107 00000004 DSP2803x_usDelay.obj (ramfuncs) .text 0 003f6000 00000c9c 003f6000 000004d6 SinglePhaseInverterClosedLoop.obj (.text) 003f64d6 00000203 DSP2803x_Adc.obj (.text) 003f66d9 00000172 DSP2803x_DefaultIsr.obj (.text:retain) 003f684b 00000137 DSP2803x_SysCtrl.obj (.text) 003f6982 000000c4 DSP2803x_EPwm.obj (.text) 003f6a46 00000075 DSP2803x_CpuTimers.obj (.text) 003f6abb 0000005a rts2800_ml.lib : fs_mpy.obj (.text) 003f6b15 0000004a DSP2803x_Spi.obj (.text) 003f6b5f 00000044 rts2800_ml.lib : boot.obj (.text) 003f6ba3 00000029 : fs_tol.obj (.text) 003f6bcc 00000028 DSP2803x_PieCtrl.obj (.text) 003f6bf4 00000025 DSP2803x_PieVect.obj (.text) 003f6c19 0000001a rts2800_ml.lib : i_tofs.obj (.text) 003f6c33 00000019 : args_main.obj (.text) 003f6c4c 00000019 : exit.obj (.text) 003f6c65 00000015 DSP2803x_MemCopy.obj (.text) 003f6c7a 00000011 C28x_SGEN_Lib_fixed.lib : sgt1c.obj (.text) 003f6c8b 00000009 rts2800_ml.lib : _lock.obj (.text) 003f6c94 00000008 DSP2803x_CodeStartBranch.obj (.text) .econst 0 003f6c9c 00000100 003f6c9c 00000100 DSP2803x_PieVect.obj (.econst) .cinit 0 003f6d9c 0000002f 003f6d9c 00000019 SinglePhaseInverterClosedLoop.obj (.cinit) 003f6db5 0000000a rts2800_ml.lib : _lock.obj (.cinit) 003f6dbf 0000000a : exit.obj (.cinit) 003f6dc9 00000002 --HOLE-- [fill = 0] csm_rsvd 0 003f7f80 00000076 003f7f80 00000076 DSP2803x_CSMPasswords.obj (csm_rsvd) codestart * 0 003f7ff6 00000002 003f7ff6 00000002 DSP2803x_CodeStartBranch.obj (codestart) csmpasswds * 0 003f7ff8 00000008 003f7ff8 00000008 DSP2803x_CSMPasswords.obj (csmpasswds) .reset 0 003fffc0 00000002 DSECT 003fffc0 00000002 rts2800_ml.lib : boot.obj (.reset) vectors 0 003fffc2 00000000 DSECT .stack 1 00000050 00000300 UNINITIALIZED 00000050 00000300 --HOLE-- DevEmuRegsFile * 1 00000880 00000004 UNINITIALIZED 00000880 00000004 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (DevEmuRegsFile) SysPwrCtrlRegsFile * 1 00000985 00000003 UNINITIALIZED 00000985 00000003 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SysPwrCtrlRegsFile) FlashRegsFile * 1 00000a80 00000008 UNINITIALIZED 00000a80 00000008 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (FlashRegsFile) CsmRegsFile * 1 00000ae0 00000010 UNINITIALIZED 00000ae0 00000010 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CsmRegsFile) AdcResultFile * 1 00000b00 00000020 UNINITIALIZED 00000b00 00000020 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (AdcResultFile) CpuTimer0RegsFile * 1 00000c00 00000008 UNINITIALIZED 00000c00 00000008 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CpuTimer0RegsFile) CpuTimer1RegsFile * 1 00000c08 00000008 UNINITIALIZED 00000c08 00000008 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CpuTimer1RegsFile) CpuTimer2RegsFile * 1 00000c10 00000008 UNINITIALIZED 00000c10 00000008 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CpuTimer2RegsFile) PieCtrlRegsFile * 1 00000ce0 0000001a UNINITIALIZED 00000ce0 0000001a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (PieCtrlRegsFile) PieVectTableFile * 1 00000d00 00000100 UNINITIALIZED 00000d00 00000100 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (PieVectTableFile) EmuKeyVar * 1 00000d00 00000001 UNINITIALIZED 00000d00 00000001 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EmuKeyVar) EmuBModeVar * 1 00000d01 00000001 UNINITIALIZED 00000d01 00000001 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EmuBModeVar) FlashCallbackVar * 1 00000d02 00000002 UNINITIALIZED 00000d02 00000002 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (FlashCallbackVar) FlashScalingVar * 1 00000d04 00000002 UNINITIALIZED 00000d04 00000002 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (FlashScalingVar) Cla1RegsFile * 1 00001400 00000040 UNINITIALIZED 00001400 00000040 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (Cla1RegsFile) ECanaRegsFile * 1 00006000 00000034 UNINITIALIZED 00006000 00000034 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ECanaRegsFile) ECanaLAMRegsFile * 1 00006040 00000040 UNINITIALIZED 00006040 00000040 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ECanaLAMRegsFile) ECanaMOTSRegsFile * 1 00006080 00000040 UNINITIALIZED 00006080 00000040 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ECanaMOTSRegsFile) ECanaMOTORegsFile * 1 000060c0 00000040 UNINITIALIZED 000060c0 00000040 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ECanaMOTORegsFile) ECanaMboxesFile * 1 00006100 00000100 UNINITIALIZED 00006100 00000100 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ECanaMboxesFile) Comp1RegsFile * 1 00006400 00000011 UNINITIALIZED 00006400 00000011 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (Comp1RegsFile) Comp2RegsFile * 1 00006420 00000011 UNINITIALIZED 00006420 00000011 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (Comp2RegsFile) Comp3RegsFile * 1 00006440 00000011 UNINITIALIZED 00006440 00000011 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (Comp3RegsFile) EPwm1RegsFile * 1 00006800 0000003a UNINITIALIZED 00006800 0000003a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EPwm1RegsFile) EPwm2RegsFile * 1 00006840 0000003a UNINITIALIZED 00006840 0000003a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EPwm2RegsFile) EPwm3RegsFile * 1 00006880 0000003a UNINITIALIZED 00006880 0000003a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EPwm3RegsFile) EPwm4RegsFile * 1 000068c0 0000003a UNINITIALIZED 000068c0 