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CCS/TMS320F280049: SPI communication with TMS570LS0332 data is wrong

Part Number: TMS320F280049
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS570LS0332, , C2000WARE

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi I am having an issue with SPI communication between 2 microcontrollers one is the DSP in the TMS320F280049 as slave and the master is TMS570LS0332. I am thinking that I may be doing something wrong in the DSP configuration since when I check the data sent by the master in the oscilloscope the signal seems correct, however the data in the DSP is wrong, in some cases it is shifted by one.

- Channel 1 is the clock signal

- Channel 2 is the Master with the first word = 0x7301

- Channel 3 is the slave and the response should be 0x7301 as well however it sends 0x7302 (the first byte seems ok the second in the response is corrupted, in this sample, it cannot be seen in the image)

- Channel 4 is the CS signal, in master SPI I added a delay at the beginning and at the end.

Master SPI is configured as follows: 

void mibspiInit(void)
    U32 i;
    U32  regTestFLG;

    // Initialize MibSPI1
    // $$ Start mibSPI 1 Initialization
    /** bring MIBSPI out of reset */
    mibspiREG1->GCR0 = 0U; // nRESET = in reset
    mibspiREG1->GCR0 = 1U; // nRESET = out of reset

    /** enable MIBSPI1 multibuffered mode and enable buffer RAM */
    mibspiREG1->MIBSPIE = (mibspiREG1->MIBSPIE & 0xFFFFFFFEU) // RXRAM ACCESS = unchanged
                        | MIBSPIE_MSPIENA_CONFIG;

    /** MIBSPI1 master mode and clock configuration */
    mibspiREG1->GCR1 = (mibspiREG1->GCR1 & 0xFFFFFFFCU) // remaining fields = unchanged
                     | MIBSPI_GCR1_CLKMOD_CONFIG
                     | MIBSPI_GCR1_MASTER_CONFIG;

    /** MIBSPI1 enable pin configuration */
    mibspiREG1->INT0 = (mibspiREG1->INT0 & 0xFEFFFFFFU) // remaining fields = unchanged
                     | INT0_ENABLEHIGHZ_CONFIG;

    /** - Delays */

    /** - Data Format 0 */
    mibspiREG1->FMT0 = MIBSPI_FTM0_CONFIG;

    /** - Data Format 1 */
    mibspiREG1->FMT1 = MIBSPI_FTM1_CONFIG;

    /** - Data Format 2 */
    mibspiREG1->FMT2 = MIBSPI_FTM2_CONFIG;

    /** - Data Format 3 */
    mibspiREG1->FMT3 = MIBSPI_FTM3_CONFIG;

    /** - Default Chip Select */

    // Set fault in UI RAM in case the following loop cause a WDT timeout
    uirSaveFault.bit.mcuSbitFault = TRUE;

    /** - wait for buffer initialization complete before accessing MibSPI registers */
    regTestFLG = mibspiREG1->FLG;
    while ((regTestFLG & 0x01000000U) != 0U)
        // Loop here until a WDT timeout/reset at which time the exception will be reported.
        regTestFLG = mibspiREG1->FLG;

    // Clear fault in UI RAM - loop did not cause a WDT timeout
    uirSaveFault.bit.mcuSbitFault = FALSE;

    /** enable MIBSPI RAM Parity */
    mibspiREG1->UERRCTRL = (mibspiREG1->UERRCTRL & 0xFFFFFFF0U) // PTESTEN = unchanged
                         | (MIBSPI_EDEN_CONFIG);

    // $$ Common Initialization for mibSPI 1 TGs
    /** - initialize transfer groups */
    mibspiREG1->TGCTRL[0U] = TGCTRL0_CONFIG;

    mibspiREG1->TGCTRL[1U] = TGCTRL1_CONFIG;

    mibspiREG1->TGCTRL[2U] = TGCTRL2_CONFIG;

    mibspiREG1->TGCTRL[3U] = TGCTRL3_CONFIG;

    mibspiREG1->TGCTRL[4U] = TGCTRL4_CONFIG;

    mibspiREG1->TGCTRL[5U] = TGCTRL5_CONFIG;

    mibspiREG1->TGCTRL[6U] = TGCTRL6_CONFIG;

    mibspiREG1->TGCTRL[7U] = TGCTRL7_CONFIG;

    mibspiREG1->LTGPEND = (mibspiREG1->LTGPEND & 0xFFFF00FFU)           // remaining fields = unchanged
                        | LTGPEND_LPEND_CONFIG;

