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INSTASPIN-BLDC: Can´t reach 80000 rpm with launchxl-f28069m + boostxl-drv8301 + instaSpin-motion

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE, LAUNCHXL-F28069M, BOOSTXL-DRV8301, DRV8301

hi i`m working with  launchxl-f28069m + boostxl-drv8301 to drive a motor up to 80000 rpm, but instaSpin-motion only reach up to 60000 rpm in lab project_lab6a. Below there is the motorware_selecting_user_variables.xlsx for configuration and the user_j1.h file.

any suggestion or idea?


USER_SYSTEM_FREQ_MHz 90 MHz sub-calculations
Maximum Bus Voltage 24 V Ideal USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz for Motor 1466,7 Target Hz with 10% buffer
Maximum Target RPM 80000 RPM 1333,333333 Hz Maximum allowed USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_HZ for HW 1386,0 4 * USER_VOLTAGE_FILTER_POLE_Hz [with 5% buffer]
USER_PWM_FREQ_kHz 75 kHz Maximum RPM Supported 164657 Rotor Hz can be 1.98 * USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_HZ; EST speed will roll-over outside boundary!!!!
USER_NUM_PWM_TICKS_PER_ISR_TICK 3 ticks 25 kHz USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz 133,0 5-150 Hz; ~10% of Maximum Target Hz but use low as possible where Ls and Flux can be ID'd consistently
USER_NUM_ISR_TICKS_PER_CTRL_TICK 1 ticks 25 kHz USER_MAX_ACCEL_EST_Hzps  18,0 If USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz > 50 Hz must increase the acceleration during ID to avoid a timeout
USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_CURRENT_TICK 1 ticks 25 kHz CURRENT Hz > MAX_Hz * 7 VERDADERO If FALSE increase CURRENT kHz or reduce MAX_HZ; Standard good practice for control systems
USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_EST_TICK 1 ticks 25 kHz EST <= CTRL VERDADERO If FALSE correct; No need to run the estimator if results are not being updated in control loop
2. The following are set by HW design, use defaults for TI EVM or your own HW EST > 8 * TARGET_Hz VERDADERO If FALSE, increase effective EST Frequency using TICKs
USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V 26,3147 V starting USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V 24,0 Initially set to bus voltage until flux is identified
4. Once Motor ID is attempted, update these as best you can and check IQ_V Scaling 4. Check after valid USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX Identification
USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX 4,3 V/Hz 0,3604 V/Hz = Minimum Flux that can be measured with new USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V (cell I20)
USER_MOTOR_Ls_d 7,5081605 H Minimum Flux Measurement < 0.9 * RATED_FLUX VERDADERO If FALSE, reduce new USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE as low as Bus Voltage / 2 + 10% buffer
5. * Ideal Pole Design when you build wwn HW IQ_VOLTAGE < RATED_FLUX * EST Hz VERDADERO If FALSE, reduce new USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE or increase EST_Hz
Minimum Pole 200 Hz MIN new USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V 6307,0 Use larger of a) or b). Minimum of Bus Voltage / 2 + 10% buffer if required to make I18 & I19 TRUE
Ideal* Pole >= 366,6666667 Hz a) Bus Voltage 24,0 Typical Minimum, but can reduce as low as Bus Voltage / 2 + 10% buffer
Half** Pole >= 183,3333333 Hz b) Bemf Generated @ Target Hz + 10% buffer 6306,7
* Use Ideal pole to keep Target Hz < USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz but note that as pole Hz increases you are more susceptible to drift/error and should use higher precision Vph filter Capacitors
** You may use a lower pole (down to half the value of the ideal) that is less sensitive to capacitor error/offset/drift. Set USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_HZ <= 4 * Lowered Pole * 0.95 buffer. Target Hz can reach +/- 1.98 * USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz
Performance difference between the two is typically very marginal though. Do NOT use a filter pole < Minimum Pole!!!

