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TMS320F28069: Piccolo F28069 USB Bulk Device Work FIFO size 64 but NOT WORK FIFO size 1024 byte Throughput

Part Number: TMS320F28069

I have been testing F2806x USB Bulk Device Example project 'usb_dev_bulk' from TI controlSUITE. In the USB2.0 Specification there is noted that maximum allowed data packet size is 64 bytes where data is transmitted within 1ms frame.

When i predefined value of '#define DATA_IN_EP_FIFO_SIZE USB_FIFO_SZ_64' -> '#define DATA_IN_EP_FIFO_SIZE USB_FIFO_SZ_1024' ,  i can  send more bytes than 64-byte in 1ms frame but just send USB3.0 port on some computer (random operating system ex. win7 win xp win 10). But i can't send any data some computer.

I share some details about 64 byte and 1024 byte for the non-working computer   . I saw "Current Config Value     : 0x00   ERROR: must be non-zero" and  "Number Of Open Pipes     : 0x00 (0)" in Connection Information for 1024 byte data. How can i fix it ? 


+++++++++++++++++ Device Information ++++++++++++++++++
Device Description : SMB
Device Path : \\?\usb#vid_1cbe&pid_0003#12345678#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Device ID : USB\VID_1CBE&PID_0003\12345678
Hardware IDs : USB\VID_1CBE&PID_0003&REV_0100 USB\VID_1CBE&PID_0003
Driver KeyName : {eb781aaf-9c70-4523-a5df-642a87eca567}\0000 ({EB781AAF-9C70-4523-A5DF-642A87ECA567})
Driver : system32\DRIVERS\libusb0.sys (Version: Date: 2017-09-15)
Driver Inf : C:\Windows\inf\oem59.inf
Legacy BusType : PNPBus
Class : libusb-win32 devices
Class GUID : {eb781aaf-9c70-4523-a5df-642a87eca567}
Interface GUID : {a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE)
Service : libusb0
Enumerator : USB
Location Info : Port_#0002.Hub_#0004
Location IDs : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1D00)#USBROOT(0)#USB(1)#USB(2)
Container ID : {66740512-d1e6-5bc7-bc09-594d33c026b1}
Manufacturer Info : B
Capabilities : 0x94 (Removable, UniqueID, SurpriseRemovalOK)
Problem Code : 0
Power State : D0 (supported: D0, D3, wake from D0)

---------------- Connection Information ---------------
Connection Index : 0x02 (2)
Connection Status : 0x01 (DeviceConnected)
Current Config Value : 0x01
Device Address : 0x03 (3)
Is Hub : 0x00 (no)
Number Of Open Pipes : 0x02 (2)
Device Bus Speed : 0x01 (Full-Speed)
Pipe0ScheduleOffset : 0x00 (0)
Pipe1ScheduleOffset : 0x00 (0)

---------------------- Device Descriptor ----------------------
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x01 (Device Descriptor)
bcdUSB : 0x110 (USB Version 1.10)
bDeviceClass : 0xFF (Vendor Specific)
bDeviceSubClass : 0x00
bDeviceProtocol : 0x00
bMaxPacketSize0 : 0x40 (64 bytes)
idVendor : 0x1CBE
idProduct : 0x0003
bcdDevice : 0x0100
iManufacturer : 0x01 (String Descriptor 1)
Language 0x0409 : "Texas Instruments"
iProduct : 0x02 (String Descriptor 2)
Language 0x0409 : "Generic Bulk Device"
iSerialNumber : 0x03 (String Descriptor 3)
Language 0x0409 : "12345678"
bNumConfigurations : 0x01 (1 Configuration)

------------------ Configuration Descriptor -------------------
bLength : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x02 (Configuration Descriptor)
wTotalLength : 0x0020 (32 bytes)
bNumInterfaces : 0x01 (1 Interface)
bConfigurationValue : 0x01 (Configuration 1)
iConfiguration : 0x05 (String Descriptor 5)
Language 0x0409 : "Bulk Data Configuration"
bmAttributes : 0xC0
D7: Reserved, set 1 : 0x01
D6: Self Powered : 0x01 (yes)
D5: Remote Wakeup : 0x00 (no)
D4..0: Reserved, set 0 : 0x00
MaxPower : 0xFA (500 mA)

---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber : 0x00
bAlternateSetting : 0x00
bNumEndpoints : 0x02 (2 Endpoints)
bInterfaceClass : 0xFF (Vendor Specific)
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x00
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x00
iInterface : 0x04 (String Descriptor 4)
Language 0x0409 : "Bulk Data Interface"

----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress : 0x81 (Direction=IN EndpointID=1)
bmAttributes : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0x00 (ignored)

----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress : 0x01 (Direction=OUT EndpointID=1)
bmAttributes : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize : 0x0040 (64 bytes)
bInterval : 0x00 (ignored)

