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CCS/MOTORWARE: SPINTAC Speed and Position Controller

Part Number: MOTORWARE

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I was trying the following labs in instaspin labs,

tunning SPINTAC Speed controller 

tunning SPINTAC position controller, 

I noticed at the end of these two labs I need to update the Bandwidth Scale in the same parameter  USER_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_SCALE! 

so  USER_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_SCALE is either for speed or position controller?  couldn't we tune both controllers and save two BW scales one for each controller? 

Since the BW for speed controller is 85 while for the position it is 45. 

  • You might find the functions in spintac_velocity.h and spintac_position.h to set them separately. But I don't both the controllers are used in the same lab in motorWare.

    Speed: STVELCTL_setBandwidth_radps(obj->velCtlHandle, _IQ20(USER_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH));

    Position: STPOSCTL_setBandwidth_radps(obj->posCtlHandle, _IQ20(USER_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH));