Hi team,
My customer is evaluating F28035 in a power consumption sensitive OBC system. I have the following questions needing your support.
1. What is the correct way to measure the power consumption of MCU?
Currently we are using a series resistors to measure the current flowing into Vddio and Vdda. But a mA class current can be measured in halt mode, which is obvious not right. So, what is the right way to measure the MCU power consumption? Do we need any special operation to achieve the uA class power consumption claimed on the datasheet?
2. How to make sure the MCU has entered halt mode?
Some MCU has a Pin indicating the state of the MCU by showing different voltage level, but I was not able to find this pin on F28035. When we enable halt mode, we did noticed lower power consumption. But how can we verify the state of the MCU or indicating the state to other devices?
3. What is the states of GPIO when MCU is in halt mode?
Are the configured direction and pull-up still available in halt mode? If not, what is the GPIO state? Will be power consumption influenced by external circuit?