Customer reprogrammed Control Card with InstaSpin BLDC and using DRV8312-C2 Kit to drive their own motor at 25K RPM but encountering issues:
It looks like InstaSPIN in C2-KIT is running at 20 kHz with the current ripple
Looking at the waveform (motor running at 25k RPM), it is clear that the waveform is unbalanced with too high flux threshold. However, I already dialed down the flux threshold to 0.00 (see attached screenshot). The unsymmetrical waveform input introduced large current and causing motor to overheat. I am not sure whether this can be resolved with higher PWM.
I also attached a waveform at low speed. It looks like the flus threshold is reduced at low speed and the waveform can be symmetrical at low speed
Any suggestion on how to improve the operation to make it more reliable for 25K RPM operation.