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F28M35: Can't flash setup_M3

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE

after trying for 2 days to run a simple example application from the controlSuite I quit with testing. I installed the controlSuite with my CCS 5.3 and imported setup_M3 and the C28 blinky projects. Building the setup_M3 ends with a suprise:

warning: creating output section ".TI.crctab" without a SECTIONS specification
"C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\f28m35x\v200\MWare\cmd\F28M35x_generic_M3_FLASH.cmd", line 65: warning:
CRC table operator (AppCrc) ignored for ".pinit": CRC table operator cannot be associated with empty output section
"C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\f28m35x\v200\MWare\cmd\F28M35x_generic_M3_FLASH.cmd", line 79: warning:
CRC table operator (AppCrc) ignored for "ramfuncs": CRC table operator cannot be associated with empty output section
'Finished building target: setup_m3.out'

starting the debugger with the requested new Target configuration File on the controlCard shows both cores. I can identify the M3 core is in the address range 0x010016xx (I guess this is ROM code). Loading the application will cause the following message in the casole window:

Cortex_M3_0: Loader: One or more sections of your program falls into a memory region that is not writable. These regions will not actually be written to the target. Check your linker configuration and/or memory map.

After this action the core is running. I can stop it and examinate the Flash at address 0x200030:


all before is 0xFF and all after is 0xFF. Regardless which configuration I try, regardless which boot setup I try and regardless what else I do this will not change.

I urgently need advice to run the controller.

Best Regards,



  • Stefan,

    1. These are simply warning from the linker and can be ignored.  We added some stuff in the linker files to generate CRC tables for each of the code sections so they can easily be verified at runtime.  It looks like two of these sections the linker is refusing to make a table for.  This warning is fixed in the next controlSUITE release scheduled for later this week.
    2. I've build, loaded, and ran these exact same examples and I am not getting an error about loading into not writable memory.  Have you modified the examples at all?  What build configuration are you trying to load? Flash or RAM?
    3. While the reset ISR may be at that address the rest of your program code isn't.  Take a look at the .map file in the output directory.  This will tell you where to look for your code.  With the flash build configuration I found it at 0x200400.

    Are you actually having trouble blinking the LED?  I ran these examples just now and they work just fine on my machine.


  • Hi,

    1. These are simply warning from the linker and can be ignored. 
      - Thank you for the information
    2. I've build, loaded, and ran these exact same examples and I am not getting an error about loading into not writable memory.  Have you modified the examples at all?  What build configuration are you trying to load? Flash or RAM?
      - I have not modyfied anything and veryfied this by reinstalling the the ControlSuite
      - The RAM configuration works well, the problem is the Flash configuration
    3. While the reset ISR may be at that address the rest of your program code isn't.  Take a look at the .map file in the output directory.  This will tell you where to look for your code.  With the flash build configuration I found it at 0x200400.
      - I have checked the map file and the addresses of the application are correct starting at 0x200400. But the Flash is empty (0xFF) at all addresses after the 0x200030. I can see the symbols added by the interpreter to the disassembly too. But all code is 0xFF.
    4. Are you actually having trouble blinking the LED?  I ran these examples just now and they work just fine on my machine.
      - As I wrote before: the RAM application works. The LED is blinking and I can debug the application.
      - the Flash application is not loading anything to the Flash.



  • Hi Stefan Grohmann,

     at now, iam facing the same problem as you mention above.

    may i know, did u resolve the problem or not. if u did, please reply to this .


    Bala sanjeev.

  • Hi Stefan and Bala,

    Please check this post

    Thanks and regards,