Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I am attempting to run the "IDDK_PM_Servo_F2837x_v2_00_00_00" example project for the IDDK located here: C:\ti\controlSUITE\development_kits\TMDSIDDK_v2.0\IDDK_PM_Servo_F2837x_v2_00_00_00
I am doing this because the LEVEL1 #define located in "IDDK_PM_Servo_F2837x-Settings.h" will allow me to run 6 ePWM signals to an oscilloscope in an open loop control.
The software guide is located here: C:\ti\controlSUITE\development_kits\TMDSIDDK_v2.0\IDDK_PM_Servo_F2837x_v2_00_00_00\~Docs
I am on page 21 on Step "LEVEL1" of the walkthrough
I attached the above PDF in this post.
I am seeing a very strange output waveform on ePWM1A. (Pin J4-Pin40 on the F28379D Launchpad)
I set the control variables in the expressions window through importing the "Variables_IDDK_Level1.txt" file into the expressions window by right-clicking and selecting import within the expressions window.
I included a picture of the output waveform on Pin40 of the launchpad.
1) WHY IS THE EPWM on Pin40 of the launchpad not a square wave, and also, why is the PWM centered and positive and negative? Shouldn't the PWM be between 0V and 3.3V?
I am saying this because if I attached a MOSFET gate to Pin40, then the MOSFET will not turn on if the voltage is <3V.
Thank you,