// **************************************************************************
//! \brief Defines the full scale frequency for IQ variable, Hz
//! \brief All frequencies are converted into (pu) based on the ratio to this value
//! \brief this value MUST be larger than the maximum speed that you are expecting from the motor
#ifndef QEP
#define USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz        (1450.0)   // 800 Example with buffer for 8-pole 6 KRPM motor to be run to 10 KRPM with field weakening; Hz =(RPM * Poles) / 120
#define USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz        (USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS/0.008)   // (4/0.008) = 500 Example with buffer for 8-pole 6 KRPM motor to be run to 6 KRPM; Hz = (RPM * Poles) / 120

//! \brief Defines full scale value for the IQ30 variable of Voltage inside the system
//! \brief All voltages are converted into (pu) based on the ratio to this value
//! \brief WARNING: this value MUST meet the following condition: USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V > 0.5 * USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT * USER_MOTOR_Ls_d * USER_VOLTAGE_FILTER_POLE_rps,
//! \brief WARNING: otherwise the value can saturate and roll-over, causing an inaccurate value
//! \brief WARNING: this value is OFTEN greater than the maximum measured ADC value, especially with high Bemf motors operating at higher than rated speeds
//! \brief WARNING: if you know the value of your Bemf constant, and you know you are operating at a multiple speed due to field weakening, be sure to set this value higher than the expected Bemf voltage
//! \brief It is recommended to start with a value ~3x greater than the USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V and increase to 4-5x if scenarios where a Bemf calculation may exceed these limits
//! \brief This value is also used to calculate the minimum flux value: USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V/USER_EST_FREQ_Hz/0.7
#define USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V      (30.0)   // 24.0 Example for boostxldrv8301_revB typical usage and the Anaheim motor

//! \brief Defines the maximum voltage at the input to the AD converter
//! \brief The value that will be represented by the maximum ADC input (3.3V) and conversion (0FFFh)
//! \brief Hardware dependent, this should be based on the voltage sensing and scaling to the ADC input
#define USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_VOLTAGE_V       (26.314)      // 26.314 boostxldrv8301_revB voltage scaling

//! \brief Defines the full scale current for the IQ variables, A
//! \brief All currents are converted into (pu) based on the ratio to this value
//! \brief WARNING: this value MUST be larger than the maximum current readings that you are expecting from the motor or the reading will roll over to 0, creating a control issue
#define USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A         (20.0) // 20.0 Example for boostxldrv8301_revB typical usage

//! \brief Defines the maximum current at the AD converter
//! \brief The value that will be represented by the maximum ADC input (3.3V) and conversion (0FFFh)
//! \brief Hardware dependent, this should be based on the current sensing and scaling to the ADC input
#define USER_ADC_FULL_SCALE_CURRENT_A        (33.0)  // 33.0 boostxldrv8301_revB current scaling

//! \brief Defines the number of current sensors used
//! \brief Defined by the hardware capability present
//! \brief May be (2) or (3)
#define USER_NUM_CURRENT_SENSORS            (3)   // 3 Preferred setting for best performance across full speed range, allows for 100% duty cycle

//! \brief Defines the number of voltage (phase) sensors
//! \brief Must be (3)
#define USER_NUM_VOLTAGE_SENSORS            (3) // 3 Required

//! \brief ADC current offsets for A, B, and C phases
//! \brief One-time hardware dependent, though the calibration can be done at run-time as well
//! \brief After initial board calibration these values should be updated for your specific hardware so they are available after compile in the binary to be loaded to the controller
#define   I_A_offset    (0.827802360)
#define   I_B_offset    (0.828094780)
#define   I_C_offset    (0.803567231)

//! \brief ADC voltage offsets for A, B, and C phases
//! \brief One-time hardware dependent, though the calibration can be done at run-time as well
//! \brief After initial board calibration these values should be updated for your specific hardware so they are available after compile in the binary to be loaded to the controller
#define   V_A_offset    (0.397775924)
#define   V_B_offset    (0.399682021)
#define   V_C_offset    (0.397315598)

