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C2000-GANG: C2000-GANG ERROR 354

Part Number: C2000-GANG


It is the first time I use the C2000 Gang programmer.

My target is a F28377S.

I can read into the memory (communciation is OK)

But, if I want program, I have an Error 354:

"Nothing to program/verify - empty code in selected memory space"

In more, When I "Open Code File", choose my .hex file, on the right, displayed size and CheckSum is 0!

According advice found into this forum, I renamed My image file to .txt, and open it.

I have a popup: "Code file contents warnings: See report window for details".

I attache this file.

Where see the report window? Why my file can't be read?


  • Hi,

    The file you attached is inside has the Motorola format while extension is in txt - TI format. Also make sure that the hex format contains 16 bits wide data, not default 8 bits wide data. Use the hex2000.exe from TI for conversion the files you got  from IDE, then use the final file with C2000-GANG.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Best regards,
    Gregory Czajkowski

  • Hello,
    I only rename the .hex file to .txt file to read it directly into notepad.
    I understand My mistake.
    In fact, I always generate an S19 file, but under extension ".hex"....
    I just rename the file to ".S19" and this Run correctly.
    I think C200-Gang use the extension to detect the file format. Not read into the file to determine the format, right?

    Then, now, I try to flash! but block on erasing the block 0xC0000 (Where my code start => 0xC0010…)

    Executing Main Process...
    2 : open target
    3 : unlock CSM
    4 : Download FW
    5 : Start API
    6 : Set PLL freq.
    8 : Get PLL status
    9 : Erase-080000
    10 : Erase-082000
    11 : Erase-084000
    12 : Erase-086000
    13 : Erase-088000
    14 : Erase-090000
    15 : Erase-098000
    16 : Erase-0A0000
    17 : Erase-0A8000
    18 : Erase-0B0000
    19 : Erase-0B8000
    20 : Erase-0BA000
    21 : Erase-0BC000
    22 : Erase-0BE000
    ERROR 306: Timeout during operation - Correct COM port selected?
    ERROR 306: Timeout during operation - Correct COM port selected?
    Changing Baudrate...Failed
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    Changing Baudrate...Failed
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    Changing Baudrate...Failed
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change
    Changing Baudrate...Done

    Communication with C2000-GANG initialized successfully.

    Selecting image #1...Done
    Reading Image data ...Done
  • Hi,
    Nobody for my problem?
  • Hi


    Can you check the Beta version - not released yet..



    Best regards,


  • Hallo

    After try, this is always same.

    The erase is Ok from 0x80000 to 0xBE000 (Bank0)

    But as soon as start to erase 0xC0000 (Bank1) error still present (TimeOut)

    Also I try to erase flash with my BlackHawk, all is Ok. Then after that (with Blank memory) I make "Program", all program is well flashed (into 0xC0000 and later..)

    I set DSP Clock to 20MHz I don't know if it is Ok?

  • Hi

    Can you erase Bank 1 now using C2000-GANG or the bank 1 cannot be erased again using C2000-GANG, because it is not clear for me from your email.

    Best regards

  • C2000-Gang CAN'T erase the Bank1 flash.

    Then I just want try the "Program" part with C2000-Gnag, but this must be done only on a Blank flash.
    So I erased the flash with another way (BlackHawk), then try program with C2000-Gang => this operation run correctly

    -> C2000-GANG CAN "PROGRAM" Bank 0 and Bank 1
    -> but C2000-Gang CAN'T ERASE Bank1.
  • Hi,
    This come critical for us because we bought the C2000-gang but I never think to try it.
    Now, we start a first production of 100 pcs. Then we can't loss time by flashing our application with CCS and the JTAG Blackhawk debugger!... :-(

    What manipulation can I do to check some think? I now the C2000 has instruction to access to the bank 0 or Bank1

    - InitFlash_Bank0 / 1
    - FLash driver SeizeFlashPump_Bank0 / 1

    Are they Something similar for the C2000-Gang to enable Bank access?
  • For information, when I do Tools\Clock Frequency Test, all field are empty.
    Into the console, I have :
    Executing Main Process...
    ERROR 63: Target not open
    ERROR 63: Target not open
  • Hi Gregory,

    I made a new request on support without success.

    I'm waiting some information from the support to resolve the problem.

    Thank for the Help
  • Hi,

    I will alert Elprotronic on this.

    Thanks and regards,
  • Sorry to insist, but that becomes really problematic for us.
    We bought this tool several months ago $ 350.
    I have not tested it before. I was not worried that it would work without problems (like the P & E cyclone we already have)

    Today it's been a month since we absolutely needed this tool. We can not produce properly without it, the time lost is enormous.

    I absolutely have to make this tool work as quickly as possible.
    Thank you

  • Hi,

    Sorry, I can understand. I already notified them couple of times. You can contact them directly at
    I will leave another note to them.

    Thanks and regards,
  • Hello

    I haven't new since some days.

    If my file image has data only on the First Bank, all work (only If I indicate to erase only the necessary flash)
    But if I have at least one word into Bank 1, problem occurs.

    Then this come very critical for us. We loosing a lot of time in production to flash our board with a jtag debug Blackhawk.. This work around is not acceptable for us anymore.

    We loosing lot of time then lot of money. More than the price of the C2000-Gang programmer!
    Please, Is somebody has already use this tool in F28337 Bank1 (address > 0xC0000)?

    Is there a solution?
    Please advice me as soon as possible, because if there is no solution, we could try to buy another programmer.
  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear this.  Elprotronic responded in the weekend and I was able to discuss this with them.  They will update their tool to program the second bank as well.

    Thanks and regards,


  • Hi,

    I am checking with Elprotronic to see if they have any progress on updating the tool for second bank.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Hi,

    Hope you received the updated package from Greg. Please try the updated package from Gregory and provide feedback to him.

    Thanks and regards,
  • Hello

    The 1v096 work correctly now.

    Thank you


  • Arnaud,

    Thank you for the confirmation.
    We apologize for the delay on this.

    Best regards,
  • Hello,

    After try, this work properly on empty microcontroller.

    But If I test on microcontroller already programmed, this failed on the same step (Erase 0C0000, error 71)

    Please, could you try this issue?
  • Arnaud,

    I discussed this with Elprotronic and they conveyed to me that the latest install helped you to erase an already programmed device today.
    Can you confirm?

    Thanks and regards,
  • Yes,
    In fact, I made an error.
    I teste the latest version in a temporary directory (Unzip the provided update)
    But after that, I not Copy the new .exe into my installation directory..
    Then, I used the last version… :-(

    Now, I use the latest version and it is Ok.
  • Arnaud,

    Thank you for the update. I am closing this post.

    Best regards,