0000003a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EPwm4RegsFile) EPwm5RegsFile * 1 00006900 0000003a UNINITIALIZED 00006900 0000003a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EPwm5RegsFile) EPwm6RegsFile * 1 00006940 0000003a UNINITIALIZED 00006940 0000003a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EPwm6RegsFile) EPwm7RegsFile * 1 00006980 0000003a UNINITIALIZED 00006980 0000003a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EPwm7RegsFile) ECap1RegsFile * 1 00006a00 00000020 UNINITIALIZED 00006a00 00000020 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (ECap1RegsFile) EQep1RegsFile * 1 00006b00 00000040 UNINITIALIZED 00006b00 00000040 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (EQep1RegsFile) LinaRegsFile * 1 00006c00 0000004a UNINITIALIZED 00006c00 0000004a DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (LinaRegsFile) GpioCtrlRegsFile * 1 00006f80 00000040 UNINITIALIZED 00006f80 00000040 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (GpioCtrlRegsFile) GpioDataRegsFile * 1 00006fc0 00000020 UNINITIALIZED 00006fc0 00000020 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (GpioDataRegsFile) GpioIntRegsFile * 1 00006fe0 0000000c UNINITIALIZED 00006fe0 0000000c DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (GpioIntRegsFile) SysCtrlRegsFile * 1 00007010 00000020 UNINITIALIZED 00007010 00000020 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SysCtrlRegsFile) SpiaRegsFile * 1 00007040 00000010 UNINITIALIZED 00007040 00000010 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SpiaRegsFile) SciaRegsFile * 1 00007050 00000010 UNINITIALIZED 00007050 00000010 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SciaRegsFile) NmiIntruptRegsFile * 1 00007060 00000010 UNINITIALIZED 00007060 00000010 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (NmiIntruptRegsFile) XIntruptRegsFile * 1 00007070 00000010 UNINITIALIZED 00007070 00000010 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (XIntruptRegsFile) AdcRegsFile * 1 00007100 00000050 UNINITIALIZED 00007100 00000050 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (AdcRegsFile) SpibRegsFile * 1 00007740 00000010 UNINITIALIZED 00007740 00000010 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (SpibRegsFile) I2caRegsFile * 1 00007900 00000022 UNINITIALIZED 00007900 00000022 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (I2caRegsFile) .ebss 1 00008c00 00000098 UNINITIALIZED 00008c00 00000074 SinglePhaseInverterClosedLoop.obj (.ebss) 00008c74 00000004 rts2800_ml.lib : _lock.obj (.ebss) 00008c78 00000004 : exit.obj (.ebss) 00008c7c 00000004 --HOLE-- 00008c80 00000018 DSP2803x_CpuTimers.obj (.ebss) PartIdRegsFile * 1 003d7e80 00000001 UNINITIALIZED 003d7e80 00000001 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (PartIdRegsFile) SINTBL 1 003ee000 00000101 003ee000 00000101 C28x_SGEN_Lib_fixed.lib : SINTB360.obj (SINTBL) CsmPwlFile * 1 003f7ff8 00000008 UNINITIALIZED 003f7ff8 00000008 DSP2803x_GlobalVariableDefs.obj (CsmPwlFile) GLOBAL SYMBOLS: SORTED ALPHABETICALLY BY Name address name -------- ---- 003f6000 .text 003f6c4c C$$EXIT 003f6abb FS$$MPY 003f6ba3 FS$$TOL 003f6c19 I$$TOFS 003ee000 SINTAB_360 003f6738 _ADCINT1_ISR 003f673d _ADCINT2_ISR 003f67e7 _ADCINT3_ISR 003f67ec _ADCINT4_ISR 003f67f1 _ADCINT5_ISR 003f67f6 _ADCINT6_ISR 003f67fb _ADCINT7_ISR 003f6800 _ADCINT8_ISR 003f674c _ADCINT9_ISR 003f653d _AdcChanSelect 003f65b2 _AdcConversion 003f6516 _AdcOffsetSelfCal 00007100 _AdcRegs 00000b00 _AdcResult 003f6805 _CLA1_INT1_ISR 003f680a _CLA1_INT2_ISR 003f680f _CLA1_INT3_ISR 003f6814 _CLA1_INT4_ISR 003f6819 _CLA1_INT5_ISR 003f681e _CLA1_INT6_ISR 003f6823 _CLA1_INT7_ISR 003f6828 _CLA1_INT8_ISR 00001400 _Cla1Regs 00006400 _Comp1Regs 00006420 _Comp2Regs 00006440 _Comp3Regs 003f6320 _ConfigAdc 003f6a87 _ConfigCpuTimer 00008c90 _CpuTimer0 00000c00 _CpuTimer0Regs 00008c80 _CpuTimer1 00000c08 _CpuTimer1Regs 00008c88 _CpuTimer2 00000c10 _CpuTimer2Regs 003f7ff8 _CsmPwl 00000ae0 _CsmRegs 003f6903 _CsmUnlock 00008c0a _DACa 00008c09 _DACb 003f66e3 _DATALOG_ISR 00008107 _DSP28x_usDelay 00000880 _DevEmuRegs 003f686f _DisableDog 003f67dd _ECAN0INTA_ISR 003f67e2 _ECAN1INTA_ISR 003f67a1 _ECAP1_INT_ISR 00006040 _ECanaLAMRegs 000060c0 _ECanaMOTORegs 00006080 _ECanaMOTSRegs 00006100 _ECanaMboxes 00006000 _ECanaRegs 00006a00 _ECap1Regs 003f683c _EMPTY_ISR 003f66ed _EMUINT_ISR 003f677e _EPWM1_INT_ISR 003f675b _EPWM1_TZINT_ISR 003f6783 _EPWM2_INT_ISR 003f6760 _EPWM2_TZINT_ISR 003f6788 _EPWM3_INT_ISR 003f6765 _EPWM3_TZINT_ISR 003f678d _EPWM4_INT_ISR 003f676a _EPWM4_TZINT_ISR 003f6792 _EPWM5_INT_ISR 003f676f _EPWM5_TZINT_ISR 003f6797 _EPWM6_INT_ISR 003f6774 _EPWM6_TZINT_ISR 003f679c _EPWM7_INT_ISR 003f6779 _EPWM7_TZINT_ISR 00006800 _EPwm1Regs 00006840 _EPwm2Regs 00006880 _EPwm3Regs 000068c0 _EPwm4Regs 00006900 _EPwm5Regs 00006940 _EPwm6Regs 00006980 _EPwm7Regs 003f67a6 _EQEP1_INT_ISR 00006b00 _EQep1Regs 00000d01 _EmuBMode 00000d00 _EmuKey 003f6beb _EnableInterrupts 003f696c _ExtOscSel 00000a80 _FlashRegs 00000d04 _Flash_CPUScaleFactor 00000d02 _Flash_CallbackPtr 00006f80 _GpioCtrlRegs 00006fc0 _GpioDataRegs 00006fe0 _GpioIntRegs 00008c10 _Grid_Freq 003f67bf _I2CINT1A_ISR 003f67c4 _I2CINT2A_ISR 00007900 _I2caRegs 003f66f7 _ILLEGAL_ISR 003f66d9 _INT13_ISR 003f66de _INT14_ISR 003f64d6 _InitAdc 003f64f4 _InitAdcAio 003f6a46 _InitCpuTimers 003f6982 _InitEPwm 003f636c _InitEPwm1 003f6992 _InitEPwm1Gpio 003f63dd _InitEPwm2 003f69a4 _InitEPwm2Gpio 003f69b6 _InitEPwm3Gpio 