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Where is the InstaSPIN-FOC GUI app?


I have a BLDC, a LaunchXL F28069M and a BOOSTXL-DRV8301

What I don't have is any idea how to get started.    

I have poked endlessly through your website, which seems to have no organization at all.  I've read a number of things called "getting started", all of which skip the step on getting started.  I have downloaded something called MotorWare ... I can't even figure out what that thing is.  It looks like an interface to your website.  I have download software ... I don't even remember what... but what ever it was, it was not helpful.    I found videos "Getting Started with InstaSPIN-FOC", but again, it skips the getting started part.   I am frustrated, and at the moment I regret starting down the road with TI.

With that out of the way, here's how you can help.  Where can I get the software to drive this hardware.  Be as specific as you can.

I've seen two "Getting Started" videos.  Both of them *start* with a view of a running application called InstaSPIN-FOC.  It looks like this.   Is this what I need?  If so, where can I find it?

  • Hi Gary,

    Your post is being moved to the C2000 forum for better support.

    I did find this post which may be of interest.  LINK

  • Gary,


    Free unrestricted version of Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)
    // this is the SW development tool you use to build MotorWare projects

    Free download of MotorWare™ software with drivers, modules, and InstaSPIN projects that work with various BoosterPacks.
    // this is the software projects (and documentation) for InstaSPIN-FOC and InstaSPIN-MOTION

    Free GUI to instrument software built in Motorware™ GUI
    // this is the GUI you need; per the User Guide you need to use MotorWare projects. The GUI just instruments the MotorWare project.

    once you install MotorWare, if you run MotorWare.exe it links to everything else you would need. Look under resources and review the documents for your Launchpad and BoosterPack
  • Thank you. I think I have all that software.  At least whenever I see a likely download I get files that I already have, and have already installed.  Still, I cannot find the correct application.

    I can find this hierarchy in Motorware:

    When I click on Run GUI, I get this error:

    That file does not exist.  There is an executable in that directory.  It is called InstaSPIN_UNIVERSAL.exe.

    I've run that app but it is not what I'm looking for.  I'm looking for the app that I cited in my original post, the one called InstaSPIN-FOC, and has a button called "Identify Motor".

    Perhaps I have not installed the Motorware app correctly, or I've missed some crucial step.  If  you have a suggestion, please try to be as explicit as possible.

  • the link you are clicking on is for
    This is a fixed "demo" GUI for use with the DRV8312-69M-KIT, DRV8301-69M-KIT, and TMDSHVMTRINSPIN kit only.

    which you probably don't have installed because it's not compatible with the BOOSTXL-DRV8301

    for the BOOSTXL-DRV8301 you must use the Universal GUI, which requires building a MotorWare project first.
  • With more poking, I found this which looks like it might be what I'm looking for.

    I downloaded it, and ran the installer, but the installer failed.  The complete message follows.  I downloaded it again, with the same result.  Note that there is a permission denied error.   I am running this as an administrator, and have had no trouble accessing c:/ti up to now.

    Any help?


    Error in action ExecuteAction

    Error in action UnzipFile

    error copying "/installjammervfs2/eclipse/GUIComposer.exe" to "C:/ti/guicomposer/eclipse/GUIComposer.exe": permission denied
    while executing
    "file copy -force $file $new"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::UnzipFile" line 75)
    invoked from within
    "::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
    while executing
    "$obj execute"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 69)
    invoked from within
    "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction" line 35)
    invoked from within
    "::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
    Error in action ExecuteAction

    Error in action UnzipFile

    error copying "/installjammervfs2/eclipse/GUIComposer.exe" to "C:/ti/guicomposer/eclipse/GUIComposer.exe": permission denied
    while executing
    "file copy -force $file $new"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::UnzipFile" line 75)
    invoked from within
    "::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
    while executing
    "$obj execute"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 69)
    invoked from within
    "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $action -parent $id -conditions $eval"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::actions::ExecuteAction" line 35)
    invoked from within
    "::InstallJammer::actions::$component $this"
    while executing
    "$obj execute"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions" line 69)
    invoked from within
    "::InstallJammer::ExecuteActions $id -when $when"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::RaiseEventHandler" line 93)
    invoked from within
    "::InstallJammer::RaiseEventHandler .wizard"
    (command bound to event)

