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ControlSuite - PCB and SCH files for Delfino F28337D 180pin control CARD

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE

I’m trying to open {TEX113}_F2837x controlCARD_R1.1.pcb and F2837x_180controlCARD_R1_1.sch placed in ControlSuite "\development_tools\controlCARDs\controlCARD hardware files\Delfino F28337D .....". I’m using ControlSuite and ExpressPCB and ExpressSCH but an error occurs. Looks like the files are corrupted.

Do you have a copy of this 2 files that can be open / works correctly?

Thanks in advance for your answer

  • Hi,

    The files are fine. They won't work with ExpressSCH or ExpressPCB. You'll need Cadence OrCAD or EAGLE or any of the below recommended softwares.

    Even though the above are for symbols and footprints but we use OrCAD and the sch and pcb files open here.



  • Hello Blas Palencia,

    In particular, the F28377D controlCARD was done in Mentor PADS.  Many EDA tools have the ability to import in other EDA tools' files (ExpressPCB's filetype is a notable exception). 

    Thank you,

  • Hi Blas Palencia,

    We tried to open/import the schematics through cadence orcad version 9 & 10.3 it is showing file error,

    kindly provide the schematics as supplied for previous controllers.




  • Hi MST,

    We did this controlCARD design fully in Mentor PADS Logic and PADS Layout.  Because of this, we do not have a .dsn file.

    I was pretty certain that there was an option to import PADS files to OrCAD.  However, as I explored this today it seems that there actually is not a good way to move from PADS (or really any suite) to OrCAD. 

    From an internet search it seems there are two companies who provide their own software to do this:
    Logic Swap
    However, I cannot speak to the effectiveness of either of these products or their price.

    I would probably choose to redraw the design if I were in your position.  I have attached the netlist for this job in case it helps.

    Please note that there is a .bxl file, which is a portable footprint/symbol, which should migrate into OrCAD's format.  These can be found at the below link:

    Thank you,

    {TEX113}_F2837x controlCARD
  • Thank you for the netlist.

