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Compiler/TMS320F28374S: Two parameters decide how code works

Part Number: TMS320F28374S

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


Customer is using CCS V6 and compiler V15 for an application.

They found that, with or without two specific parameters, code can or can't work.

Will you tell me how to identify the issue? This is the second time happened.

In details,

1) With two parameters as below, the code works well;

2) Without these two parameters, the code can't work well.

Here attached the two different maps.

Thanks a

Br, Jordan

  • Hello

    What issue is it causing?
    Could this be affecting the stack in any way? Maybe affecting some code or data that requires a certain alignment in memory?

    Best regards
  • Chris,
    We tried to give more size to stack, but without any result.
    If you check the *map, you will find something not reasonable. For example, with two extra parameters, the total size is less in the map.
    Br, Jordan
  • Hi Jordan,

    Looks like you are using CLA. It could be caused by int type size mismatch between CLA and CPU. int on CLA is 32bits wide, int on CPU is 16bits wide. You should check all variables and structs, which are shared between CLA and CPU.

  • Edward,
    Yes, you are right.
    We are checking all of the CLA parameters's address in CLA assembly and C28, to see if they are the same.
    Thanks a lot.
    Br, Jordan