I am developing an application using the eZdsp F28335. The application will eventually run from internal flash, however I am running from internal RAM during development. The problem is I have run out of internal RAM. I would like to execute from external RAM instead.
Is this the basic strategy?
- Modify the linker command file to locate .cinit, .pinit, .text, codestart in ZONE7A.
- Modify the linker command file to locate a new XINTF setup function to RAML0 (since XINTF cannot be configured in code running from XINTF).
- Near the beginning of the application, but after the C environment has been initialized, call the XINTF setup function. The purpose of this step is to avoid running with the default maximum wait states.
- Before loading with Code Composer Studio, run a GEL to enable the XINTF. The purpose of this step is to allow Code Composer Studio to load the application into external RAM.
- Load the program with Code Composer Studio. Up until the XINTF setup function executes, expect slow performance.
Does that sound right? And if so, am I making it too complicated? Is there an easier way?