//! \brief CLOCKS & TIMERS
// **************************************************************************
//! \brief Defines the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) frequency, kHz
//! \brief PWM frequency can be set directly here up to 30 KHz safely (60 KHz MAX in some cases)
//! \brief For higher PWM frequencies (60 KHz+ typical for low inductance, high current ripple motors) it is recommended to use the ePWM hardware
//! \brief and adjustable ADC SOC to decimate the ADC conversion done interrupt to the control system, or to use the software Que example.
//! \brief Otherwise you risk missing interrupts and disrupting the timing of the control state machine
#define USER_PWM_FREQ_kHz                (75.0) //30.0 Example, 8.0 - 30.0 KHz typical; 45-80 KHz may be required for very low inductance, high speed motors

//! \brief Defines the maximum Voltage vector (Vs) magnitude allowed.  This value sets the maximum magnitude for the output of the
//! \brief Id and Iq PI current controllers.  The Id and Iq current controller outputs are Vd and Vq.
//! \brief The relationship between Vs, Vd, and Vq is:  Vs = sqrt(Vd^2 + Vq^2).  In this FOC controller, the
//! \brief Vd value is set equal to USER_MAX_VS_MAG*USER_VD_MAG_FACTOR.  Vq = sqrt(USER_MAX_VS_MAG^2 - Vd^2).
//! \brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 0.5 for a pure sinewave with a peak at SQRT(3)/2 = 86.6% duty cycle.  No current reconstruction is needed for this scenario.
//! \brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 1/SQRT(3) = 0.5774 for a pure sinewave with a peak at 100% duty cycle.  Current reconstruction will be needed for this scenario (Lab10a-x).
//! \brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 2/3 = 0.6666 to create a trapezoidal voltage waveform.  Current reconstruction will be needed for this scenario (Lab10a-x).
//! \brief For space vector over-modulation, see lab 10 for details on system requirements that will allow the SVM generator to go all the way to trapezoidal.
#define USER_MAX_VS_MAG_PU        (0.5)    // Set to 0.5 if a current reconstruction technique is not used.  Look at the module svgen_current in lab10a-x for more info.

//! \brief DECIMATION
// **************************************************************************
//! \brief Defines the number of pwm clock ticks per isr clock tick
//!        Note: Valid values are 1, 2 or 3 only
#define USER_NUM_PWM_TICKS_PER_ISR_TICK        (3)

//! \brief Defines the number of isr ticks (hardware) per controller clock tick (software)
//! \brief Controller clock tick (CTRL) is the main clock used for all timing in the software
//! \brief Typically the PWM Frequency triggers (can be decimated by the ePWM hardware for less overhead) an ADC SOC
//! \brief ADC SOC triggers an ADC Conversion Done
//! \brief ADC Conversion Done triggers ISR
//! \brief This relates the hardware ISR rate to the software controller rate
//! \brief Typcially want to consider some form of decimation (ePWM hardware, CURRENT or EST) over 16KHz ISR to insure interrupt completes and leaves time for background tasks
#define USER_NUM_ISR_TICKS_PER_CTRL_TICK       (1)      // 2 Example, controller clock rate (CTRL) runs at PWM / 2; ex 30 KHz PWM, 15 KHz control

//! \brief Defines the number of controller clock ticks per current controller clock tick
//! \brief Relationship of controller clock rate to current controller (FOC) rate
#define USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_CURRENT_TICK   (1)      // 1 Typical, Forward FOC current controller (Iq/Id/IPARK/SVPWM) runs at same rate as CTRL.

