I'm trying to run the CLA math libraries on the TMS32028035, and face the same issue mentioned in http://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/tms320c2000_32-bit_real-time_mcus/f/171/p/232646/816912.aspx#816912.
If I load the libraries in RAM there is no problem, but when I try loading them in FLASH I get a compiling error. The code I'm using to load the tables in Flash is
CLA1mathTables : LOAD = FLASHH,
PAGE = 1
And here is the section of the log, where is complaining about the tables
"../F28035_PfcControlTest.cmd", line 158: warning #10097: memory range not
found: FLASHH on page 1
"../F28035_PfcControlTest.cmd", line 158: error #10265: no valid memory
range(NULL) available for placement of "CLA1mathTables"
"../F28035_PfcControlTest.cmd", line 158: error #10099-D: program will not fit
>> Compilation failure
into available memory. load placement with alignment/blocking fails for
section "CLA1mathTables" size 0x156 page 1
error #10010: errors encountered during linking; "DSP28035_PFCControlTest.out"
not built
gmake: *** [DSP28035_PFCControlTest.out] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
**** Build Finished ****
For the application I'm dealing with, I need to store these tables in Flash to copy them to RAM in Run Time by calling MemCopy(&Cla1mathTablesLoadStart, &Cla1mathTablesLoadEnd, &Cla1mathTablesRunStart);
Please, could you give me some suggestions?