Hi. I have 8301 kit and I am using motorware program. I tried to control my bldc motor with FOC algorithm and I am using
encoder. I have suprised about clarke transformation algorithm (clarkeHandle) in the code because it is different from
theoretical equation which is below.
However in the program;
pOutVec->value[0] = pInVec->value[0] * alpha_sf;
pOutVec->value[1] = (pInVec->value[0] + (pInVec->value[1] * 2) ) * beta_sf;
alpha_sf=1.00 and beta_sf=1.00
I think that this beta_sf should be 1/sqrt(3) not 1.00. I couldn't understand why beta_sf value is 1.00?
Also my motor currents are measured from low side sense resistor. To read correct motor current from sense resistor low
side A and B leg switches should on. In other words I should read sense voltage by ADC when low side switches conduct. Whic
part of the code is doing this interrupt?