We are implementing an offline LED buck converter with two long strings of LEDs - forward voltage up to 330 volts or so, and would like to use slope compensation based on the DAC ramp feature with the f28027 MCU.
Before we proceed further along this path we would like to know:
- Given the DAC settling time of the F28027, are there some limits on the duty cycle we can use? In other words, assuming that we use an amplified current sense signal with max amplitude 1.5v, how much time is needed for the DAC to reset from low to high at the end of the switching cycle?
- Is it possible to implement a ramp that does not start decrementing until later in the switching cycle? In other words, we probably need to implement a ramp that is flat until about 75% of the switching period, and then has a fairly steep slope, in order to implement an absolute current limit, and because otherwise the DAC would have to start the switching cycle at a value greater than the 100% of the reference voltage.