I designed a card with F28335 CPU (not first time) and tried to load a program but when I turn the power on, I saw below signal on reset pin :
What could be the reason for the periodic internal reset? I checked the power on pins, external osc signal (30Mhz) and XCLKOUT (3,7MHz)
When I tried to load a program CCS 5 indicates that errors:
C28xx: Error: (Error -1135 @ 0x3FF9CE) The emulator reported an error. Confirm emulator configuration and connections, reset the emulator, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 5.0.872.0)
C28xx: Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts
C28xx: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging
C28xx: Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts
Also I removed the F28335 chip and test it on eZDSP it works fine, I soldered a new 28335 chip but still have the same problem.
Thank you
I changed the boot mode and periodic reset signal turns to the stable 3.3V signal but load problem couldn't solved. When I tried to load .out file I get these errors:
C28xx: Failed Software Reset: (Error -1137 @ 0x0) Device is held in reset. Take the device out of reset, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 5.0.872.0)
C28xx: Trouble Reading PC Register: (Error -1137 @ 0x0) Device is held in reset. Take the device out of reset, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 5.0.872.0)
C28xx: Trouble Reading Register ST1: (Error -1137 @ 0x6) Device is held in reset. Take the device out of reset, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 5.0.872.0)
C28xx: GEL: Error while executing OnReset(1): target access failed at (ST1&~(0x0100)) [f28335.gel:312] at C28x_Mode() [f28335.gel:38] at OnReset(1) .
C28xx: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xc000 on Page 0 of Length 0xb17: (Error -1137 @ 0xC002) Device is held in reset. Take the device out of reset, and retry the operation. (Emulation package 5.0.872.0)
C28xx: GEL: File: C:\Users\Mustafa Karamuk\Documents\MATLAB\PWM_Test_ticcs\CustomMW\PWM_Test.out: Load failed.
Also I measured the voltage at XRS pin at that stage, it is nearly 1V???