    /** - initialize buffer ram */
    i = 0U;

    // $$ AC9-3142 - Initialize mibSPI 1 TG0
    // Initialize Transfer Group 0 control words
    while (i < (32U-1U))
        mibspiRAM1->tx[i].control = MIBSPI_CONTROL_CONFIG;
    // Initialize Transfer Group 0 control word for last buffer
    mibspiRAM1->tx[i].control = MIBSPI_CONTROL_LAST_CONFIG;

    // $$ Finalize mibSPI 1 Initialization
    /** - set interrupt levels */

    /** - clear any pending interrupts */
    mibspiREG1->FLG |= 0xFFFFU;  // Clear all nFLG interrupt flags
                                 // Note: writing to BUFINITACTIVE has no effect

    /** - set interrupt enables */
    mibspiREG1->INT0 = (mibspiREG1->INT0 & 0xFFFF0000U);  // Disable all nENA interrupts

    /** - MIBSPI1 Port initial output values */
    mibspiREG1->PC3 =  MIBSPI_PC3_CONFIG;

    /** - MIBSPI1 Port direction */
    mibspiREG1->PC1 =  MIBSPI_PC1_CONFIG;

    /** - MIBSPI1 Port open drain enable */
    mibspiREG1->PC6 =  MIBSPI_PC6_CONFIG;              // PDR = disable for all pins

    /** - MIBSPI1 Port pullup / pulldown selection */
    mibspiREG1->PC8 = MIBSPI_PC8_CONFIG;

    /** - MIBSPI1 Port pullup / pulldown enable*/
    mibspiREG1->PC7 =  MIBSPI_PC7_CONFIG;

    /** MIBSPI1 set pins to functional */
    mibspiREG1->PC0 =  MIBSPI_PC0_CONFIG; 

    /** - Finally start MIBSPI1 */
    mibspiREG1->GCR1 = (mibspiREG1->GCR1 & 0xFEFFFFFFU) // remaining fields = unchanged
                     | MIBSPI_GCR1_SPIEN_CONFIG;

Slave SPI is configured as follows: 

static void initSpiASlave(void)
    U16 regValue;

    // Must put SPI into reset before configuring it (disable SPI A module)

    // Set polarity and data width.
    regValue = 0U   << 6U  // CLKPOLARITY = 0U -> Data is output on rising edge and input on falling edge.
            |  0U   << 5U  // HS_MODE = disabled
            |  0xFU;       // SPICHAR = 16-bit word

    spiAREG1->SPI_O_CCR = (spiAREG1->SPI_O_CCR & 0xFF90) | regValue;

    // Set the mode and phase.
    regValue = 0U   << 4U  // OVERRUNINTENA = disabled
            |  0U   << 3U  // CLK_PHASE = Normal SPI clocking scheme
            |  0U   << 2U  // MASTER_SLAVE = Slave
            |  1U   << 1U  // TALK = enabled (slave sends data to master)
            |  0U;         // SPIINTENA = interrupt is enabled

    spiAREG1->SPI_O_CTL = (spiAREG1->SPI_O_CTL & 0xFFE0) | regValue;

    // Enable the FIFO.
    regValue = 0U  << 15U  // 0h (R/W) = Write 0 to reset the SPI transmit and receive channels
            |  0U  << 14U  // SPIFFENA = enhancements disabled
            |  1U  << 13U  // TXFIFO = Release transmit FIFO from reset
            |  0U  << 5U;  // TXFFIENA = FIFO interrupt disabled

    spiAREG1->SPI_O_FFTX = (spiAREG1->SPI_O_FFTX & 0x1FDF) | regValue;

    regValue = 1U  << 14U  // RXFFOVFCLR = clear SPIFFRX[RXFFOVF]
            |  1U  << 13U  // RXFIFORESET = Re-enable receive FIFO operation
            |  0U  << 5U;  // RXFFIENA = receive FIFO interrupt disabled

    spiAREG1->SPI_O_FFRX = (spiAREG1->SPI_O_FFRX & 0x9FDF) | regValue;

    spiAREG1->SPI_O_FFTX |= 1U  << 15U;  // 1h (R/W) = SPI FIFO can resume transmit or receive.

