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F2837x/Boot - Boot/Startup Options
Does not seem possible to configure OSCCLKSRCSEL to XTAL. Is this intentional or a missing feature?
Hi Davor,
During boot device uses INTOSC2 as a default clock source or if there is missing clock detected from that source then INTOSC1.
You can switch the device touse XTAL as clock PLL source in your code as soon as BOOT ROM releases the execution for your application.
Yes, that's what I am doing.
So you don't think SYS/BIOS should be able to configure the clock?
Hi Davor,
I checked current SYS/BIOS 2837x Boot module code and unfortunately at the moment that does not include selecting the OSCCLK source. So at the moment if using SYS/BIOS Boot module for PLL/CLK setting it is using the default OSCCLK SRC.
I am not aware the SYS/BIOS development plans, so not sure if this feature is in implementation plans. If you wish to check this, then we can ask it on TI-RTOS forum (
If you want to do this configuration (OSCCLK SRC & PLL settings) as early as possible I propose you to do this in a function that you will set as User Reset Function in SYS/BIOS Startup module. (It would be possible to change just OSCCLKSRC in this funciton and then do PLL settings in Boot module. This seems to work at least on v6.40.2.27 as the user reset function is called before PLL init function of Boot module. However I am not sure if this function sequence will always be the same, so migrating to some future version of SYS/BIOS might cause problems if the sequence of calling these functions will change. Thus I recommend to do everything in your own function).