Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSDOCK28343, CONTROLSUITE
For our POC based on C2834x processors we are evaluating the two controlCARDs C28343 DIM100 vs 28346 DIM168. From the hardware perspective we would much prefer the DIM168 version since the processor has more peripherals that we need and access to important pins like external clock generator input. However time and efficiency of preparing the prototype are also of importance and I'd like to ask what we will not have when we go for the DIM168 card ? I know it is not standard in terms of compatibility with development boards so one thing is we need to design our own base PCB but that is not a major minus (BTW - is the simple dev board shown in the Experimenter's Kit pdf on the website included in the package with the DIM100 card ?)
More importantly. does this "non-standardness" also mean that we will miss some software libraries or example applications available for DIM100 and standard development boards and not working for DIM168 ?
Any other practical impact we should take into account ?
Regards, Pawel