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C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x00088000 Please verify target memory and memory map

I am using F28377D Delfino Experimenter Kit. In which i can successfully load program named "blinky" in RAM and FLASH both.

After successful experiment with kit, i have developed new control card. In which i can only load program in RAM. When i try to load in FLASH, i got this kind of error.

C28xx_CPU1: GEL Output:
Memory Map Initialization Complete
C28xx_CPU1: Loader: One or more sections of your program falls into a memory region that is not writable. These regions will not actually be written to the target. Check your linker configuration and/or memory map.
C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Data verification failed at address 0x00088000 Please verify target memory and memory map.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Running with Inverter\14oct2015_module testing\1MHz_PS_73.00_cpu1\CPU1_FLASH_STANDALONE\1MHz_PS_73.00_cpu1.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.

what should i do?

  • Above shown screen shot and errors are for two different project. For testing purpose only.
    Please suggest as soon as possible.
  • Amtech,

    1) Check the "5.5 Power Consumption Summary" section in datasheet.  It provides the power estimates for Flash program/erase operations.  During flash programming, extra current is drawn from the VDD and VDD3VFL rails as shown in the Table 5-1. This extra current must be taken into account while architecting the power-supply stage for your custom board.      

    2) Did you check the voltage on the VDD3VFL (3.3V Flash power pin)?  VDD3VFL should be tied to VDDIO.

    3) Did you check and install all the updates in CCSV6?  Make sure to install updates from Debug Server Flash.

    4) Did you erase the Flash before programming?

    5) Did you program anything in the password locations/link-pointer?  If yes, make sure to unlock before programming the Flash. 

    6) Did you enable AutoEccGeneration (enabled by default) while programming the Flash using CCS Flash Plugin?  

    Thanks and regards,


  • Great, 3rd point solved my problem.