//! \brief Defines the number of controller clock ticks per estimator clock tick
//! \brief Relationship of controller clock rate to estimator (FAST) rate
//! \brief Depends on needed dynamic performance, FAST provides very good results as low as 1 KHz while more dynamic or high speed applications may require up to 15 KHz
#define USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_EST_TICK       (1)      // 1 Typical, FAST estimator runs at same rate as CTRL;

//! \brief Defines the number of controller clock ticks per speed controller clock tick
//! \brief Relationship of controller clock rate to speed loop rate
#define USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_SPEED_TICK  (15)   // 15 Typical to match PWM, ex: 15KHz PWM, controller, and current loop, 1KHz speed loop

//! \brief Defines the number of controller clock ticks per trajectory clock tick
//! \brief Relationship of controller clock rate to trajectory loop rate
//! \brief Typically the same as the speed rate
#define USER_NUM_CTRL_TICKS_PER_TRAJ_TICK   (15)   // 15 Typical to match PWM, ex: 10KHz controller & current loop, 1KHz speed loop, 1 KHz Trajectory

//! \brief LIMITS
// **************************************************************************
//! \brief Defines the maximum negative current to be applied in Id reference
//! \brief Used in field weakening only, this is a safety setting (e.g. to protect against demagnetization)
//! \brief User must also be aware that overall current magnitude [sqrt(Id^2 + Iq^2)] should be kept below any machine design specifications
#define USER_MAX_NEGATIVE_ID_REF_CURRENT_A     (-0.5 * USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT)   // -0.5 * USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT Example, adjust to meet safety needs of your motor

//! \brief Defines the R/L estimation frequency, Hz
//! \brief User higher values for low inductance motors and lower values for higher inductance
//! \brief motors.  The values can range from 100 to 300 Hz.
#define USER_R_OVER_L_EST_FREQ_Hz (300)               // 300 Default

//! \brief Defines the low speed limit for the flux integrator, pu
//! \brief This is the speed range (CW/CCW) at which the ForceAngle object is active, but only if Enabled
//! \brief Outside of this speed - or if Disabled - the ForcAngle will NEVER be active and the angle is provided by FAST only

//! \brief Defines the force angle frequency, Hz
//! \brief Frequency of stator vector rotation used by the ForceAngle object
//! \brief Can be positive or negative
#define USER_FORCE_ANGLE_FREQ_Hz   (2.0 * USER_ZEROSPEEDLIMIT * USER_IQ_FULL_SCALE_FREQ_Hz)      // 1.0 Typical force angle start-up speed

//! \brief POLES
// **************************************************************************
//! \brief Defines the analog voltage filter pole location, Hz
//! \brief Must match the hardware filter for Vph
#define USER_VOLTAGE_FILTER_POLE_Hz  (364.682)   // 364.682, value for boostxldrv8301_revB hardware

// **************************************************************************

//! \brief Defines the default bandwidth for SpinTAC Control
//! \brief This value should be determined by putting SpinTAC Control through a tuning process
//! \brief If a Bandwidth Scale value has been previously identified
//! \brief multiply it by 20 to convert into Bandwidth
#define USER_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH      (20.0)

//! \brief Define each motor with a unique name and ID number
// BLDC & SMPM motors

#define AIRFAN_MFA0500          401

//! \brief Uncomment the motor which should be included at compile
//! \brief These motor ID settings and motor parameters are then available to be used by the control system
//! \brief Once your ideal settings and parameters are identified update the motor section here so it is available in the binary code

