Recently, It is excited that a new PFC based on VIENNA Rectifier has implemented wihin new vision ControlSuit. Actually, I am really interested in Solar Inverter and Vienna Rectifier projects of Manish Bhardwaj ,and the same as Interleaved PFC project of and Shamim Cloudhury.When I want use Soft Frequency Response Analyzer and Compensation Designer ,there is a standard way to achieve it with the help of SFRA Library & Compensation Designer Module User's Guide.But,all the projects in Solution Adapter are released as the form of Power Suit, providing a easy way to call SFRA and ComDesigner. Once I create project in CCS6.2, I find there is a New kind of project named RTSC project with Power Suit.
After creating a power suit project , there is a main.cfg[PowerSuit] under ProjectExplore.When I open it with XGCONF, it is a blank page with nothing on it.But it shows some Script when opened XDCscriptEditor.Likes this bellow:
/* need to use the Home module to generate the init code */
var HOME = xdc.useModule('devkits.Home');
var buck = xdc.useModule('devkits.TMDS_WORKSHOPKIT_DUMMY.Buck');
HOME.configApiVersion = "1.00.00";
Program.stack = 128;
Program.argSize = 0;
Program.heap = 0;
It sames an error because TMDS_WORKSHOPKIT_DUMMY can't be found.Actually there is no file named TMDS_WORKSHOPKIT_DUMMY in the path ${COM_DEVKITS_INSTALL_DIR}/packages.
Driven by curiosity,I copy some files(only Kit.xml ,solution.js and main.cfg) from ILPFC V1.1 Project in a new project illustrated Fig bellow:
The ILPFC_Base_Settings.h is created automatic by main.cfg. In path D:\ti\controlSUITE\powerSUITE\v_1_06_00_00\packages\devkits\ILPFCKIT\templates\ILPFC_Base_F2803x,we can see ILPFC_Base-Settings.h.xdt, which is the template of the respective include file.With some modification, I think I could let the main.cfg to generate a include file that has some differences to compare with original Inlcude file.On other hand , maybe I am able to use the Kit.xml file to new project without any modification.But I do not know how to construct a main.cfg GUI page.
If you have enough patience to read here,you must know what is my mean.Yes, Solution Adapter is enough convenient ,but it has limit of using the MCU. For example , TIDM Vienna Rectifer is based on F28377D, Interleaved PFC is based on F28035. So I am considering that whether I could migrate ILPFC PowerSuit project to F2837xD or migrate Vienna Rectifier PowerSuit project to F2807x without decreased any convenience using SFR and ComDesigner.
Briefly , I just learned some terms of XDC language with any exercise and my question are that:
1. How to construct a GUI main.cfg page to connect the values to template file such as XXX _Base-Settings.h.xdt ?
2. Could I reuse the Kit.xml file directly to my new projects which describe the Model 1: Buck , 2: PFC 3: Inverter 4 Vienna Rectifer ?
3 To change a non RTSC project ILPFC V1.0 into PowerSuit Project ILPFC V1.1 ,Mr. CloudhuryCould ,could you teach me your precious experiences?Please ,your opinions are very important for me.
4 To learn the Expanded C language ,Could you give me some advice,some Guides ,Books I should read ?And Mr.Bhardwaj,your opinions are also important for me .
Thank you.
yuqin zhu