i have tried to have serial communication (RS485 half duplex) on DSP28335 ,I have used max485 and one of my GPIO pin as direction control.I have tied
DE and RE pin together .in software when ever i want to receive data i make RE pin low and after receiving data i make DE pin high.i disable fifo and i use interrupt service routine for receive and transmit data.my problem is:when the first packet receive and after that when i transmit my first packet then i could not have any receive .I have checked the gpio that control the direction ,it works well but after one receive i could not have any receive.
in my code if i do not change the gpio that control the direction pin of max485, my dsp can receive all packages of data and continue receiving and also send the data,but my sending data cant be received in the other side because of direction pin ,and if i change the direction after reviving packet for send data and after that again change direction for receive i could not receive any data anymore.
pleas help me ,thank you very much