Hi Chris,
I have designed a VFD with F28069 for a customer and it works great, however, I found a motor phase current distortion issue when it works at scalar (V/F) control mode. The current distortion happens while the motor is running at frequency between 29Hz and 39Hz. The VFD settings are fc = 8kHz, PWM deadband = 2us. I also tried another brand VFD at the same test conditions, and it does not have such issue.
Please see below photos of motor phase currents at different running frequencies.
Fig. 1 Motor U Phase Current at 20Hz
Fig. 2 Motor U Phase Current at 25Hz
Fig. 3 Motor U Phase Current at 30Hz
Fig. 4 Motor U Phase Current at 35Hz
Fig. 5 Motor U Phase Current at 40Hz
Fig. 6 Motor U Phase Current at 50Hz
My VFD scalar control code is from HVMotorCtrl+PfcKit_v2.0 HVACI_Scalar project. I think it might have some issues. Could you please help me on this issue?
Thanks a lot.