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F28069: hex2000, memwidth and HEX parser

Hi All,

I am using F28069 and generated intel hex output file using CCS4 with hex2000 utility (in the post-build step).

I am trying to merge this hex with another using SRECORD. However, it throws exception showing that address 0x3DC010 is encountered whereas 0x3DC020 is expected.

since the hex2000 generates the hex file considering memwidth as 16, hex output is not like a normal Intel hex.


a normal Intel hex would look like this:


TI hex looks like this:



Is there anyway I can work around this problem?

thank you,


  • How do you generate Intel hex? What options?

  • Hello Vishwanatha!

    Have you seen this manual already (page 43)? 3808.flasher_c2000.pdf.



  • Hello Igor, Anton,
    I use this command to generate hex files:

        APP_FLASH : origin = 0x3DC000, length = 0x14000, files = { mcu_image_i.hex }

    As I already mentioned, I know the reason for getting 16-bit addressable hex.
    I read the document you mentioned. It only reiterates that 16-bit addressable and 8-bit addressable hex files are different.
    My question was, how do I generate an 8-bit addressable hex?
    However, I now am able to generate 8-bit addressable hex. It now looks like this:


    Will there be any change in the bootloader software I need to make to program this type of hex?

    thank you,

  • Hello  Vishwanatha!

    1I think you should just try to boot.

    2 And let me ask you what do you justify that use 8-bit addressing is a better solution than the use of 16-bit addressing in your case. At what is the feature of your case?



  • Hello Igor,
    1.  I'll try to boot and post the results.
    2.  I want to merge two hex files (of different controllers). To do this, I use the software "srecord".
        When I provide the f28069 hex as input to this, it throws exception as it expects byte addressable data
        (while c2000 hex are word addressable). This is the whole reason I am trying to make it byte addressable.

  • Vishwanatha Manevarthe said:
    2.  I want to merge two hex files (of different controllers). To do this, I use the software "srecord".

    Would it be better to embbed another binary with your f28069 software during link stage and then produce one hex file from it?

  • Hi,

    That will help. But I do not know how to accomplish this in CCS4


  • If your binary has different memory sections, it might be complicated.

    BTW, just trying to play with your Intel-hex example and mine TI-tagged hex:

    hex2000 -memwidth 16 -romwidth 16 -t test.out

    Will produce Texas_Instruments_Tagged16 file, but it is not compatible with "srecord" program. I've fixed it:

    sed -i 's/ COFFTOTI$//g; s, ,,g' test.t00

    To remove trailing "COFFTOTI" and spaces at the end of each line.

    Then, I've update header in two steps:

    1. Set program ID header length to 13 (0xC): in the string "K0000COFFTOTI" to "K000DCOFFTOTI".

    2. Run srec_info to get proper checksum for the file in the first lne:

    $ srec_info test.t00 -Texas_Instruments_Tagged16
    Format: Texas Instruments SDSMAC (320)
    Header: "COFFTOTI"
    srec_info: test.t00: 1: checksum mismatch (calculated F1A3, file has F1B7)
    changed to

    Then I'm able to get S-rec output from both files:
    $ srec_cat intel.hex -Intel -address-length=2 test.t00 -Texas_Instruments_Tagged16 1>output.hex
    $ srec_info intel.hex -Intel
    Format: Intel Hexadecimal (MCS-86)
    Data:   3F0000 - 3F005F

    $ srec_info test.t00 -Texas_Instruments_Tagged16
    Format: Texas Instruments SDSMAC (320)
    Header: "COFFTOTI"
    srec_info: test.t00: 1305: warning: data records not in strictly ascending
        order (expected >= 0x1D8FC, got 0xFFEC)
    Data:   00FFEC - 00FFEF
            010000 - 012BBD
            016000 - 01609B
            018000 - 018097
            018100 - 018A03
            018B00 - 01D8FB

    And the result:

    $ srec_info output.hex
    Format: Motorola S-Record
    Header: "COFFTOTI"
    srec_info: output.hex: 1064: warning: no execution start address record
    Data:   00FFEC - 00FFEF
            010000 - 012BBD
            016000 - 01609B
            018000 - 018097
            018100 - 018A03
            018B00 - 01D8FB
            3F0000 - 3F005F
  • Hi,
    Thanks for suggestion.
    I tried it but did not succeed. I get this message:

    D:\usb\HexEdit>srec_cat.exe test.out -Texas_Instruments_Tagged16 intel_file.hex -intel -o mcu.hex -intel
    srec_cat: test.out: 2866: warning: data records not in strictly ascending order (expected >= 0x2A28E, got 0xA290)
    srec_cat: test.out: 2874: contradictory 0x00018000 value (previous = 0xFF, this one = 0xC5)

    (test.out is quite huge)


  • test.out is quite huge

    Usually, ".out" extension is for COFF files. What does srec_info.exe test.out -Texas_Instruments_Tagged16 says?

