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Error, "Echo received didn't match. Transmitting data"...(omitted below) is occurred sometimes.
After this error occurred,I ran sprc074 again and I successed programming.
When this error occurred I observed unknown data is transferred.
This data is started with "55h" in anywhere.
Is this transferred data specification of sprc074? and Why this data is transferred?
If you know about this, please reply this question.
Thank you for your reading.
I presume you are using the SCI option of the on-chip boot-ROM. If so, it expects “D7” from host to achieve baud-lock (please refer to page D7 of SPRU357C). You need to probe the SCIRX pin and the SCITX with an oscilloscope to determine exactly what is being transmitted and what is being received.
Thank you for your reply.
This unknown words is appeared after "baud rate matching", nine 0Dh and one AAh.
I observed that error in clear, erase and program.
For example, in programming stage, I assume that PC always transfer AAh BBh CCh DDh...
But when this error occurs PC transfers AAh 55h 97h 02h... or AAh BBh 55h 97h 02h...etc.
LF2406A reply same words.
This words appears anywhere and are always same sequences, 55h 97h 02h 78h 01h 97h 02h FFh FFh...
From the DSP side, it merely echoes what was transmitted to it by the host. As to why the host transmits this seemingly erroneous data, I am afraid I cannot help with that, especially if this is a host that you have used for a long time without any issues. You could try another host. It is extremely difficult to debug these issues without access to the hardware. My ability to help is very limited.
Thank you for your reply.
First,This is not the latest error that I posted in E2E, "Flash error with sprc074" and "Flash error in factory".
When that error occurred,error message is appear on tarminal and message is "Wrong ACK received. program terminated.".
We could not re-program device.
When this error that posted here occurred, error message is appear on tarminal and message is "Echo received didn't matched. ....".
We could re-program device.
This error occurred for a long time but we have not checked Txd before.
Because this error message is always showed with same txd, I thought this data is "program termination" that is normally provided from sprc074.
This is not true so that did you think this error need hardware debug?
I observed this failed txd by oscilloscope.
Interval time of Txd is 600us normally.
But this failed txd is continuous pulse and no suspended time.
I changed transfer buffer setting high to low in advanced setting for COM.
This settings affect failed txd length.(ex. only 55h)
I doubted windows OS becauce txd cycle time and txd buffer setting.
This occurred in WindowsXP.
As mentioned before, my ability to support this is very limited, especially considering the problem is likely on the PC side. The boot-ROM for LF2407A has not changed at all. I am afraid I may not be help you further.