Hello Experts,
I'm planing to implement 6 PID controllers in a single loop ,in that case my T will be assumed same for all 6 by assuming the code execution time is negligible at 60MHz and i sample all 6 ADCs(feedbacks) before entering to the control equation . my PID implementations are based on discreet equation
U[k] = U[k-1] + b0e[k]+b1e[k-1]+b2e[k-2] // where i can directly scale and fix the Umax n Umin to PWM limits,
my problems are ,1. e should be a signed value for this implementation to work properly or else U end-up being Umax short after loop execution, and i don't think resetting U is not a good engineering practice as this would give very unpredictable behavior right in middle of the execution of control. Has anyone tried a PID in this form with signed integer or double ?... please share your experience .
2. Has anyone tried to implement at least 3 PID controls in a single shot ? if so, up to what extend my assumption can be practical ?