  • >srec_info test.out -Texas_Instruments_Tagged16
    Format: Texas Instruments SDSMAC (320)
    Header: "COFFTOTI"
    srec_info: test.out: 1: checksum mismatch (calculated F0AB, file has F0BF)

  • Vishwanatha Manevarthe said:
    srec_info: test.out: 1: checksum mismatch (calculated F0AB, file has F0BF)

    You have to fix checksum in your test.out.

  • Hi,

    as I mentioned in my earlier post, I followed exactly what you mentioned.

    I changed the checksum, changed the header length etc. in spite of all the changes, I got the error.



  • I changed the checksum, changed the header length etc

    As last you've quotted, you still have incorrect checksum. Just repeat a checksum fix step.

    srec_cat: test.out: 2874: contradictory 0x00018000 value (previous = 0xFF, this one = 0xC5)

    This messages says that you have different bytes in the different sources at the same address 0x18000. You may use "-MULTiple" option to make this error to be a warning.  Probably, first input fills a region with 0xFF values and second input tries to overwrite them with meaningfull data. Pay attention that "-multiple" option may lead to unpredictable result.

  • Hi,
    It is my mistake. I pasted the message that I got before running the commnand.
    Here is the actual message:

    >srec_info.exe test.out -Texas_Instruments_Tagged16
    Format: Texas Instruments SDSMAC (320)
    Header: "COFFTOTI"
    srec_info: test.out: 2866: warning: data records not in strictly ascending order (expected >= 0x2A28E, got 0xA290)
    Data:    00A290 - 00A33B
                 00FF00 - 00FFEB
                 00FFF0 - 00FFFF
                 018000 - 02A28D

    >srec_info.exe intel_file.hex -intel
    Format: Intel Hexadecimal (MCS-86)
    Data:   3F0000 - 3F6FFF

    As you can see, there is no overlapping of the address 0x18000. Still I get the error message.
    I also tried "-multiple" and got the output hex. I am not sure if that is a valid hex. I have to test to validate.
    Thank you,


  • So, you have in test.out at least two records with bytes at 0x18000 address. First occurence were before line 2874.

    So, we have:

    Line No. Ranges
    2-2865 00FF00 - 00FFEB
    00FFF0 - 00FFFF
    018000 - 02A28D
    2866-2873 00A290 - 00A297
    2874+ 018000 ...

    Were is region 00A298-00A33B in the test.out file?

    It should be great to take a look on a MAP file.

  • Hi,
    looking at the test.out, I found that the address 0xC000 repeats in lines 1 and 2874 and the data values are exactly FF and C5.
    I am not sure why is this repeating.
    [original .out file that I use to load to the controller works perfectly well and also the intel format also works].
    Address 0x18000 can not be in the hex file at all as this address is not at all present in the memory map of the controller
    (F28069 has user flash from 0x3D8000 to 0x3F7FFF).
    This is a mystery for me and am still struggling to merge two hex files !!

    meanwhile, I tried this but with failure:

    >srec_cat.exe test_image.out -Texas_Instruments_Tagged16 -o test_image_i.out -intel
    srec_cat: test_image.out: 2845: warning: data records not in strictly ascending order (expected >= 0x2A062, got 0xA064)
    srec_cat: test_image.out: 2853: contradictory 0x00018000 value (previous = 0xFF, this one = 0xC5)


  • Hi,

    I take a look at srecord/ and srecord/memory/ and haven't goot news for you. SRecord is not able to work with word-addressable records.

    For exampe, we have two records:


    Then, srec_cat will say:

    srec_cat: test.srec: 2: contradictory 0x003E800F value (previous = 0x55, this one = 0xAA)

    You have two choices:

    • Ask SRecord guys to add support for word-addressable records
    • Embedd your Intel binary to the TMS COFF.

    >srec_info.exe intel_file.hex -intel
    Format: Intel Hexadecimal (MCS-86)
    Data:   3F0000 - 3F6FFF

    What is the target of intel_file.hex was? Is it designed for TMS too or is is just a binary blob? 0x3F_0000 is a FLASHB address. So it is a word-addressable. You can adjust your linker script to include it as a binary blob:

        flash_blob: > FLASHB, PAGE = 1

    Then create C-file with an array of you blob:

    #pragma DATA_SECTION(my_blob, "flash_blob)";
    const int my_blob[] = {
       0x00FF, 0xFFFF 0xFF1C, 0x6A00, 0x001C, 0x6A00, 0x001C, 0x6A00, 0x001C, 0x6A00, 0x001C, 0x6A00, 0x001C, 0x6A00, 0x001C, 0x6A00, 0x003A,

    Then you should have your data @ 0x3F_0000.