I am programming chip TMS320F28027, PROBE: xds100v2 usb emulator, software: CCS6.1.0.
my problem is Integer division does not work. I defined 3 intergers, a, b, c. a=2424072, b=4095, program can not get results of c=a/b.
my code is :
int32 c=0;
int32 a=0;
int32 b=0;
c=a/b; program stuck here.
later on, I set b=2, my program can not calculate c=a/b;
later on, I set c=10*40950/b; the program stuck here too.
I am wondering what is wrong with the program.
are there any compile settings are not right?
also, the program is proved to be working by other users. why it stuck in my system?
Thank you.