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800VA Pure Sine Wave Reference Design

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE, AMC1100, UCC27211, SFRA, POWERSUITE

Hi, I am looking to implement the above reference design (slaa602). How can I get the preprogrammed daughter card for this reference design?

  • Hi,

    Please contact a TI FAE or your TI distributor's FAE. They'll help you in getting the reference designs and codes. You'll have to sign an agreement for procuring the same.



  • Thanks for your quick reply. I live in Bangladesh. How can I get hold of TI FAE or TI distributor FAE. I looked up in the distributor list. Nothing listed for BD.

    Regards Khaled

  • I see, Let's wait for what my TI buddies have to say. 



  • The closest reference from TI should be the high-voltage DC/AC inverter.

    This for grid-tie, or is current mode controlled. What you need to do is to make the needed modification to turn it into voltage mode controlled.

    You have to make the modification on your own. You can purchase the EVM kit or download the design files and s/w from controlSuite without purchasing it.

    I don't think we have an FAE in Bangladesh that can help you with the design modifcation.



  • I preferred the older design(slaa602), all the essentials taken care of with minimal components.

    The original design wasn't current controlled, the current sensors are used to disable the bridge if limits are exceeded, it uses the main sensing AMC1100 chip to do voltage control. I don't get why the paper makes such a good sell of using the AMC1100, then all the later designs revert back to slow hall sensing. Now I'm thinking of cancelling my order for one, what was wrong with it ? Why back to hall sensors ?

    If TI had offered the slaa602 design as a kit I would have purchased one, the other designs are all fringe products, slaa602 looks like it gets the basics right and has great scope for further development. I'm going to build one but I'm going to use an Amtel processor to control all the other TI stuff because I couldn't find the source code for the design and I couldn't find a processor kit that could be setup to produce a tri level PWM signals for a Bridge with the minimum of fuss.

    Too many designs, too many processors, no body wants to spend the time learning a new platform for it to be replaced with an updated version every month. You cant see the wood for the trees ;)

    There were other companies equivalents for all the other components on the board, but the TI stuff beat them all hands down, I only wish I could say the same of the processors.
  • Paul Thanks for the feedback,

    the use of hall sensor is because that is a non - isolated design and also, we cannot use AMC1100 in a HV application for current sensing as op-amps typically cannot tolerate a HV common mode voltage. . We have used AMC1100 on several of our designs including the 

    The reason it was usable on that design was because they had transformer at the output to boost the voltage, also AMC1100 is only used to sense the voltage and not current. The reference design Zhen pointed out uses simple op-amp based circuit without isolation and hence not the use of AMC1100.  

    I do understand we do not support the inverter applications very well in our current collateral, we appreciate your feedback. 

  • Thanks for the prompt  informed reply Manish.

    Here in South Africa the national grid has reached it's maximum capacity and it will take another 5 years to build new power stations so we are condemned to 2 hours of no power every day, the dreaded load shedding. As soon as a supplier gets in new inverters they are sold before the end of the day.

    I think the best inverter design depends on whether you need 110v or 220v, a few 100ah batteries and a little boost and you are there for 110v while a 220v system usually involves a transformer somewhere. Because this is not an emergency power failure but a part of daily life for at least another 5 years the market is a lot different here, people want something that can power their whole houses and there are 2 different domestic supplies the basic which gives you 60 Amps at 220V and another at 80Amps at 220V. Another unforeseen result of the load shedding is that all back up batteries used in peoples homes for stuff like electric gates and alarms are not deep cycle so they are not lasting more than 6 months which is why people want a total home solution and not just something for emergencies.

    I asked this question in a previous post but I don't think it was answered, what in your opinion would be TI's offering in processors that can match or surpass the Arduino Due ? After overcoming the problems I initially had with your web site I think I might give one a try and see how it compares.


  • Paul,

    It is very interesting to hear about the market in your area for inverters, My strong suggestion will be to use the design below as reference

    It will get you started with a current loop, which typically forms the inner loop in a UPS inverter.  The outer voltage loop will need to be added to the software of this kit to support UPS mode.

    For linear loads the performance will be good, for non linear loads it will need the output capacitor change.

