Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8684, ADS8684A
Hello everyone,
I am working on a project with a F28379D, I have a project with all peripherals that I need (PWM, ADC...) and I am currently designing the SPI communication to use an external ADC (ADS8684).
I designed all the function that I need and my SPI seems to be OK (I don't have the ADS8684A yet so I just look the signals of the SPI bus with an Oscilloscope).
To optimize my code I wanted to see where do I loose time calculation in the program. I did some test and the fact is that my SPI is taking a lot of time...
Here is my problem :
I don't understand why I have more than 500ns beetween my instruction GPIO_WRITE(32,0), and my SPI_writeData...
Here is a capture of my oscillo ( D0 is the CLK signal of the SPIA; D1 is GPIO 32; D3 is the CS signal of the SPIA)
Here is my instruction :
And here is the configuration of my SPIA :
I precise again that my SPI is connected to nothing for the moment, I don't think that's the problem but I precise it...
Thank you in advance for your answer !