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Hi everyone,
I am using the TMS320F28027F for controlling 4 stepper motors. I want now to implement a kind of " stack of instructions" in order to implement fluid synchronised movements of the motors. Basically a stack of instructions that it must be saved and execute in order when the user sends the START command.
Each instruction has 40 bytes, so in the moment the user want to save several instructions (several movements of the motors) I am run out of RAM and I have thought to use some of the blocks in FLASH memory.
Is this a professional solution? It is the first time that I have to use a lot of memory for a MCU application. I need large store capacity and being very fast to retrieve the data so the saved instructions (movements) can be executed without perceptible delay.
I chose TMS320F28027F because the PWM capabilities that I needed for the stepper motor control but not thinking in the memory capacity. Should I upgrade to a bigger MCU? which one?
Best regards
You might use the RAM memory to do this, if the RAM size of F28027 is not enough, please refer to the following link to choose the other C2000 devices.
Hi Yannming Luo,
Thanks for your reply. I just checked the TMS320C28345 ( I has 512kB for RAM, with a lot of PWMs which I need for control the stepper motors. But it is strange to me check that it has no FLASH memory.... What I am missing in this device?
Also is there any evaluation board for it?
I could not find enough info about that.
Best regards
You might use the F28379S/D or F28388S/D that should meet your requirements with enough on-chip flash memory and large RAM also.