    Also  most our designs are just a typical way to do things, you may choose to use MOSFETs or other power devices to construct your inverter project.

    Unfortunately, I am not aware of what arduino has to offer (TI Guy :D). What specific feature do you find on arduino and not on C2000?

    Also, not to boast but C2000 is popular in such applications, due to our optimized real time core and peripherals. It will be very enriching for us to know why you felt arduino was better. 



  • Manish

    The problem is that I just ordered the parts to construct 3 different types of inverter for $100 dollars less than this kit costs, I like to think that if I buy into a companies products then I pay for the processor and the development stuff is gratis, so I will probably purchase the processor and build my own board for it, the TI processor retails for about the same price as the Amtel processor. The TI processors look a lot better at handling mission critical timings than the Aduino but I don't have the time to build a processor board for the C200 so it will have to wait for now.
    I am going to use a UCC27211 to drive as many TI MOSFETS as I can, I think I can drive 5 in each leg of a full bridge, well it worked in the simulations. You should have seen the ringing when I let go of a big transformer. 47 Ohms didn't work so well for the gate resistors, I got the best resistance to any instability using 10 Ohms for the gate resistors. How big a problem do you think noise will be ?
    Then I am going to use the biggest MOSFET gate drivers i could find 13 Amps and they can handle 1.5 Amps back the wrong way from the transformer.
    I'm trying varying levels of controlling the MOSFETS with software, I want a solution where different products require different code and at the heart of the machine you have a rock solid DC to AC converter, the government are going to allow the public to sell power back into the grid sometime soon and we have 12 hours of African sunshine 361 days of the year. So it has to be able to do 17KW of DC to AC without skipping a beat. TI gate drivers for MOSFETS looked like at only 4 Amps they would be struggling at those power levels, what do you recommend for a 17KW DC to AC converter that can handle large surges ? I prefer MOSFETS because when dealing with analog signals a linear amp is a wonderful thing. I hear IGBTs are the devils handiwork ;)
  • Paul,

    Just for information, we do have low cost starting platform like the launchpad, so one does not need to worry about the MCU circuit and can focus on the power stage design etc.

    The above i think is similar to tools you were comparing against earlier.

    Also we have isolated emulator embedded control cards which may be more apt for evaluation in these applications because they provide access to much more pins on the device and an isolated emulator is built into the card itself, less to worry about on the power stage design:

    Most of our system EVMs are based on such control cards,

    My experience is more on control and software side, and most designs i have worked on have been <1KW and was a smooth sail.

    I will try to see if some one else in our driver group can address your concerns, as they may have more experience dealing with such issues.

    Just for information, design is of a 17KW Single Phase UPS Inverter?
  • Manish

    Now this is what I am talking about

    Happy days.

    I want a kit with the possibility to do 17KW DC 24V DC > 48V DC converted to Single Phase AC 220V 80Amps, closed loop limited to 300 Amps. The customer can start off with a minimum of 2 X 100ah batteries which will probably only give them 15 minutes at full load.....but thereafter they are ALWAYS quite happy to purchase more batteries for more time. If the customer wants 3 phase then they connect 3 units together. You design the perfect 17KW Inverter that is at the heart of all your products, extra features and abilities are mostly software and case changes. The 3 phase they give to businesses here is, as I'm sure everywhere else... but who knows, is another 2 phases of the same voltage they supply to the domestic lines. I also see many of the MOSFET drivers advertise the ability to parallel synced up bridges for 3 phase. A reliable power converter with different battery and phase operations controlled by software.
    I'm pretty much set on using a very large transformer to step up the voltage, you just cant beat them responding to huge surges, when you are talking magnetic fields there's always heavy metal....or nanotubes now days.

    Yes the design is of a single phase UPS converter but it must have the additional benefit of being able to sync to the national grid and push power back out.

  • Just wanted to add we did release a TI Design 

    which showcases closed loop control of single phase inverter for UPS type application. The code is available inside controlSUITE and runs on the F2837x device.  The example is under the powerSUITE framework in which the model of the power stage is implemented in the compensation designer to help with speedy tuning of the loops and one can also measure the loop bandwidth using SFRA.