003f69ca _InitEPwm4Gpio 003f69de _InitEPwm5Gpio 003f69f0 _InitEPwm6Gpio 003f6a02 _InitEPwm7Gpio 003f6983 _InitEPwmGpio 003f6a14 _InitEPwmSyncGpio 000080ec _InitFlash 003f64ca _InitGPIO 003f6442 _InitLookupTable 003f68c7 _InitPeripheralClocks 003f6bcc _InitPieCtrl 003f6bf4 _InitPieVectTable 003f6877 _InitPll 003f6b15 _InitSpi 003f6b16 _InitSpiGpio 003f6b1b _InitSpiaGpio 003f6b41 _InitSpibGpio 003f684b _InitSysCtrl 003f6a25 _InitTzGpio 003f6934 _IntOsc1Sel 003f6944 _IntOsc2Sel 003f67d3 _LIN0INTA_ISR 003f67d8 _LIN1INTA_ISR 003f6837 _LUF_ISR 003f6832 _LVF_ISR 00006c00 _LinaRegs 003f6c65 _MemCopy 003f66f2 _NMI_ISR 00007060 _NmiIntruptRegs 003f6841 _PIE_RESERVED 003d7e80 _PartIdRegs 00000ce0 _PieCtrlRegs 00000d00 _PieVectTable 003f6c9c _PieVectTableInit 003f66e8 _RTOSINT_ISR 003f010b _RamfuncsLoadEnd 003f0000 _RamfuncsLoadStart 00008000 _RamfuncsRunStart 003f67c9 _SCIRXINTA_ISR 003f67ce _SCITXINTA_ISR 003f6c7a _SGENT_1_calc 003f67ab _SPIRXINTA_ISR 003f67b5 _SPIRXINTB_ISR 003f67b0 _SPITXINTA_ISR 003f67ba _SPITXINTB_ISR 003f6166 _SPLL_1ph_init 00007050 _SciaRegs 003f6865 _ServiceDog 00007040 _SpiaRegs 00007740 _SpibRegs 00007010 _SysCtrlRegs 00000985 _SysPwrCtrlRegs 003f6751 _TINT0_ISR 003f6729 _USER10_ISR 003f672e _USER11_ISR 003f6733 _USER12_ISR 003f66fc _USER1_ISR 003f6701 _USER2_ISR 003f6706 _USER3_ISR 003f670b _USER4_ISR 003f6710 _USER5_ISR 003f6715 _USER6_ISR 003f671a _USER7_ISR 003f671f _USER8_ISR 003f6724 _USER9_ISR 00008c16 _Vabsense 00008c0c _Vac_in 00008c1c _Vc 00008c08 _Vcomp1 00008c01 _Vcomp2 00008c05 _Vcontrol 00008c14 _Verror 00008c18 _Vi 00008c0e _Vp 00008c12 _Vref 003f6756 _WAKEINT_ISR 003f6742 _XINT1_ISR 003f6747 _XINT2_ISR 003f682d _XINT3_ISR 00007070 _XIntruptRegs 003f6958 _XtalOscSel UNDEFED __IQ21 UNDEFED __IQ21mpy 00000350 __STACK_END 00000300 __STACK_SIZE 00000001 __TI_args_main ffffffff ___binit__ ffffffff ___c_args__ 003f6d9c ___cinit__ 003f6c9c ___etext__ ffffffff ___pinit__ 003f6000 ___text__ 003f6c33 __args_main 00008c78 __cleanup_ptr 00008c7a __dtors_ptr 00008c76 __lock 003f6c93 __nop 003f6c8f __register_lock 003f6c8b __register_unlock 00000050 __stack 00008c74 __unlock 003f6c4c _abort 00008012 _adc_isr 00008c07 _c 003f6b5f _c_int00 00008000 _cpu_timer0_isr 000080e4 _ePWM_TZ_isr 003f6c4e _exit 003f6293 _main 00008c02 _rdataA 00008c04 _rdataB 003f6846 _rsvd_ISR 00008c00 _sdataA 00008c03 _sdataB 00008c24 _sgen 003f64bb _spi_fifo_init 003f644e _spi_init 003f6465 _spi_xmitSPIa 003f648e _spi_xmitSPIb 00008c40 _spll1 00008c0b _statevariableA 00008c06 _statevariableB ffffffff binit 003f6d9c cinit 003f7ff6 code_start 003f6c9c etext ffffffff pinit GLOBAL SYMBOLS: SORTED BY Symbol Address address name -------- ---- 00000001 __TI_args_main 00000050 __stack 00000300 __STACK_SIZE 00000350 __STACK_END 00000880 _DevEmuRegs 00000985 _SysPwrCtrlRegs 00000a80 _FlashRegs 00000ae0 _CsmRegs 00000b00 _AdcResult 00000c00 _CpuTimer0Regs 00000c08 _CpuTimer1Regs 00000c10 _CpuTimer2Regs 00000ce0 _PieCtrlRegs 00000d00 _EmuKey 00000d00 _PieVectTable 00000d01 _EmuBMode 00000d02 _Flash_CallbackPtr 00000d04 _Flash_CPUScaleFactor 00001400 _Cla1Regs 00006000 _ECanaRegs 00006040 _ECanaLAMRegs 00006080 _ECanaMOTSRegs 000060c0 _ECanaMOTORegs 00006100 _ECanaMboxes 00006400 _Comp1Regs 00006420 _Comp2Regs 00006440 _Comp3Regs 00006800 _EPwm1Regs 00006840 _EPwm2Regs 00006880 _EPwm3Regs 000068c0 _EPwm4Regs 00006900 _EPwm5Regs 00006940 _EPwm6Regs 00006980 _EPwm7Regs 00006a00 _ECap1Regs 00006b00 _EQep1Regs 00006c00 _LinaRegs 00006f80 _GpioCtrlRegs 00006fc0 _GpioDataRegs 00006fe0 _GpioIntRegs 00007010 _SysCtrlRegs 00007040 _SpiaRegs 00007050 _SciaRegs 00007060 _NmiIntruptRegs 00007070 _XIntruptRegs 00007100 _AdcRegs 00007740 _SpibRegs 00007900 _I2caRegs 00008000 _RamfuncsRunStart 00008000 _cpu_timer0_isr 00008012 _adc_isr 000080e4 _ePWM_TZ_isr 000080ec _InitFlash 00008107 _DSP28x_usDelay 00008c00 _sdataA 00008c01 _Vcomp2 00008c02 _rdataA 00008c03 _sdataB 00008c04 _rdataB 00008c05 _Vcontrol 00008c06 _statevariableB 00008c07 _c 00008c08 _Vcomp1 00008c09 _DACb 00008c0a _DACa 00008c0b _statevariableA 00008c0c _Vac_in 00008c0e _Vp 00008c10 _Grid_Freq 00008c12 _Vref 00008c14 _Verror 00008c16 _Vabsense 00008c18 _Vi 00008c1c _Vc 00008c24 _sgen 00008c40 _spll1 00008c74 __unlock 00008c76 __lock 00008c78 __cleanup_ptr 00008c7a __dtors_ptr 00008c80 _CpuTimer1 00008c88 _CpuTimer2 00008c90 _CpuTimer0 003d7e80 _PartIdRegs 003ee000 SINTAB_360 003f0000 _RamfuncsLoadStart 003f010b _RamfuncsLoadEnd 003f6000 .text 003f6000 ___text__ 003f6166 _SPLL_1ph_init 003f6293 _main 003f6320 _ConfigAdc 003f636c _InitEPwm1 003f63dd _InitEPwm2 003f6442 _InitLookupTable 003f644e _spi_init 003f6465 _spi_xmitSPIa 003f648e _spi_xmitSPIb 003f64bb _spi_fifo_init 003f64ca _InitGPIO 003f64d6 _InitAdc 003f64f4 _InitAdcAio 003f6516 _AdcOffsetSelfCal 003f653d _AdcChanSelect 003f65b2 _AdcConversion 003f66d9 _INT13_ISR 003f66de _INT14_ISR 003f66e3 _DATALOG_ISR 003f66e8 _RTOSINT_ISR 003f66ed _EMUINT_ISR 003f66f2 _NMI_ISR 003f66f7 _ILLEGAL_ISR 003f66fc _USER1_ISR 003f6701 _USER2_ISR 003f6706 _USER3_ISR 003f670b _USER4_ISR 003f6710 _USER5_ISR 003f6715 _USER6_ISR 003f671a _USER7_ISR 003f671f _USER8_ISR 003f6724 _USER9_ISR 003f6729 _USER10_ISR 003f672e _USER11_ISR 003f6733 _USER12_ISR 003f6738 _ADCINT1_ISR 003f673d _ADCINT2_ISR 003f6742 _XINT1_ISR 003f6747 _XINT2_ISR 003f674c _ADCINT9_ISR 003f6751 _TINT0_ISR 003f6756 _WAKEINT_ISR 003f675b _EPWM1_TZINT_ISR 003f6760 _EPWM2_TZINT_ISR 003f6765 _EPWM3_TZINT_ISR 003f676a _EPWM4_TZINT_ISR 003f676f _EPWM5_TZINT_ISR 003f6774 _EPWM6_TZINT_ISR 003f6779 _EPWM7_TZINT_ISR 003f677e _EPWM1_INT_ISR 003f6783 _EPWM2_INT_ISR 003f6788 _EPWM3_INT_ISR 003f678d _EPWM4_INT_ISR 003f6792 _EPWM5_INT_ISR 003f6797 _EPWM6_INT_ISR 003f679c _EPWM7_INT_ISR 003f67a1 _ECAP1_INT_ISR 003f67a6 _EQEP1_INT_ISR 003f67ab _SPIRXINTA_ISR 003f67b0 _SPITXINTA_ISR 003f67b5 _SPIRXINTB_ISR 003f67ba _SPITXINTB_ISR 003f67bf _I2CINT1A_ISR 003f67c4 _I2CINT2A_ISR 003f67c9 _SCIRXINTA_ISR 003f67ce _SCITXINTA_ISR 003f67d3 _LIN0INTA_ISR 003f67d8 _LIN1INTA_ISR 003f67dd _ECAN0INTA_ISR 003f67e2 _ECAN1INTA_ISR 003f67e7 _ADCINT3_ISR 003f67ec _ADCINT4_ISR 003f67f1 _ADCINT5_ISR 003f67f6 _ADCINT6_ISR 003f67fb _ADCINT7_ISR 003f6800 _ADCINT8_ISR 003f6805 _CLA1_INT1_ISR 003f680a _CLA1_INT2_ISR 003f680f _CLA1_INT3_ISR 003f6814 _CLA1_INT4_ISR 003f6819 _CLA1_INT5_ISR 003f681e _CLA1_INT6_ISR 003f6823 _CLA1_INT7_ISR 003f6828 _CLA1_INT8_ISR 003f682d _XINT3_ISR 003f6832 _LVF_ISR 003f6837 _LUF_ISR 003f683c _EMPTY_ISR 003f6841 _PIE_RESERVED 003f6846 _rsvd_ISR 003f684b _InitSysCtrl 003f6865 _ServiceDog 003f686f _DisableDog 003f6877 _InitPll 003f68c7 _InitPeripheralClocks 003f6903 _CsmUnlock 003f6934 _IntOsc1Sel 003f6944 _IntOsc2Sel 003f6958 _XtalOscSel 003f696c _ExtOscSel 003f6982 _InitEPwm 003f6983 _InitEPwmGpio 003f6992 _InitEPwm1Gpio 003f69a4 _InitEPwm2Gpio 003f69b6 _InitEPwm3Gpio 003f69ca _InitEPwm4Gpio 003f69de _InitEPwm5Gpio 003f69f0 _InitEPwm6Gpio 003f6a02 _InitEPwm7Gpio 003f6a14 _InitEPwmSyncGpio 003f6a25 _InitTzGpio 003f6a46 _InitCpuTimers 003f6a87 _ConfigCpuTimer 003f6abb FS$$MPY 003f6b15 _InitSpi 003f6b16 _InitSpiGpio 003f6b1b _InitSpiaGpio 003f6b41 _InitSpibGpio 003f6b5f _c_int00 003f6ba3 FS$$TOL 003f6bcc _InitPieCtrl 003f6beb _EnableInterrupts 003f6bf4 _InitPieVectTable 003f6c19 I$$TOFS 003f6c33 __args_main 003f6c4c C$$EXIT 003f6c4c _abort 003f6c4e _exit 003f6c65 _MemCopy 003f6c7a _SGENT_1_calc 003f6c8b __register_unlock 003f6c8f __register_lock 003f6c93 __nop 003f6c9c _PieVectTableInit 003f6c9c ___etext__ 003f6c9c etext 003f6d9c ___cinit__ 003f6d9c cinit 003f7ff6 code_start 003f7ff8 _CsmPwl ffffffff ___binit__ ffffffff ___c_args__ ffffffff ___pinit__ ffffffff binit ffffffff pinit UNDEFED __IQ21 UNDEFED __IQ21mpy [236 symbols]
I am trying to use the IQ math library for TMS320F28035 (fixed point, not fp core) using CCS5, and I keep getting the error: error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain. I've pasted a snippet of the console window below.
I've included the IQmathLib.h and the PeripheralHeaderIncludes.h file in the main.c, as well as the build settings (see below). Finally, I've also added the IQmath.lib file to the build settings. I've attached the .map file (saved as .txt) for your reference.
