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TMS570LC4357: N2HET/ HTU doesn't generate proper two's PWM. [continuation]

Part Number: TMS570LC4357


This is my next  step,  ( continuation  of my previous post : )   which was resolved 

Right now I'm  trying to generate 2  PWM's   using HTU / DMA.  Unfortunatelly only one PWM generate properly. The next one doesn't change the duty cycle.

Generally  the background was the project SPNA217. "Sine Wave Generation Using PWM  With HErcules" 

1- Plot  - NOT proper. PWM const.  NHET Pin9

2 Plot proper,  PWM change duty cycle.  NHET Pin 4 (the plot isn't  great but believe me  in this case duty cycle is changing).

According to oscillogram. One PWM is working properly the next is not (PWM is const).

I've put the whole project in zip.   

Modified NHET code : 

L00    CNT { reg=A,irq=OFF,max=PWM_PERIOD};

L01    ECMP {next=L01X,hr_lr=HIGH,en_pin_action=ON,   cond_addr=L02, pin=PWM_PIN_NUM, action=PULSELO,reg=A,irq=OFF,data=INIT_COMPARE, hr_data=INIT_HR_DELAY};
L02    MOV32 { remote=L01,type=IMTOREG&REM,reg=NONE,data=INIT_COMPARE,hr_data=INIT_COMPARE};
L020   BR { next=L01X,reqnum=1,request=GENREQ,cond_addr=L01X,event=NOCOND};

L01X    ECMP {  next=L03,hr_lr=HIGH,en_pin_action=ON,   cond_addr=L02X, pin=PWM_PIN_NUM2, action=PULSELO,reg=A,irq=OFF,data=INIT_COMPARE, hr_data=INIT_HR_DELAY};
L02X    MOV32{ remote=L01X,type=IMTOREG&REM,reg=NONE,data=INIT_COMPARE,hr_data=INIT_COMPARE};
L021   BR { next=L03,reqnum=0,request=GENREQ,cond_addr=L03,event=NOCOND};

L03   BR { next=L00,cond_addr=L00,event=NOCOND};

Suspicious  is, when  I change "reqnum"  to in L020  reqnum=0 and vice versa, L021   reqnum=1,    then properly generated PWM are assigned to differ pins.  But still  only one PWM is capable to change duty cycle. 

int main(void)

        htuInit(); //HTU !!!




    return 0;

void configNHET1()
    hetREG1->PFR = LRPFC << 8;


    hetREG1->REQENS |=  0x3 ; // Request Enable Set Register (HETREQENS) Field Descriptions

    hetREG1->DIR = (1 << NHET1_PIN_PWM1) | (1 << NHET1_PIN_PWM2) ;

    hetRAM1->Instruction[pHET_L00_0].Control = (uint32)(CNT_MAX_PERIOD - 1) |  (hetRAM1->Instruction[pHET_L00_0].Control & 0xFFFD0000);

    hetRAM1->Instruction[pHET_L01_0].Control =    (hetRAM1->Instruction[pHET_L01_0].Control & 0xFFFFE0FF) |  (NHET1_PIN_PWM1 << 8);

   hetRAM1->Instruction[pHET_L01X_0].Control =    (hetRAM1->Instruction[pHET_L01X_0].Control & 0xFFFFE0FF) | (NHET1_PIN_PWM2 << 8);
void calculate_ecmp_compare()
int i=0;

for (i=0;i<=SAMPLE_SIZE;i++)

sine_table[i] =   (sine_table_percent[i]  * (CNT_MAX_PERIOD << 7));
sine_table2[i] =  (sine_table_percent2[i] * (CNT_MAX_PERIOD << 7));


void htuInit(void){
    htuDCP1->ITCOUNT  = 0x00010000 + SAMPLE_SIZE;

    htuDCP2->ITCOUNT  = 0x00010000 + SAMPLE_SIZE; //for PWM2

    htuDCP1->IHADDRCT = (htuDCP1->IHADDRCT & 0x0) |
                                 0x1 << 23 | // DIR
                                 0x0 << 22 | // SIZE
                                 0x0 << 21 | // ADDMH
                                 0x0 << 20 | // ADDFM
                                 0x1 << 18 | // TMBA
                                 0x0 << 16 | // TMBB

    htuDCP2->IHADDRCT = (htuDCP2->IHADDRCT & 0x0) |
                                    0x1 << 23 | // DIR      1 Main memory address is read and NHET address is written
                                    0x0 << 22 | // SIZE     0 32-bit transfer
                                    0x0 << 21 | // ADDMH    0 Increment by 16 bytes
                                    0x0 << 20 | // ADDFM    0 Post-increment
                                    0x1 << 18 | // TMBA     1h Circular buffer mode
                                    0x0 << 16 | // TMBB     0  One Shot buffer mode

    htuDCP1  -> IFADDRA = (unsigned int)sine_table;
    htuDCP2  -> IFADDRA = (unsigned int)sine_table2;

     htuREG1 ->CPENA =  0x00000001;

    htuREG1 ->GC    = 0x00010000; // 16 HTUEN - 1 The Transfer Unit is enabled


Any suggestion  what's wrong with this ? 


  • Hello Marcin,

    I've forwarded your post to one of our NHET experts who should be able to reply soon. They are also aware of your other thread where you posted a similar question. If they reply on that thread first, please redirect them to this one.