I want to run a MATLAB Simulink 2016a model on my F28335 using 'external mode' via serial connection in order to log signals and tune parameters in real time. I connected the board via JTAG using a XDS100v2-Debug-Probe.
The building process, which includes a debug session (loading program to target, running program and disconnecting target/terminating debug session) is completed successfully, but while trying to execute External Mode MEX-file 'ext_serial_win32_comm' an error implying connection failure occures:
action: EXT_CONNECT Error occurred while executing External Mode MEX-file 'ext_serial_win32_comm': Failed to connect to the target. A time-out occurred while waiting for the connection response from the target. Possible reasons for the time-out: a) The target is not switched on. b) The target is not connected to your host machine. c) The application for the model is not running on the target. You might have clicked the Stop button. If the Run button is not dimmed, click it. Otherwise, click the Build button, which downloads and runs your application on the target. Component: Simulink | Category: Model error Unable to connect to the 'TI Delfino F2833x' target for 'untitledALT'.
What can be the reason for this connection failure?
Thank you for your answers!