#if (USER_MOTOR == AIRFAN_MFA0500)                               // Name must match the motor #define
#define USER_MOTOR_TYPE                 MOTOR_Type_Pm   // Motor_Type_Pm (All Synchronous: BLDC, PMSM, SMPM, IPM) or Motor_Type_Induction (Asynchronous ACI)
#define USER_MOTOR_NUM_POLE_PAIRS       (1)// PAIRS, not total poles. Used to calculate user RPM from rotor Hz only
#define USER_MOTOR_Rr                   (NULL)// Identified phase to neutral in a Y equivalent circuit (Ohms, float)
#define USER_MOTOR_Rs                   (0.134118915)// Identified phase to neutral in a Y equivalent circuit (Ohms, float)
#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_d                 (0.0000173241478) // For Induction, Identified average stator inductance  (Henry, float)
#define USER_MOTOR_Ls_q                 (0.0000173241478)// For Induction, Identified average stator inductance  (Henry, float)
#define USER_MOTOR_RATED_FLUX           (0.0118218949)// sqrt(2/3)* Rated V (line-line) / Rated Freq (Hz)
#define USER_MOTOR_MAGNETIZING_CURRENT  (NULL)// Identified magnetizing current for induction motors, else NULL
#define USER_MOTOR_RES_EST_CURRENT      (0.5)// During Motor ID, maximum current (Amperes, float) used for Rs estimation, 10-20% rated current
#define USER_MOTOR_IND_EST_CURRENT      (-0.5)// not used for induction
#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT          (8.0) // CRITICAL: Used during ID and run-time, sets a limit on the maximum current command output of the provided Speed PI Controller to the Iq controller
#define USER_MOTOR_FLUX_EST_FREQ_Hz     (133.0) // During Motor ID, maximum commanded speed (Hz, float). Should always use 5 Hz for Induction.
#define USER_MOTOR_ENCODER_LINES        (1.0)// Number of lines on the motor's quadrature encoder
#define USER_MOTOR_MAX_SPEED_KRPM       (80.0)          // Maximum speed that the motor
#define USER_SYSTEM_INERTIA             (0.02218168974)         // Inertia of the motor & system, should be estimated by SpinTAC Velocity Identify
#define USER_SYSTEM_FRICTION            (0.003876209259)         // Friction of the motor & system, should be estimated by SpinTAC Velocity Identify

  • 1. Check the motor inertia is correct, use lab05c to identify the motor inertia.
    2. Check the USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT is enough. Is gMotorVars.IqRef_A equal to USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT?
    3. Check the dc bus voltage is enough for maximum speed. Increase the dc bus voltage from 24V to 26V, to check the motor speed increase with dc bus voltage. If yes, that means high speed running need field weakening control.
  • thanks Yanming:

    1. Check the motor inertia is correct, use lab05c to identify the motor inertia.

    i run the test but gMotorVars.SpinTAC.VelIdRun never return to 0 so i´m not sure if identification is correct values are:

    #define USER_SYSTEM_INERTIA             (0.02327018976)         // Inertia of the motor & system, should be estimated by SpinTAC Velocity Identify
    #define USER_SYSTEM_FRICTION            (0.01045584679)         // Friction of the motor & system, should be estimated by SpinTAC Velocity Identify

    i  have rotor inertia information from manufacture = 3.3*10^-7  kg*m^2

    2. Check the USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT is enough. Is gMotorVars.IqRef_A equal to USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT?

    yes it´s enough, motor run up 60K rpm always. for example if USER_MOTOR_MAX_CURRENT  10 then at 60.5K rpm gMotorVars.IqRef_A 7.5A and at 61K rpm gMotorVars.IqRef_A 9.999A and the motor never reach this speed

    3. Check the dc bus voltage is enough for maximum speed. Increase the dc bus voltage from 24V to 26V, to check the motor speed increase with dc bus voltage. If yes, that means high speed running need field weakening control.

    we have two more drivers from others companies who run up 80K with 24V and witout field weakening control. This is NOT an option for us.

  • USER_MAX_VS_MAG_PU        (0.5)

    Are you running into your maximum modulation index? The BoostXL DRV8301 uses three low side shunt measurements, so you will need some form of current reconstruction to go beyond 0.5:

    //! \brief Set USER_MAX_VS_MAG = 1/SQRT(3) = 0.5774 for a pure sinewave with a peak at 100% duty cycle.  Current reconstruction will be needed for this scenario (Lab10a-x).

  • thanks Rob, that was the solution!!,
  • You're welcome, thanks for the update!