-------------------- String Descriptors -------------------
------ String Descriptor 0 ------
bLength : 0x04 (4 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language ID[0] : 0x0409 (English - United States)
------ String Descriptor 1 ------
bLength : 0x24 (36 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Texas Instruments"
------ String Descriptor 2 ------
bLength : 0x28 (40 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Generic Bulk Device"
------ String Descriptor 3 ------
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "12345678"
------ String Descriptor 4 ------
bLength : 0x28 (40 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Bulk Data Interface"
------ String Descriptor 5 ------
bLength : 0x30 (48 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Bulk Data Configuration"



+++++++++++++++++ Device Information ++++++++++++++++++
Device Description : SMB
Device Path : \\.\usb#vid_1cbe&pid_0003#12345678#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Device ID : USB\VID_1CBE&PID_0003\12345678
Hardware IDs : USB\VID_1CBE&PID_0003&REV_0100 USB\VID_1CBE&PID_0003
Driver KeyName : {eb781aaf-9c70-4523-a5df-642a87eca567}\0000 ({EB781AAF-9C70-4523-A5DF-642A87ECA567})
Driver : system32\DRIVERS\libusb0.sys (Version: Date: 2017-09-15)
Driver Inf : C:\Windows\inf\oem59.inf
Legacy BusType : PNPBus
Class : libusb-win32 devices
Class GUID : {eb781aaf-9c70-4523-a5df-642a87eca567}
Interface GUID : {a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE)
Service : libusb0
Enumerator : USB
Location Info : Port_#0002.Hub_#0004
Location IDs : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1D00)#USBROOT(0)#USB(1)#USB(2)
Container ID : {66740512-d1e6-5bc7-bc09-594d33c026b1}
Manufacturer Info : B
Capabilities : 0x94 (Removable, UniqueID, SurpriseRemovalOK)
Problem Code : 0
Power State : D0 (supported: D0, D3, wake from D0)

---------------- Connection Information ---------------
Connection Index : 0x02 (2)
Connection Status : 0x01 (DeviceConnected)
Current Config Value : 0x00 ERROR: must be non-zero
Device Address : 0x03 (3)
Is Hub : 0x00 (no)
Number Of Open Pipes : 0x00 (0)
Device Bus Speed : 0x01 (Full-Speed)

---------------------- Device Descriptor ----------------------
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x01 (Device Descriptor)
bcdUSB : 0x110 (USB Version 1.10)
bDeviceClass : 0xFF (Vendor Specific)
bDeviceSubClass : 0x00
bDeviceProtocol : 0x00
bMaxPacketSize0 : 0x40 (64 bytes)
idVendor : 0x1CBE
idProduct : 0x0003
bcdDevice : 0x0100
iManufacturer : 0x01 (String Descriptor 1)
Language 0x0409 : "Texas Instruments"
iProduct : 0x02 (String Descriptor 2)
Language 0x0409 : "Generic Bulk Device"
iSerialNumber : 0x03 (String Descriptor 3)
Language 0x0409 : "12345678"
bNumConfigurations : 0x01 (1 Configuration)

------------------ Configuration Descriptor -------------------
bLength : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x02 (Configuration Descriptor)
wTotalLength : 0x0020 (32 bytes)
bNumInterfaces : 0x01 (1 Interface)
bConfigurationValue : 0x01 (Configuration 1)
iConfiguration : 0x05 (String Descriptor 5)
Language 0x0409 : "Bulk Data Configuration"
bmAttributes : 0xC0
D7: Reserved, set 1 : 0x01
D6: Self Powered : 0x01 (yes)
D5: Remote Wakeup : 0x00 (no)
D4..0: Reserved, set 0 : 0x00
MaxPower : 0xFA (500 mA)

---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber : 0x00
bAlternateSetting : 0x00
bNumEndpoints : 0x02 (2 Endpoints)
bInterfaceClass : 0xFF (Vendor Specific)
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x00
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x00
iInterface : 0x04 (String Descriptor 4)
Language 0x0409 : "Bulk Data Interface"

----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress : 0x81 (Direction=IN EndpointID=1)
bmAttributes : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize : 0x0400 (1024 bytes)
bInterval : 0x00 (ignored)

----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress : 0x01 (Direction=OUT EndpointID=1)
bmAttributes : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize : 0x0400 (1024 bytes)
bInterval : 0x00 (ignored)

-------------------- String Descriptors -------------------
------ String Descriptor 0 ------
bLength : 0x04 (4 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language ID[0] : 0x0409 (English - United States)
------ String Descriptor 1 ------
bLength : 0x24 (36 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Texas Instruments"
------ String Descriptor 2 ------
bLength : 0x28 (40 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Generic Bulk Device"
------ String Descriptor 3 ------
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "12345678"
------ String Descriptor 4 ------
bLength : 0x28 (40 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Bulk Data Interface"
------ String Descriptor 5 ------
bLength : 0x30 (48 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Bulk Data Configuration"



University of Sakarya

  • Hi,

    USB bulk and CDC devices can send more than 64 bytes per 1ms frame. What is meant is that, packets are only 64 bytes. Multiple packets can be sent within one frame.

    Hope this helps.