  • 1. it doesn't work with your HW. You shouldn't even install it.
    2. it gives the error because the UNIVERSAL GUI installation is not compatible (in the same directory). You can't have them both installed.
  • you need to run the EVM specific projects in MotorWare
    follow the InstaSPIN Projects & Labs UG

    if you need a GUI use the UNIVERSALGUI
  • Ok, I need to use the Universal GUI, which I think I do have, and the two "Getting Started" videos don't apply.

    How can I get started? All I want to do right now is see a motor turn.
  • there is a 5 part video series on LAUNCHXL-F28027F and BOOSTXL-DRV8301 in the video player here
  • Thanks again.

    Before I get to my real question, I'll note that I cannot start the UNIVERSAL GUI from Motorware. Nothing happens when I click on the link that says "Run Universal GUI" in the right-hand panel. But I can launch it from Windows Explorer by navigating to it in c://ti, and double clicking the executable.

    In the second video, the presenter says that he has built project 5 "just like in the QSG". When I go to the QSG I see that it does recommend building a project (it say proj_lab02, but I assume that's outdated). But there's no instructions on how to build the project, although in section 2. b. it does recommend building from within CCStudio.

    Seeing no instructions there, I went to Motorware and found the projects directory for my hardware, and navigated to the first project: proj_lab5c. There I see advice: " We recommend that you work directly out of the versioned MotorWare installation." I don't quite know what this means since there's no way of starting Code Composer Studio from within Motorware. There's an entry in the hierarchy browser, but it presents a link to a download (I did download and install and it seemed to go smoothly), and then shows the app running. No way to start it from there. So I try to launch it in other ways. There is no entry for it in Start >> All Programs. I can try to find it in c://ti/ccsv6 (which is full of stuff) but I can't find it there.

    How does one start Code Composer Studio?

    Note that I've spent a good 20 hours on this, and I've barely got the software installed. In fact, it appears that I don't have that right yet. The instruction for getting started (if you can find them) are very poor, directing me from document to document. Note that I would *never* have gotten this far without help from the forum. I never would have found those videos, either.
  • I believe your INSTASPINUNIVERSALGUI isn't functioning because you installed the other GUI on-top. I would uninstall all GUIs and then reinstall INSTASPINUNIVERSAL. Again, the GUI is nice to have, but you can certainly progress without it. The lab instructions don't even mention the GUI.

    Gary - I know you are frustrated, and there are certainly things that could be improved, but there are hundreds of customers using InstaSPIN that aren't having the same problems you are. Search the forum even, everyone is able to follow the documentation and at least make it to running proj_lab02 and trying to ID their motor.

    Have you followed the instructions in the
    Kit Readme First

    that is included in both the LaunchPad and BoosterPack resources inside MotorWare.exe?
    It is extremely clear on the path to take, the tools to use, and the documents to follow
  • I have found both pieces of software and I confirmed that they both work in a Windows 10 environment

    I have also confirmed that the UNIVERSAL GUI accepts compiled code from CCSv7 (Code Composer version 7)

    This is the locked version of the InstaSPIN standard GUI see above (locked meaning the code is appProgram.out cannot be altered, as pre above these bits of software need to be placed in separate directories, so the locked version won't find the compiled version. The InstaSPIN references to TI's newer cloud version. I haven't gotten around to installing Chrome, so I can't see it.

    Kurt Kloesel
  • Kurt,
    Do you have a question? please clarify if so
  • No, just for some reason, these apps didn't load with the latest motorware (motorware_1_01_00_17). I was used to having them in a certain directory. Everything's working fine. I'm just documenting through the E2E portal. Thanks, you can mark this answered or I can....