Hello, I have a few questions on concerning using MotorWare.
The hardware I have are:
LAUNCHXL-F28069M, 1 BOOSTXL-DRV8301 and 1 2MTR-Dyno.
The software that I have are Code Composer version 6.4, MotorWare, ControlSUITE and GUI Composer.
The specific questions I have are:
1). Under the Motorware TI Resource Explorer under Piccolo F2806xF->boostxl_drv8301_revB, is there an example project that outputs that should how to output some of the motor parameter variables serial from the LaunchPad J1.3/J1.4 or GPIO28/GPIO29 of the MCU?
2). In the program that came with the LaunchPAD i.e. located at C:\ti\controlSUITE\~cs_desktop\controlSUITE\development_kits\LAUNCHXL-F28069M\LaunchPadDemo that program used a printf() statement to serially output to the serial pins LaunchPad J1.3/J1.4 or GPIO28/GPIO29 of the MCU. Can you provide or direct me to an example project that uses this printf statement in a Motorware project, one that is used in conjunction with the Universal GUI?
Thank you in advance for your help.