Despite this (and I feel some of what I've done is redundant), I can't escape this error.
I've seen this error in many forum posts, but the answers given have not helped. Note that the simple IQmath example project compiles fine.
undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
__IQ21 ./SinglePhaseInverterClosedLoop.obj
__IQ21mpy ./SinglePhaseInverterClosedLoop.obj
error #10234-D: unresolved symbols remain
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "SinglePhaseInverter.out" not
From Build Settings (C2000 Compiler)
-v28 -ml -mt --cla_support=cla0 -g --include_path="C:/TI/controlSUITE/libs/dsp/SGEN/v101/include" --include_path="C:/TI/controlSUITE/development_kits/~SupportFiles/F2803x_headers" --include_path="C:/TI/controlSUITE/libs/app_libs/solar/v1.0/IQ" --include_path="C:/TI/controlSUITE/libs/math/IQmath/v15b/lib" --include_path="C:/TI/controlSUITE/libs/math/IQmath/v15b/include" --include_path="C:/Documents and Settings/birving/TMS320f28035_files/DSP2803x_common/include" --include_path="C:/Documents and Settings/birving/TMS320f28035_files/compiler/c2000_6.1.0/include" --include_path="C:/Documents and Settings/birving/TMS320f28035_files/xdias_7_21_01_07/packages/ti/xdais" --include_path="C:/Documents and Settings/birving/TMS320f28035_files/DSP2803x_headers/include" --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --asm_directory="C:/Documents and Settings/birving/workspace_v5_2/SinglePhaseInverter/Debug"
From Build Settings (C2000 Linker)
-v28 -ml -mt --cla_support=cla0 -g --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --asm_directory="C:/Documents and Settings/birving/workspace_v5_2/SinglePhaseInverter/Debug" -z --stack_size=0x300 -m"" --warn_sections -i"C:/Program Files/controlSUITE/libs/dsp/SGEN/v101/lib" -i"C:/TI/controlSUITE/development_kits/~SupportFiles/F2803x_headers" -i"C:/TI/controlSUITE/libs/app_libs/solar/v1.0/IQ" -i"C:/TI/controlSUITE/libs/math/IQmath/v15b/lib" -i"C:/TI/controlSUITE/libs/math/IQmath/v15b/include" -i"C:/Documents and Settings/birving/TMS320f28035_files/DSP2803x_headers/include" -i"C:/Documents and Settings/birving/TMS320f28035_files/DSP2803x_common/include" -i"C:/Documents and Settings/birving/TMS320f28035_files/compiler/c2000_6.1.0/lib" -i"C:/Documents and Settings/birving/TMS320f28035_files/compiler/c2000_6.1.0/include" --reread_libs --display_error_number --rom_model
AAAAnnnnd, it looks like I found my problem: the order in which I include files.
Working example:
#include <PeripheralHeaderIncludes.h>
#include "IQmathLib.h"
#include "SPLL_1ph.h" // Needed for PLL
Non-working example:
#include "SPLL_1ph.h" // Needed for PLL
#include <PeripheralHeaderIncludes.h>
#include "IQmathLib.h"
So this boils down to a discussion.
1) is there a way to avoid having to be careful about specific order?
2) In my previous post, did I overdo it with all of the includes and libraries?
Brian I. said:it looks like I found my problem: the order in which I include files
No, that is not the problem.
You got a Linker error - so that's long after all #includes and source-code issues have been done and dusted.
If the problem had been with #includes, you would have got Compiler errors...
'Unresolved Symbol' Linker errors mean that you have promised and external symbol definition (eg, in a header file), but have failed to deliver an actual definition to the Linker. Commonly, this is because you have #included the headers in the source code, but not the actual libraries for the Linker.
But the order of includes is the only thing that I changed, and everything is now working fine (i.e., not only has my unresolved error gone away, but I am able to correctly implement SPLL).
Admittedly, I need to read (and actually understand) your previous reply, including the link that you posted. But at the moment, things are grand.