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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I am implementing the DF22 controller for the closed loop application of Boost Converter. I have the transfer function in z-domain (i.e, the coefficients a0, a1,a2, b1, b1, b2). I have set the default variables. Now, I am trying to assign the values of the coefficients, but finding errors upon saving the project. How to write the assigning codes?
Please suggest me any example code to implement it, if possible.
And Is it necessary to use the precomputed term? Because I am also getting an error in the line
vk = DCL_runDF22p (&arma2, ek, uk);
I have included the DCL header file and .asm file to the project.
Please Help.
Correct: most of the DCL examples were prepared for the F28069. Actually the controller functions do not care what device they run on, so you can declare and call them in exactly the same way for your device.
Your last question was about validating your choice of controller coefficients, which is why I suggested the Simulink models. The block-set is not configured to support auto-code generation.
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your suggestions.
Now I have included file options and added the required files for the DF22 controller. But getting error messages upon building up the project.
Please check the attached screenshot.
Secondly, how to check the compensator is working fine?
Please help me out. I am stuck here.
Can you post the error messages please so I can see what it's not finding? Thanks.
Sir, I have created a fresh new project. Here also, Whenever I am adding the files (DCL_DF22_C1, DCL_DF22_C2C3) from DCL v3.0, automatically its showing errors. Screenshots are also attached with the error messages with descriptions and the corresponding lines are highlighted.
Is there any issue with the source files of DCL v3.0?
While adding the DCL_DF22_C1 file,
While adding the DCL_DF22_C2_C3 file,
Sir, Please help me out.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your kind concern regarding this.
I am using the 6.4.6 version of C2800 Compiler Tool.
Attaching the screenshots for confirmation
And about running DF22 example, I just have to create a new project and add the necessary files including DCL v3.0 and have to run the example
by modifying 2806x to 2833x or something else you mean?
I have just imported the example F28069_DF22 from the DCL v3.0. And found these errors. The Screenshot is attached herewith. The errors came just after importing the project, I have not debugged the same yet.
As I am using the TMSDOCK28335 Experimenter Kit, should I change or modify anything to the project.
Are you saying you just opened the project and built it and got errors? Or did you modify the code or project settings at all? What errors are you getting?
I can confirm the [E0004] & [E0300] errors you saw previously are due to the tools version you are using, and that modifying the assembly code as I described will get around it. With that you should be able to compile your own project with DCLv3. Please let me know.
Thank you for your suggestion of commenting out in .asm files.
That works fine now.
But when I am debugging the project, error shown in
#include "F2833x_Device.h" line.
Again when I comment out these lines
(#include "F2833x_Device.h"
#include "F2833x_Examples.h"
#include "F2833x_GlobalPrototypes.h" ), now I am getting an error in
#include <complex.h> line , which is present in DCLF32.h file.
Please Help.
Good Morning Sir,
Thank you for your reply.
I searched for the directory you told, I didn't find the file complex.h there. Attaching the screenshot with this.
But I found the file complex.h in the following directories
And Sir What about the error in #include "F2833x_Device.h" ?
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
I don't think there is a viable alternative to upgrading to a newer version of the tools. We need complex support (and preferably EABI support) to use DCLv3. Are you able to do upgrade to the latest CCS?
Best regards,
Dear Sir,
I have upgraded to CCS v.8.0.
I need a clarification about adding header (includes) files and sources files. Should I choose these files from
C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_1_00_05_00\device_support\f2833x or C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\f2833x\v142.
Till now I have added these files (header includes and source) from C:\ti\c2000\C2000Ware_1_00_05_00\device_support\f2833x. Also, I have commented out these files because of the errors on the lines.
Now I don't have any errors in the main.c file. But I am getting errors while debugging it. A Screenshot is attached with this for error details.
#include "F2833x_Device.h"
#include "F2833x_Examples.h"
#include "F2833x_GlobalPrototypes.h"
Waiting for your kind suggestions.
Good. Thanks for updating CCS.
Probably for this device it won't make any difference, but in general I recommend always taking content from C2000Ware rather than controlSUITE. The latter is no longer being updated, whereas you will always get the newest materials in C2000Ware.
The errors you are seeing are because the same symbol is defined in two different source files. This is because you have included "DefaultIsr" and SWPrioritizedDefaultIsr" source files in the same project. They do similar things, but the latter allows the user to prorritize interrupts in software. If you're not doing that, jut remove the files with "SWPrioritized" in the filename and these errors will go away. If you open the SW proritized interrupts example project you'll see the DefaultIsr.c file is not there.
Thank you very much, Sir.
The project is running successfully now.
All the errors got eliminated though I didn't follow the suggestion #2 and took a trial.
But I am getting a warning, which seems to be serious.
The statement is unreachable for InitCpuTimers();
The screenshot is attached with this.
One more thing, How can I check that my compensator is working fine?
Waiting for your guidance.
Warm Regards,