    // Configuration complete. Enable the module.

Also, I used an aardvark to send data at the same rate (2 MHz) and DSP recognizes data correctly, the difference between both signals is that there is a gap between FIFO transfers of 8 bits, the master controller has no gaps it sends the 32 bytes as a single message with no gaps between:

Is there any limitation on the DSP SPI that I am not considering?

After reconfiguring mibSPI on master side, I managed to enter a gap between ever word (16 bits) transfer:

Note that mibSPI enters gaps between every 16 bits while aardvark does between every 8 bits, aardvark data is correctly recognized in DSP side, however mibSPI data is all corrupted... I think there might be a timing limitation in FIFO mode that is not mentioned in the data sheet.

  • Omar,

    C2000 SPI slave configuration example is available in below C2000Ware project.

    Example SPI slave configuration code: spi_ex5_external_loopback_fifo_interrupts

    Path: <C2000Ware>\driverlib\f28004x\examples\spi

    I briefly looked into your 8473.slaveSPITMS320F280049.txt code and here are my comments:-

    • I don't see you set SPIFFENA. This bit needs to be set to enable SPI TX  and RX FIFO.
    • I also don't see you using SPI interrupts in your slave configuration code, how does the slave know it needs to transmit?

    I do believe, example project mentioned above to guide how to configure SPI to transmit / receive 16-bit words using slave mode (with FIFO enabled)



  • Thanks Manoj,

    this has been a stone in the shoe for a while, I can briefly explain you our SPI processing:

    - SPI slave processing task runs twice the SPI master.

    - SPI slave fills the FIFO buffer before the SPI master starts (in case of losing synchronization, it wouldn't matter SPI master processing has to check received data anyways)

    - SPI slave can know that a message has been received by checking that the TX FIFO is 0:

    regTestTGINTFLG = ((spiAREG1->SPI_O_FFTX & SPI_FFTX_TXFFST_M) != 0U);

    // FIFO transfer is complete, this means a master message has been received
    status = TRUE;


    This way there is no need of using interrupts.

    After several tests we noticed a couple of differences between the aardvark signal (which master data is correctly received in DSP) and the TMS570LS0332:

    - Aardvark shows a delay between every byte (~7.78 usec) that is bigger than the maximum programmable in the TMS570LS0332 (3.21 usec).

    - Aardvark SPI signals are 5 V while DSP and TMS570LS0332 SPI signals are 3.3 V.

    Even though the voltage of the controllers is the same the data received in DSP seems occasionally to be just shifted but majority of times is totally corrupted with no pattern, while the aardvark data is correctly received.

    We are connecting the SPI modules with jumpers using eval boards, so we are thinking this may be a power issue.

    From your message you are right I had not enabled SPIFFENA in the code sample I sent you but I enabled it in our tests, still the issue persists, isn't that bit for high speed mode anyways? I thought it would not be necessary for FIFO mode for 2 MHz SPI speed, from what I have read in the data sheet.

  • SPIFFENA needs to be enabled to enable both TX / RX FIFO. It should be enabled for both high speed (or) non- high speed mode.

    As I mentioned SPI example I provided clearly shows how you can send 16 bit words using FIFO.



  • Manoj,

    Sorry for the late response, we checked in many ways, at the end we decided to test with other eval DSP board and it worked. Looks like one of the boards is having issues with SPI module, we think it may be the switch configuration of the eval board, but we did not find what could be the problem.

    So, we solved it by using other DSP board.

    Thanks for your time,
