I have been battling away for almost a day now trying to transmit data from the F28335 ControlCard, via the FT232 Chip on the Docking Station to RealTerm on my PC. I cannot transmit anything for some reason. In the last half hour or so I have gone back and imported the Example_2823xSci_Echoback project as a sanity check and this does not transmit either.
This is what I have performed so far (please refer to attached images)...
1) Established that J9 on the Docking Station needs to be Jumpered - I am trying to use the JTAG/UART arrangement.
2) Loaded the correct FTDI drivers and can see the ports in Control Panel
3) Verified that R24 on the Control Card is 0 ohm.
4) Left SW1 on the Control Card in the OFF position.
5) In terms of RealTerm I have setup as shown in one of the attached images.
6) I have referred to the Control Card and Docking Station schematics and placed a probe on J4 to track the SCI-TX line - nothing shows on the Scope.
The only change I have made to the Example code is for the BAUD Rate, I have changed this to 115200 which is a BRR value of 40.
BRR = (37.5MHz/(BAUD * 8))-1 = (37500000/(115200 * 8))-1 = 40.69 - 1 = 39.69. I've rounded up to 40.
This gives BAUD = 37500000/((40+1)*8) = 37500000/328 = 114329.
Is there anything I have missed here to actually transmit over SCI?